Page 17 of Touch Me

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Chapter Nine


ONCE I WAS locked in a cell at the county jail, so many emotions went through me. The main one is anger. I’m so pissed at Torres, the cops that falsely arrested me, and the guards on duty who think they can treat me like shit because a dumb fuck paid them off. Yes, I threatened, well promised, Troy. He essentially wasn’t going to make it out of this because of my contacts in the cartel. Apparently, he didn’t want to bet his life on it because he went running straight to the police and paid them off. He obviously left out the part about him being in a damn cartel. At least a lower member of one.

My thoughts soon turn to Alex. The fear in her eyes is something I won’t forget anytime soon. She’s truly terrified of her husband and what he’s going to do to her. I’m not sure it’s just her husband she fears either. Her father is a powerful man too. I’m sure she’s scared of him just as much as her husband. Both men have an agenda when it comes to Alex. I’m just not sure what it is. Yet. When I find out, I’ll be the one to bring them down and make sure she’s safe. Even if she doesn’t choose to be with me, I’ll still do everything I can to ensure she’s no longer under their power.

Turning to face the wall, I don’t think about jabbing my arm out and landing a solid punch on the cement wall. Pain radiates up my arm, but I didn’t break anything. At least, I don’t think I did. Frustration fills me as I know I’m locked up here, and Alex is with her husband. I can’t do anything about it to get her away, either. Not when these assholes are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses. In the span of a few hours, Alex has begun to capture my attention and make me feel like a man, something I haven’t felt like in such a long time. I knew from the very beginning one touch would never be enough, and I was right.

For the longest time, I’ve only been seen as the President of the Fallen Brethren MC and nothing more. Women want me for the cut and the position I hold in the club. They want to be the Queen of the MC to let their inner bitch out and attempt to rule the others in the club. Not realizing that’s not how things work. Yeah, they’d have control over the Fallen girls, but that’s about it. Men fear me and want the power I have. They want to get a chance to see the inner workings of a club and find out how I rule. No one truly wants me for me, and I don’t let anyone in beside my brothers. They're the only people who see me as me.

Alex sees me as a man. I could see the lust in her eyes from the seconds I walked up to her broken-down car. It didn’t matter I was wearing a cut; she was scared when she saw it. No, she wants me because of something she sees in me. Something no other woman has ever seen because they’re too consumed with obtaining the status of the President’s ol’ lady. It’s a feeling I want more of and one I’ll do anything I have to in order to get it back. I’ll kill for that woman and bring her back home with me. I just have to get the fuck out of here before I can worry about getting to her.

It doesn’t take long for McAllister to get to the jail so we can meet and figure out how the hell to get me out of here. One of the guards stays in the room the entire time with us even though he was told to leave by my lawyer. The guard smirked in my direction and made himself more comfortable in a chair. Fuck him. He can stay if he wants to hear the true events of what took place at the clubhouse and what happened with Alex.

I can’t even stand up right now because they have me handcuffed to the table I’m sitting at across from McAllister. I’m not sure what the hell they think I’m gonna do in here with my lawyer. I’ll be making sure McAllister goes straight to the head about this. This isn’t my first time in here, and it sure as fuck won’t be my last. I’ve never been treated like this, however, and the only thing I can think of is Torres paid the guards off to make sure I was fucked with. He’ll get his. It’s only a matter of time before I get my hands on the fucker.

“Reaper, what’s going on?” McAllister asks, pulling out his notepad from the expensive leather briefcase he always carries with him.

“I was helpin’ a friend out. She’s been on the run for a while and didn’t want to go back with her husband. Even told the cops she wasn’t bein’ held against her will, and she wasn’t kidnapped. Told them she was bein’ abused by the man they were forcin’ her to leave with. They didn’t give a fuck and demanded we let them in the compound,” I tell him, venom lacing my voice as the guard coughs in an attempt to cover his laughter. “Somethin’ funny about makin’ a victim leave with her abuser, motherfucker?”

“Shut the fuck up! You don’t get to talk to me,” the guard yells out, his voice echoing off the walls of the small interrogation room.

“What’s her name, Reaper?” McAllister asks, his pen poised above the pad of paper.

“Alex Torres. I mean, Alejandra Torres. Her maiden name is Garcia.”

McAllister looks at me for a minute. He’s trying to see how much of the story I’m leaving out with a guard here. I’m really not leaving anything out. Nothing other than someone breaking into her hotel room and trashing it while looking for her. That’s on the security footage from the clubhouse, though. My only concern about that is we didn’t manage to get our hands on one of the fucking people who were in her room trashing her things. I’d like to do my own form of interrogation with one of Torres’ men.

“I’m gonna work on this and see how soon before I can get you out. I’ll go see the DA now,” McAllister informs me, putting his notepad in his briefcase before standing up. “Next time I meet my client, you can leave the room. And, I better not see him cuffed to the table like he is. He has the right to meet me one-on-one without one of you standing in here breathing down his neck.”

“You don’t get to issue orders to me,” the guard tells him.

“One more thing. Get with Hawk. He’s got somethin’ you want to see if you haven’t already checked out the footage,” I inform the club’s lawyer.

The guard looks at McAllister like he’s gone insane, issuing commands to him. I laugh until McAllister leaves the room. Then I get an uppercut to my head while I’m still cuffed to the table. There’s no way I can defend myself when I don’t have any hands free. Ducking my head, another punch lands right under my eye and against the side of my nose. Blood immediately spurts from my nose, letting me know it’s more than likely broken.

“Fuck you!” I grind out, spitting blood on his boots. “You hit like a weak bitch.”

No, it’s not good for me to provoke a man who still has to unlock my cuffs and take me back to my cell. I’m not gonna let him think I’m his bitch either. I will never be anyone’s bitch, and I’m not about to cower down to a prick guard who couldn’t stand toe-to-toe with me. That’s why he’s still leaving me cuffed to the table while he attacks me. Only a pussy bitch would do something like that.

He finally releases me after getting in another hit or two and takes me back to the cell I’m currently calling home. As soon as I’m locked in the cell, I fall back on the lumpy, hard mattress and think about what got me here. Alex. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming her for getting locked up. It’s on her fucking husband. He’s the one who called in the cops and started raining hell down on us. The hell we’ll rain down on him soon will be unlike anything he’s ever seen before in his life. Garcia also won’t know what the hell has hit him. It pays to have powerful people in our corner. Pedro can find anything on anyone when Hawk is having a problem. Being in a cartel himself, he’ll be able to find information on Garcia and Torres we might not.

I’ve never been the man to rescue a damsel in distress – not until her. I would do it all over again if it meant meeting Alex and getting to experience just a piece of her light and see what a breath of fresh air she can bring to my life. My cock immediately gets hard as I think about Alex and what I want to do to her. I want her by my side as the Queen of the Fallen Brethren MC. It’s something that may not happen if I don’t get the fuck outta here.

Early the next morning, McAllister comes back to see me. I’m hoping for good news, but at this point, I doubt it’s gonna happen. The same guard leads me back into the room my lawyer is already sitting in. This time, he unhooks the cuffs from my wrists and lets me sit down before leaving the room. I’m not sure what the hell has changed, but something has. Yesterday, I didn’t get a single thing to eat even though the other men in here with me had trays dropped off. I couldn’t give a shit about eating the jail food; it sucks, and I wouldn’t eat most of it anyway. Now, he automatically leaves the room without a word, glare, or backward glance. Must be he doesn’t want to lose his job by fucking with my lawyer. McAllister constantly gets us off the hook on the smallest technicality. I’m sure the other guards talked to him about the man sitting before me.

Once the door is shut, McAllister begins to tell me about his trip to the DA.

“I talked to DA Smith. He’s going to make sure all the charges are dropped and an investigation is started into the events at the clubhouse. After seeing you right now, I’m going to be making sure one is started against the guards as well. This shit is not going to stand. I’ve got the paperwork for your release,” he informs me.

“Sounds good. Jay was on gate duty, and he heard everythin’. Not to mention the guys had our back and will have no problem givin’ statements about the attitude of the officers and everythin’ that went down there,” I tell him, wanting to make sure these fuckers are nailed to the wall by their balls.

“I’ll meet you out front in a few minutes,” McAllister tells me, standing from his seat and leaving the small room.

Turning around, the guard comes back through the door, and I smile at him. I give him my most sinister smile. He knows he’s fucked now, and I find it hilarious that he has no clue what’s coming his way. I’ll clue him in though. I’ve got no problem letting him know he’s on my radar now. One way or another, I’ll get my hands on this pussy, and he’ll pay for fucking with me.

“You realize I’m a free man? You’re never gonna walk free again, though. When you least expect it, I’ll be there to make sure your entire fuckin’ life is destroyed,” I tell him, walking down the hallway in front of him.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance