Page 13 of Touch Me

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Chapter Seven


I’M STARTLED AWAKE by someone pounding on my door. Alex jumps awake next to me, jamming her head into my shoulder as I grunt in pain. She’s ready to bolt and hide somewhere no one else can see her. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I tell her to remain in bed, lying down. There’s no reason for her to be scared when she’s locked away in my room with me. I also tell her I don’t believe whoever’s at my door is here for her – even if I don’t know whether that’s the truth or not.

Snatching a pair of jeans from my dresser, I put them on and zip them before throwing open the door. Eagle is standing there, and I come face-to-face with him, trying to block him from seeing Alex where she lays naked in my bed. Still, he looks over my shoulder and takes in the rumpled mess of my bed and the woman currently occupying it. Even with the blankets covering her, it’s not going to take a genius to figure out she’s currently naked. A smirk covers his face before he turns his attention back to me.

“Got trouble outside. Cops are at the gate,” Eagle informs me, not bothering to lower his voice.

“What the fuck?” I roar, knowing exactly why they’re here.

“They’re here for me. Troy saw me with you yesterday, and I have no doubt he’s behind this. It’s something he’d pull because I didn’t leave with him,” Alex tells us, her voice wavering. “I’ll just get my things and go, so trouble isn’t brought to your door.”

“Not fuckin’ happenin’, darlin’. You’re not goin’ back to that fucker. Not if he hurts you and uses you for whatever selfish reasons,” I tell her, turning around to face the woman who is capturing me entirely.

Eagle doesn’t hide the fact that he’s trying to check out Alex as she sits in my bed, clutching the sheets and blankets to her body. A growl emanates from me before I can stop it. On top of her face still having the creases from sleep, she looks freshly fucked with her hair a tangled mess. It’s all over the place as she attempts to push it behind her ears and out of her face. My woman looks damn fucking good when she’s a rumpled mess.

Alex looks at me with confusion filling her face. Eagle has a knowing smirk on his. I’m acting irrationally, and I know it. There is no reason for me to act like a caveman just because Alex and I had sex. Though, I know deep down to my bones, one touch is never going to be enough for me. I want to have her soft, silky skin against mine whenever possible. Even if we’re just sitting around talking about nonsense. That’s not ever something I’ve wanted from a woman. Alex is different, and I’m showing my hand way too soon.

“I’m sorry,” she says, pulling the covers up tighter around her.

“You’ve got nothin’ to be sorry about,” I tell her, lowering my voice.

Eagle lets out a laugh before looking at me. “She’s gettin’ to ya already.”

“We’ll be right out,” I tell him, shutting my door in the smug bastard's face as his laughter echoes in from the hallway.

Grabbing a shirt from my dresser, I pull it roughly over my head before sliding my cut over my shoulders. Alex climbs out of bed stark naked. I take a minute to enjoy looking at her body before she grabs the clothes she wore yesterday. She quickly dresses minus her panties. I can’t say I blame her; I wouldn’t want to wear dirty underwear either. Reaching out, I take her hand and lead her from my room.

Alex has a feisty side, but she also has a shy, timid side as well. It’s almost as if she’s completely innocent with the blush covering her face from dressing in front of me. She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, but I’m beginning to wonder what color her hair is normally. I’m not believing it’s the deep, dark red color she has now. If I had to bet, I’d say it’s black. Something I want to see in the near future. That’s just one of the things I want to learn about her. When it comes to Alex, I want to know every single detail of her life as she continues to captivate me.

“I’m sorry this is happening, Reaper. If I had just gone with him last night, none of this would be coming to your club now,” she says, tucking herself closer to my side.

When we get to the common room, Hawk is waiting for us just past the pool tables. He hands me over a pin I, in turn, give to Alex. There’s a tracking device in this small as fuck pin we can use if something happens outside and she gets taken from me. I keep the tracking piece of information to myself as she accepts the pin and tucks it into the pocket of her shorts. We continue to make our way out of the clubhouse to see four cop cars and the same blacked-out car from last night. They’re all sitting outside our gate since Jay hasn’t opened it, allowing them to come inside. Alex’s husband is standing front and center, surrounded by the cops, looking smug as if he’s won.

Taking a closer look, I notice Officer Hilton isn’t among them. He’s not exactly on our payroll, but he does tend to turn his head the other way when we need him to and has covered up a few things for us when we’ve had to deal with issues to keep our town safe. This is not a good sign. It means someone knows about our relationship with the good officer. I’ll have to give him a heads up as soon as this bullshit is taken care of.

“What can I do for you?” I ask, not sparing a glance at Alex’s husband.

“We’re here for you and Alex Torres,” one of the cops informs me.

“What have we done?” I ask, never once looking at the douche canoe Alex is married to.

“You have threatened Mr. Torres while brandishing a gun and kidnapping his wife. Those are serious charges, and we’re here to take you in. Mrs. Torres will be leaving with her husband,” another cop informs us while glaring in my direction.

“I’m not being kidnapped or held hostage. Nothing is happening here that I don’t want to. I’m sure my husband has told you all sorts of stories since contacting you. This man, Reaper, and his club are helping keep me away from my husband and making sure I remain safe,” Alex says, her voice strong even as her body trembles.

“I told you he’s threatening her,” Troy says, his voice smug as he glares at Alex in warning. “She hasn’t been well, and I’m ready to take her home where the doctors overseeing her condition can get her back on her medications. She’ll be able to get the help she so desperately needs.”

“That’s a lie!” Alex bursts out as the guys in my club surround us closer to offer their strength and support.

“It’s imperative I get her from his clutches. Now!” Troy demands, turning to face the cops he has with him.

They all look at one another with smirks on their face. He’s got them on his payroll somehow. Well, Hilton will be glad to hear that news. His department is about to get a lot smaller with these officers being paid off by Troy to put an abuse victim back in the hands of her abuser. Turning my glare to the twatwaffle, I have no doubt he’ll become someone’s bitch sooner rather than later if I have anything to say about it. Death is too easy for him as far as I’m concerned.

“Sir, I suggest you let us in so we can get Mrs. Torres and take you down to the station. We’ll get this situation cleaned up in no time,” the cop in front says, listening to the smug bastard next to him.

“Get what cleaned up? The lies this fucker is tellin’ you so he can continue to abuse his wife? Why don’t you ask him why she’s been to the hospital on multiple occasions over the last two years? Or why those records are sealed as if they never existed? Ask him why she’s running from him in the first place. Her car broke down last night, and that’s where I met Alex. He almost killed us when he started chasin’ us last night after breakin’ into her room at the motel in town. That’s what you need to be worryin’ about. If you take me and let him get his hands on her, her death will be on your hands, stainin’ you in ways you’ll never get clean,” I tell the officers as Troy pales slightly under his tan skin. “By the time you supposedly clean up this mess, they’ll be long gone, and he’ll already be hurtin’ her again. Why don’t you let her choose where she wants to be?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance