Page 14 of Touch Me

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“That’s not the truth at all. He’s lying to you so he can keep her here with him. I’m sure he’ll be blackmailing me in no time for money and whatever else he feels my wife’s life is worth. Do your damn jobs,” Troy growls out, his voice low and filled with venom.

“There’s nothing wrong with me. I left our home of my own free will. I refuse to go back with a man who cheats on me and abuses me every single day. Reaper and the men of his club have done absolutely nothing wrong here. I called him last night when I realized someone had broken into my room. Ask my husband what he did to my clothing and the motel room,” Alex says, feeding off our strength as she stares her husband down.

“Nothing but lies. I didn’t even get into town until the middle of the night when I was informed my sick wife was in this small town. I flew straight here and went to the police station to bring reinforcements to bring my wife home. Her parents are extremely worried about her. As am I,” Troy lies, playing the part of a worried husband almost perfectly.

Looking at him, I take in the look of retribution and hate filling his eyes briefly as he’s spewing his bullshit. When he turns his head to look at the officers, the look completely vanishes from his eyes, and he tries to pull off worry and pain. As far as I’m concerned, he’s not pulling it off. That’s just me though. He’s the worst actor I’ve ever seen in my life. However, the cops are eating it and swallowing it without a second thought. He must have paid them a pretty penny to get them on his side like this.

“They don’t have to let you in without a warrant,” Alex tries again, looking up at me with tear-filled eyes.

“If you don’t open this gate, we’ll have no other choice but to forcibly open it,” a cop says, taking a step closer to the gate as if he has enough power to pry it open with his hands.

I raise my hand to let Jay know to open the gates. My anger vibrates through my body as the cops storm the gate as soon as it’s open far enough for them to get inside. Alex shrieks and tries to fight them off as one grabs her arm roughly to pull her away from me. I hold onto her with everything I have as Eagle and Titan try to step in between us. They get shoved out of the way as the cop pulls his gun from his holster. Suddenly all the cops are pointing their guns at us as Troy leans against his car with a smile on his face. I’m glad he’s enjoying this shitshow he caused with his lies.

My entire body goes rigid as I hit the officer with his hands on Alex. He falls to the ground as two more cops fall on top of me. I struggle to make sure Alex is okay. Another cop has her in his clutches as he begins to lead her from me and closer to her asshole of a husband. The officers on me finally manage to get the handcuffs on. They roughly pull me up as the cop I hit comes at me and hits me full force in the stomach. It’s enough to knock the wind out of me, but he honestly hits like a pussy. Not enough days actually training and working out to make much of an impact. I grin at him, knowing his days are severely numbered. We have cameras all over out here, and it’s all being recorded. Giving them a smile because I have their asses, Hawk and the rest of the guys begin laughing their asses off.

“We’ll see ya soon, Reaper. I’ll send everythin’ over to McAllister. He’s gonna have a fuckin’ field day with what just happened here. Includin’ the piece of shit standin’ back like the pussy he is,” Hawk informs me, pulling out his phone and calling our lawyer to give him a heads up.

The cops begin dragging me, not giving a shit if they pull my shoulders out of the socket with the force they’re using. I have no issues with cops other than them getting into my business. These fuckers aren’t cops; they’re paid thugs who believe they’re making a gigantic payday with no repercussions. There will definitely be payback from what they’re doing here today. I don’t even have to bring Hilton into this; our security system and lawyer are more than enough to make sure they all lose their jobs and get no pension or anything else.

“Leave him alone!” Alex screams out, trying to get to me as she drags the cop with her to the wall surrounding me.

“I’m good,” I tell her, giving her a small smile as I mesmerize everything about her. “Remember what I said when we first met.”

Troy finally pushes off his car and storms toward Alex. He pulls her from the cop by her hair, causing her to cry in pain. He’s whispering something to her as her face pales in fear, and I can see her shaking from where I’m standing, almost twenty feet away. Looking up at Titan and Eagle, I silently let them know someone needs to get her from this twatwaffle. She’s not safe with him. I can feel it down to my bones—he’s going to kill her. That’s the best-case scenario too. I’m not sure what they’ll do to get her away from him, but it needs to be done while I’m dealing with this shit.

The cops load me up in one of their cars as I watch Troy drag Alex to his car. She never once takes her eyes off me. Tears are streaming down her face as I’m forced into the backseat. One of the fucking cops bashes my head off the side of the car as I growl out in pain at him. Just as we go to pull out, the men of my club are running toward their bikes. Eagle is the first one to make it to his. He pulls out to follow us as Troy leads the cop cars on his way out of town. I hope with everything in me, he’s going to follow my woman instead of waiting at the damn cop shop.

This isn’t how I planned to spend my day, but I can’t change it now. I was honestly going to take Alex shopping for clothes and other shit she needed before heading back to my house. Then, I was going to spend the rest of the day balls deep inside her. They’re going to try to keep me on a gun charge and resisting arrest. These charges aren’t anything new for me. McAllister will end up getting me off with the video of what happened at the clubhouse. My only concern is for Alex and getting her away from her husband. Permanently.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance