Page 12 of Touch Me

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“Hoover, what the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” Reaper asks, squeezing through the doorway to stand behind me.

His hand lands on my hip as he pulls me into his hard, warm body. Hoover doesn’t miss the gesture as her eyes flare with contempt and something else. Reaper’s warm breath fans over my neck, causing a chill to invade me. Hoover, who it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why that’s her name, still hasn’t responded to him, and I can tell he’s becoming impatient. His body becomes taught as it begins vibrating with his anger.

“I asked you a question, and I want a fuckin’ answer. Now!” he finally growls.

“Well, um, I was coming by to see if you wanted company,” she lies without batting an eye.

“That’s not what you were doin’, and we both know it. Wanna try the truth?” he asks, his voice hard as fuck even as he presses harder into me.

“Fine! I came here to tell this bitch she doesn’t belong in your room. No one is allowed in here when you’re not around. At least that’s what you’ve always told us. She shouldn’t be here. Period,” she says, stomping her foot and wearing a frown on her face.

“You’re still lyin’ to me. Go to your room. I’ll be discussin’ your transgressions in church. The only thing you’ll be doin’ in my clubhouse is cleanin’ – no fuckin’ for you. One more time, you lie to me or another brother, and you’re out on your ass. I won’t bother takin’ a vote,” Reaper says, flinging the door shut in her face.

Reaper doesn’t let up his hold on my body. He nuzzles his head into my neck after brushing a few stray pieces of hair out of his way. Taking a deep breath, the chills running through me are impossible to miss from him since we’re pressed against one another. Just like I can’t stop feeling the hard-on pressing against my ass as I wiggle against him. He emits a groan. I’m trying hard to resist the urge to moan.

“You smell so fuckin’ good, Alex,” he finally says before pulling away from me. “I’m gonna jump in the shower. Feel free to get comfortable in bed, and I’ll be out soon.

“Oh, I need to pick up my mess. There wasn’t time when I got out of the bathroom. Give me just a minute,” I tell him, rushing from his hold into the bathroom to clean up. “I’m sleeping in here with you?”

‘Yep,” he says, walking past me as I hold my armful of clothing and the towel I used.

I put his towel in the hamper between his desk and the bathroom door. My clothes, I fold even though they’re dirty and place them on the floor next to the dresser. With nothing else to do, I pull back the blankets and slide into bed. His sheets are heaven as they slide against my skin. These aren’t the hard sheets I’ve become accustomed to in the motels I’ve been sleeping in. My thoughts turn to the loss of the few clothes I had in my possession. I knew being on the run, I couldn’t bring a lot with me at all. Now, what I did have is gone. These are my thoughts plaguing me as I wait for Reaper to get done in the bathroom.

Reaper comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later with nothing but a towel tied low around his waist. Drops of water slide down his hard chest as I take in the limited amount of free skin. Tattoos cover most of his skin. There are skulls, the same design as the back of his cut, guns, knives, and several other things. Most of them are done in black, with only a few having any color to them at all. He stops moving around his room and looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

“You keep lookin’ at me like that, and we won’t be sleepin’ tonight,” he says, dropping the towel.

My gaze immediately lowers to his cock. It’s hard and waiting for some sort of attention. He’s got a Jacob’s ladder piercing, and my mouth begins to water at the thought of having him in my mouth. I pull my eyes away from his body and look him in the eyes while rubbing my legs together. Reaper even has that delicious V that drives us all crazy when we catch a glimpse of it on a man’s body.

“Who says I want to sleep?” I ask, licking my lips as my eyes once again drop to his hard length.

Reaper is on the bed in seconds after ripping the blankets back from me. He’s hovering over my body, staring me in the eyes before lowering his head to mine. His lips meet mine in a heated frenzy and takes hold of both of us as we try to get as close as possible. We kiss like it’s the one thing that’s going to keep us alive at this moment. I feel as if he’s simultaneously stealing my breath and breathing life back into me at the same time. No one has ever made me hotter than hell from a kiss alone. I usually need foreplay to even get wet. That doesn’t seem to be a problem with Reaper. He just has to look at me, and I’m wetter than I’ve ever been.

His tongue sweeps in my mouth and duels for immediate and total control of our kiss. One of his hands tangles in my hair and tilts my head so he can deepen the kiss even more. At the same time, I’m lifting my hips to meet his, trying to find some sort of friction to take the pain away. Reaper isn’t having it, though. He pulls his lower body from mine so I have nothing to grind against.

Just as suddenly as our kiss starts, Reaper rips his mouth from mine and rips his shirt from my body. The only sounds in his room is the fabric as it tears and our heavy panting. For a minute, he just stares down at my body. More specifically, my chest. Finally, he lowers his head and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. I tangle my hands in his hair to hold him close to my chest. My back arches off the bed in an attempt to get even closer to him.

“Not gonna be able to take my time with you like I wanted to,” he tells me after releasing my nipple. “I want you too damn bad right now.”

I nod in response because I can’t do more than that right now. Reaper pulls my legs further apart to accommodate his large body. Sliding his hand through my folds to see if I’m wet enough. There is no problem with that because I’m more than ready to accept him into my body. Fitting his large body between my legs, Reaper enters me in one hard, smooth thrust. We both moan out as he fills me up to the point he’s stretching me.

My back arches off the bed as I try to pull him even deeper into my body. I cry out in pleasure as he begins to slide out of me. Reaper fills me back up, thrusting his hips, the barbells rubbing against my walls. Once he’s fully seated in my pussy, he wraps my legs around his hips as I throw my arms over his shoulders and lay my hands against his back. Digging my nails in his back and my heels in his ass, Reaper begins thrusting in and out of me. I meet every single thrust while burying my face in the side of his neck. The smell of him engulfs me.

We just started fucking, and my body is already starting to coil and tighten in preparation for an orgasm. I should probably be embarrassed at how quick I’m about to get off, but I can’t seem to help myself. It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex, and this is the first time I’ve ever had the feelings running through me that Reaper evokes.

“Harder,” I moan while trying to keep up with his movements.

Reapers suddenly pulls from my body, and I feel the loss of him immediately. After flipping me over and pulling my hips up where he wants them, he slams back inside me. One of his hands digs into my hip while the other tangles in my hair, pulling my upper body off the mattress and against his rock-hard chest. His pace never lets up and is almost brutal in its intensity. With me firmly against his chest, Reaper untangles his hand from my hair and reaches around to pinch my clit before rubbing hard circles around it.

“Reaper!” I scream as my orgasm takes hold of me and sends wave after wave of pleasure through my body.

It’s not long before I hear my name leave his lips, and Reaper stills in my body. His entire body is taut as I slump to the mattress, unable to move after being fucked so hard. My body feels like jelly as I vaguely register him sliding out of me and getting off the bed.

“Fuck, angel, that was like nothin’ I’ve ever felt before,” he says when he comes back from the bathroom and gently turns me over.

Reaper cleans me with a warm washcloth before climbing back into bed. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me on the top of my head before relaxing. I wrap my arm around him and nestle closer into his side.

“I don’t ever do that,” I tell him suddenly.

“Didn’t figure you did, darlin’.”

“Did you even use a condom?” I ask as my brain comes back from the sex fog.

“Shit! Angel, I’m clean. Never mess around without a condom,” he says, gently rubbing his hand up and down my back.

“I ran out of birth control. I’m not on anything. But I’m clean too.”

“That’s all we need to know for now,” he says, placing another kiss on my head while I let the darkness take me under.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance