Page 11 of Touch Me

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Chapter Six


WHEN WE PULLED into the clubhouse parking lot, there really wasn’t time to take in my surroundings. Other than seeing the large building, which reminds me of a warehouse more than the clubhouse of a motorcycle club, I couldn’t tell you what color the outside is or what’s on the outside of the building if anything. As soon as we walked inside, everything was completely different. Bright lights fill the interior as loud music blares from speakers. Looking to the right, a long bar takes up the space. Stools line the outside as shelves fill the wall on the back. Liquors of all different kinds fill the shelves as glasses sit waiting. Not very large ones, though, mainly shot glasses. The same design on the back of Reaper’s vest is on either side of the shelving. Pictures of half-naked women on bikes also fill the walls.

Several tables fill the room between the bar and where three couches sit. There are also two recliners on either end of the couches. Two different TVs are mounted on the wall across from the couches. One is playing porn while the other has a sporting event. I quickly avert my eyes from the porn. I’ve never watched it before. However, the scene playing out before me in the room isn’t much different than the porn on TV. More than one man is getting a blowjob while another is fucking a girl over the pool table in the back of the room. The pool table is right before a dim hallway. There is another hallway further down the room as well.

Off at the end of the bar is a large kitchen. There is no door in the room as I try to peek in quickly from our spot just inside the door. It looks as though the appliances filling the room are what you’d find in a restaurant. Not what would be in a clubhouse or another room for a bunch of bikers.

While I’m looking around the clubhouse at everyone, a woman rushes up to Reaper and wraps her body around his. She’s barely wearing any clothes, and the ones she is wearing show everything on her body. Her nipples are barely covered, and if she bends over, I have no doubt her pussy and ass will be on full display if she bends over the slightest bit.

“Baby, where did you run off to?” the woman questions, wrapping her body around his even tighter while pushing me out of the way.

“Get the fuck off me,” he growls, trying to separate himself from the leech attaching herself to him.

“Baby, you were supposed to be with me, and you just ran off. Who is this slut you brought back? Why is she here and holding your hand?” she whines, still trying to attach herself to Reaper in any way possible as he tries to untangle himself from her clutches.

“Hoover, you don’t get to know shit. You’re not my woman, and I don’t fuckin’ answer to you. You’re here to fuck and suck. Come at me again like this, and you’ll be out on your ass. This woman is to be respected at all times,” he tells her, motioning for Jameson to turn down the music while stepping away from her.

The woman is glaring at him as he doesn’t pay her the attention she desperately craves. I’m not even sure it’s Reaper she wants; I have a feeling she wants a man to love her and only her. From the little knowledge I have of motorcycle clubs, she is one of the girls who the men pass around and share. If one of them wanted her, loved her, they wouldn’t pass her around or be with her out in the open. I could never think about being with a man out where everyone else could watch us have sex.

“Listen the fuck up,” Reaper roars out, capturing everyone’s attention. “This woman is here under my fuckin’ protection. One wrong look, wrong word, or anythin’ else I deem inappropriate, and you’re all subject to disciplinary actions. If you’re a Fallen Girl, this woman right here ranks above you, and you will show her respect. I have no problem kickin’ all your assed right the fuck out if I find out you’re bein’ rude or mean to her. Hoover, you’re on my last fuckin’ nerve, and if you ever come at me or Alex here again, you’re done here. As of now, you don’t get to party until I say otherwise. That means no fuckin’, suckin’, or anythin’ else. You all heard me, and my orders will be followed. Church in five.”

Without hesitation, Reaper leads me from the room past the couple who are still naked by the pool table and down one of the hallways. There are several closed doors. The first one has the same design from Reaper’s vest burned into the wood. He doesn’t stop until he unlocks a door and stands to the side in order to let me in. My body brushes up against his causing a shiver to shoot through my body. I’m getting wetter by the second, and my nipples are harder than ever before.

“This is my room,” he tells me, closing the door behind us. “You’ll be safe in here while I go talk to the guys. I’ll find out what’s goin’ on with the motel room and where your clothes are. Keep the door locked while I’m gone. When church is done, we’ll figure things out. Help yourself to anythin’ in the room. I’ve got a mini fridge with water and a drawer with some snacks in it if you’re still hungry. Take a shower, lay down in bed, do whatever you want. The remote is here by the bed.”

“You go to church?” I ask, my voice full of wonder.

“Not church like you’re thinkin’. Church for us is what we call our meetin’. No one else is allowed in other than fully patched members. The Prospects remain out of the room, and the Fallen girls are also out in the common room while we’re in our meetin’. That’s why I’m askin’ you to stay in here,” I answer her, my voice low as she takes in my room. “I’m headin’ out. If you need anythin’, Jameson is behind the bar with Rebel. Go to those two only.”

“Okay, Reaper. Thank you so much for keeping me safe,” I say, my voice low and wavering.

“No thanks needed, darlin’. I’ll lock the door after I leave. No one will get in unless you open the door.”

Nodding my head as he leaves the room, I turn to take in my surroundings. The room itself is extremely tidy. There are a few posters hanging on the wall showcasing different bikes with barely clothed women on them in various poses. The only furniture in the room is a King size bed, a dresser with a TV mounted above it, and a desk. There are a bunch of papers on the desk as I run my hand along the edge of it. Off to the side of the dresser is a closet with the door left open. Reaper’s clothes are all hung up, and a few boxes are stacked neatly on the floor. This man likes his belongings neat and organized. His room smells like leather, smoke, and something I’ve only smelled before when Reaper is near me.

Opening the door closest to the bed, I see a bathroom just as clean and spotless as his bedroom. If I had to say one thing about Reaper, it would be that he’s meticulous when it comes to cleaning. There’s not so much as a speck of dust on any surface in his room or bathroom. No dirty laundry left in piles or dirty towels left in a heap on the floor in front of the tub. Even the small bath mat is over the side of the tub. With the way my night has gone, even though I’ve already taken a shower, the urge to relax in a hot bath is too much to ignore. I head back into Reaper’s room and straight up to his dresser. Opening the second drawer, I pull a tee shirt out and carry it into the bathroom with me.

I feel horrible about using one of Reaper’s shirts without asking his permission. However, I can’t stand to wear dirty clothes. It’s the one thing I’ve had to work out while being on the run for the last few months. I always manage to find a way to wash my dirty clothes and put fresh ones on when I shower and change. Even going so far as buying cheap cotton underwear just to have clean panties to put on. Tonight, I’m not going to be able to wear panties because I refuse to put dirty ones back on.

Turning on the faucet, I make the water as hot as I can stand. Stripping out of my clothes, I put them in a neat pile beside the tub so I can hand wash them when I’m done soaking. Looking around, I see a shelf with a few towels on them. Pulling one out, I take in how thick and fluffy they are. It’s been so long since I’ve had luxury like this. Usually, I use the threadbare, thin ones from the motels I’ve stayed in.

Sinking in the hot water, I let it cover my body and ease the tension from the last few hours. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes as a sigh escapes me. It’s one of relaxation, happiness, and letting go. For a few minutes, all I want to do is let go of the fear, pain, and hurt coursing through my body. It seems as if a lifetime has passed me by in the blink of an eye, and I have no clue what I’m doing, who I am, or what I want to do with my life. Other than getting as far away from my family and husband as possible. That’s my ultimate end goal at this point.

Waking up with my usual nightmare, I quickly realize I’m still in the tub. My skin is pruned up, and the water is cold. A shiver runs through me as goosebumps fill my skin. I’d like to take a shower to warm up and wash my hair and body, but a pounding from Reaper’s door alerts me to someone wanting or needing me. Or they simply don’t know I’m here and want to talk to Reaper about something.

Quickly pulling the plug, I stand up and reach for the towel to dry off. As soon as my skin is dry enough to allow me to pull Reaper’s shirt over my head, I head for his door, knowing I’ll clean up his bathroom as soon as I’m done at the door. Pulling open the door after unlocking it, I take in the woman from the room we first stood in, standing there with a glare in her eyes and hate filling her face. She looks rougher than earlier with her caked-on make-up smeared, her hair all messed up from sex, and dull, lifeless eyes looking in my direction. This ought to be good.

“What the fuck are you doing in my man’s room?” she finally questions me, her voice almost sounding like a growl from a feral animal.

“Excuse me? I was put in here and told not to let anyone in. Not to mention, I believe Reaper said in the other room you have no claim on him, and he’s not your man,” I say to her, trying to conceal my shaking body.

“That doesn’t include me. He might have said he’s not my man, but that was a lie because you were clinging to him like a bitch in heat. Reaper is my man, and you have no right to be in here,” she yells out, hurting my ears with how loud she is.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Reaper specifically told me no one is to come in here, and he’d be back to talk to me when he’s done,” I respond to her, not even sure she hears my words.

“Bitch . . .” the woman begins to say before she’s cut off.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance