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“Do you know what you want to eat already?” I ask her as a waitress begins to head our way.

“Yep. The same thing I always get. She knows what I’ll have. I’m going to run out back and check the schedule while you order.”

Jaelyn stops for a quick second to talk to waitress before making her way down the hallway. I want to sit where I can watch her, but she’s next to my table before I can move.

“What can I get you?” the waitress asks.

“Did Jae tell you what she wanted?”

“Of course. Though it’s not really a surprise. She’s getting a double bacon cheeseburger with fries and gravy. A chocolate milkshake to drink. If she ever ordered anything else I think we’d all rush her to the hospital because she’s definitely sick,” the young girl laughs as she responds.

“That sounds good. I’ll have what Jae orders. That will be all,” I dismiss her as Jae begins to head back in my direction.

At the same time, the front door of Knight’s is flung open to the point I’m surprised the glass isn’t shattering all over the dining room floor. The same woman from Jae’s dorm appears looking even more disheveled than the last time we saw her. This time, there’s also a guy with her I’ve never seen before. He looks just as unkempt as Jae and Hartley’s mom does. These two are definitely high off their mind on something and not into worrying about more than getting their next fix based on the body odor following them toward our booth as Jae takes her seat across from me again.

“There she is,” the woman states, her voice louder than needed in a small diner. “My baby girl. It’s been so long.”

“Um, do I know you?” Jae asks, confusion filling her as she turns her attention to the woman in front of her.

“I’m your mama. How could you not remember me?” the woman stops just inches from her daughter as Jae shrinks back into the booth.

“No. My older sister was my mom. She raised me and did everything a mom does for their child,” Jae says, her voice getting hard as she stares the woman down.

“Now, you listen here young lady. I’m the woman who gave birth to you and you will show me the respect I deserve. You’re going to come with us, and we’ll spend some time together so you can get to know me. The way it should’ve been all along,” Marnie, her mother, orders, reaching out to grab Jae’s arm.

“That’s not gonna happen,” I growl out, sliding from the booth to put my body between the two of them.

“This doesn’t concern you,” the man states, shoving Jae’s mom to the side so hard she crashes against a table full of people eating their food.

That’s pretty fucking unsanitary. I watch on as the bitch’s hand lands in a pile of food on one customer’s plate.

“Yeah, it is my business. As you can see I’m sittin’ here with my girl. You don’t belong here, and I don’t even know how you figured out where they were. Now, I’m tellin’ you it’s time to leave. Whatever you came here for, you’re not gonna get. There’s no money or drugs here to get you your fix you’re desperately in need of. So, either you leave, or I’ll make you leave,” I promise the man standing in front of me.

“This is who you attached yourself to?” Jae’s mom questions, her voice raising once again. “A fucking thug who threatens your own mother and her man?”

“You’renotmy mother. I don’t know who you are. Now, we were getting ready to eat and I have nothing to say to you. I don’t want to see you or be anywhere near you. Zeus is right; you don’t belong here. Hartley won’t want to see you either. I suggest you leave before he makes good on his promise.”

Jaelyn’s mother goes to attack her for the disrespect she deserves to get. Not moving a muscle, her pathetic attempts to get to Jae barely make me feel as if she’s touched me at all. This is not how I saw the end of my day going, but we knew it was just a matter of time before she showed up. The asshole with her doesn’t try to rein her in or stop her from attacking Jaelyn. I’m the only one standing between the two women as Jaelyn waits for her food to be delivered and watches the other customers. She can’t even be bothered to look in her mother’s direction as I look at her out of the corner of my eye.

“This isn’t over you little bitch. You’re gonna give me what I’m owed one way or another. That’s a promise you can count on. These little bitches won’t be able to save you all the time,” Marnie threatens before Kari, our waitress, makes her way back closer to us with her phone in hand. “I’ll leave for now, but your sister and you are coming home with me. Where you fucking belong you little biker slut.”

Tears fall down Jaelyn’s face as I turn to the side and watch the bitch and man leave. He’s wearing a cut so damn dirty I couldn’t even tell what it was when he was standing in front of me. The rockers declare him a member of the Cold Demons MC. I’ve never heard of them before in my life. Not sure anyone else has either. I’ll have one more thing to research when we get back to the clubhouse today.

Pulling out my phone I send a message to Sab letting him know I have Jae with me and we’re heading back to the clubhouse before setting it on the table and pulling her into my arms.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, not sure what she needs right now.

“Not at all. What I need is to get our food to go and get out of here. Zeus, can you please not mention this to Hartley? I don’t want her knowing what happened here tonight just yet. I want to find a way to tell her on my own,” she begs me, her voice shaking and muffled with her head buried in my chest.

“Yeah. Lash will know, but he doesn’t want her to know either. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen the bitch. She was hangin’ out at your dorm when we went to get your things from there. I’ll let Kari know to box our shit up and we’ll head out as soon as it’s ready,” I assure her, giving her one more squeeze before leaving her in the booth as I head in back.

“Heading out with your food instead?” Kari asks without me saying a word to her.

“Please. She wants to go home.”

“I can’t blame her. Lash knows she was here and is expecting you at the clubhouse. That’s who I was on the phone with. I’m sorry if I overstepped,” she apologizes.

“You didn’t. If things had gone different, I would have needed the backup. And the table closest to us, can you get them all new plates? That bitch put her hand in at least one plate of food. That’s disgustin’.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance