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“Already on it.”

After getting our food to go, I follow Jae out to her car and help her in with our food containers before getting on my bike. My eyes don’t stop scanning the immediate area for any signs of the bitch and her whatever you want to call him. They’re nowhere to be found at this point, but I’ll be making sure they don’t follow us to the clubhouse either. I’m going to do whatever it takes to ensure this bitch doesn’t get her hands on Jae. She’s not going anywhere, and neither will Hartley. The club has their back, and we will do everything in our power to guarantee their safety.

BY THE TIME we got back to the clubhouse last night, I was ready to climb in bed and sleep for hours. Instead, Zeus took me to my sister’s house where Lash and her were waiting on the porch for me. My sister was crying as her husband held her and I had a brief flash in my mind of wondering if I’d ever have someone like that in my life. A man who wanted me at his side, didn’t care who was around when he showed how much he loves me, and just someone to be there because it’s the only place he can imagine himself being. Lash looks at my sister as if she’s the only woman in the world. That’s what I want to have so much there’s a deep longing in my soul for it. As soon as I got out of the car, Hartley was on me. She wrapped her arms around me so tight I couldn’t take a deep breath before pulling back and leveling me with the mom glare she has perfected in recent months.

“Where the hell were you?” she questions me as Zeus leads us up on the porch.

“I was at a hotel. There’s just been a lot going on and I didn’t want to be here. I would have called you to make sure you knew I was okay. You’re busy and I figured it didn’t matter,” I respond lamely.

“What the hell are you talking about? I amnevertoo busy for you. You’re my little sister and I will always have your back no matter what’s going on,” she states as we sit on the chairs they have on their porch.

“Look. You have a husband and son who need you. Yes, I’m your baby sister and I know you’ll be there for me. But, I haven’t seen you in a week when you were coming to spend every day with me. I know you’re opening your center and trying to get everything ready. Or set new programs up for the kids and those who need help. When you’re home, you’re all about Lash and Nash. Exactly how it should be. Or, you’re doing something for the club. I’m not upset with you because of the life you’ve built for yourself. It’s that I’m all alone here. I feel as if I’m not welcome in the clubhouse, no one comes to see me at the row house, and I’ve never felt as alone as I have in the last week or so,” I tell them honestly.

“Why don’t you come up to the house more often? We’ve never once said you couldn’t come hang out up here. Or the clubhouse, Jaelyn. You’re my sister-in-law and there’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for you. If you want to be here most of the day, that’s what you’ll do. I hate you didn’t feel you could come to any of us to let us know what was goin’ on. We would have gotten your head out of your ass a hell of a lot sooner than before you took off for parts unknown. Do you know what’s even goin’ on right now?” Lash questions me, thoroughly chastising me without a harsh note to his voice.

“It’s not that I feel unwelcome so much at your house. It’s that I feel as if I’m intruding on the time you get to spend with your family. That you’d rather me not be in your personal space when it’s time for you to relax. And that’s fine, Lash. This is your home, and you have the right to not want anyone here when you’re with your wife and son,” I say, not mentioning the new baby because I don’t even know if my sister has told him yet. “I’m not being stubborn or trying to make a big deal out of this. I’m telling you how I feel and why I left. Maybe my place just isn’t here. And that’s okay. This club means a lot to the members, their ol’ ladies, and every single person who is involved no matter what their role is. I get it. For now, I have to think on what’s best for me and move on. If it means I live on the outside and come around once in a while, that’s okay. Maybe Braedon just isn’t meant to be my home.”

“I don’t accept that shit,” Hartley states. “Jae, your home is here. We have a room all made up for you here. If we didn’t want you around, why would we have made you a room? I have tried over the last week to come see you and you never once answered the door. Or returned any of my calls or messages. What is going on with that?”

“I didn’t hear you knocking probably because I was in the shower. I’m not sleeping all that much. I’m lucky if I get three hours a night. And I don’t nap because I’m convinced eventually I’ll get back to sleeping like I should be. This is not your problem and I’m just letting you know that I’ve probably been in the shower when you’ve shown up. And, I haven’t gotten any messages or calls to my phone since before I was drugged. The thing never goes off. I don’t even know why I bother having it on me anymore,” I tell them honestly as Lash and Zeus share silent communication between them.

“I’m gonna head to my room and get back to work. Don’t fuckin’ leave again, Jae. I’ll be there to pick you up for your shift at the diner tomorrow,” Zeus says, his voice leaving no room for argument.

“I think I’m gonna head back to the row house. I’m tired and should try to get some sleep,” I announce when silence fills the air. “You guys have a good night.”

“This isn’t over, Jae. I’ll be there to see you tomorrow before you head out to work. And if you’re not sleeping, you call me.”

“Not happening Hart. You have a young son who needs you to get all the sleep you can manage. I’ll handle this on my own. Good night guys. I love you.”

Without waiting for a response, I head off the porch and quickly make my way to the row house. After letting myself in and seeing my bags resting on the couch, I bypass everything and head straight for my bedroom. Taking off my hoodie, I toss it to the side and slide in under the blankets. I even got a weighted blanket to try and help me work through the nightmares and anxiety I feel after having one. Closing my eyes, I try to force all thoughts away and let sleep slowly claim me.

Work today was insane. We were so busy and running through the dining room all afternoon and night, I barely had a chance to take a break. Lash actually came in to work in the office and made me eat something. He made all of us. See, when we’re busy, none of us like stepping away for any reason to leave more work for other waitresses and the kitchen staff. We love all working together and making sure no one is left to do more work than necessary. That’s one of the reasons I love working here. Even if I don’t want to be here long term. I have a dream no one knows about, and I plan on seeing it through one day.

“Little sis, what’s on your mind?” Lash asks me just before we head out for the night.

“Just thinking about a plan, or I guess goal, of mine. Hartley doesn’t even know about it. I don’t know how I’ll ever make it work though,” I answer as Zeus steps up to us.

“Well, what do you wanna do? Maybe we can help you out,” he replies, his voice gentle as he turns to activate the alarm and lock the door behind us.

“I want to open a catering and sweet business. You know, have a store front where I sell baked goods, candy, and other things like that. Then, as another part of it, I’d like to cater events through town and the surrounding areas. We used to cook and make things for the holidays when we were younger, and I always love doing it. Now, I just want to do it on a bigger scale.”

“I’ll tell you what, you come up with a business plan, lay everything out, and we’ll take a look at it as a club. If we like the idea and your plan is solid, we’ll help you make it happen. It’s all up to you now,” he tells me, making my heart race in anticipation of actually having my dream become a reality.

“Are you for real?”

“Yeah, I am. Let me know when you have everything done and we’ll go over it.”

“You realize I’m almost done with a business plan, right. It’s something I have to do for one of my classes. I’ve been doing all sorts of research and everything for it. I think there’s just a few more parts I have to finish up and then I’ll hand a copy of it over to you.”

My body is literally shaking as I think of opening my own business. There won’t be any more working on anyone else’s time, I can wear what I want, work the hours I want to, and help people create amazing memories. I can play with different types of candy and create specials for every holiday there is. I can’t wait to make this happen. My mind begins to spin out of control as I think of everything I could do with my plans and how many people I could help.

“Get her back to the row house, Zeus,” Lash orders as he straddles his bike. “The guys will be home tomorrow, and I want to have church. Unless somethin’ holds them up.”

“On it. You gonna make dinner tonight?” Zeus asks me, causing me to trip up as I hold onto my door.

Zeus has never once asked me to make him dinner. I help the women cook at the clubhouse for events, but nothing like just the two of us eating in my apartment.

“Um, yeah. I can throw something together,” I finally manage to answer as he waits for me to get in my seat and shut the door behind me.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance