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“I want to know as soon as she’s found. Might not be able to answer if I’m on the road, but I want a message or call. Somethin’ to let me know she’s back here. Zeus, you have until I get back to get your head out of your ass. I’m done playin’ this game with her. We’ve hurt her in our attempt to put distance while you figure out what you want. Told you I wasn’t claimin’ her without you and I fuckin’ mean it,” I state, knowing my words are getting through to my best friend as he nods in response while never taking his eyes off the screens in front of him and rapidly typing away on the keyboard.

“Not gonna be a problem. When we get her back here, I’m gonna paddle her fuckin’ ass,” Zeus grumbles out, his voice barely audible as I try to shut my mind off for everything other than the run.

“No havin’ fun without me with you two,” I say without thinking of my words as I turn to leave the room.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Leaving Zeus to his work, I find the common room in pandemonium. Everyone is getting ready to head out for one of two reasons; finding Jae or heading out on the run. The only new addition we have with our team is Cole. Austin and he will be the Prospects on this run and Ted and Cal will be with Lash and his team when they go out on a run the next time. We always switch out on runs and if we can help it blood family is never on the same team. It’s our way to protect the loss of an entire family if we get caught up in some shit happening.

“You ready to head out?” Talon asks, walking up to me.

“Almost. I’m gonna finish packin’ up my things and load it in the van. You got the extra ammo and shit ready so I can check my guns when I get back down here?” I return, looking around at everyone.

“Yeah. Austin just pulled it all out. Hurry up. I wanna get on the road as soon as we can. Know we’re not supposed to leave for an hour or so, but I want to get out there so we can do our own lookin’ for Jae before leavin’ town. Hartley is inconsolable up at the house. Lash doesn’t know what the fuck to do or what happened,” he tells me as I start walking away.

Soon enough, everyone will know Zeus and I were at least partly responsible for her quick departure. Hartley will have our asses too. Hopefully they find Jae and get her back here to find out exactly what’s going on in her mind. None of us know and we need her to open up to someone here. I don’t give a shit who it is at this point in time. Anyone will do as long as they don’t take the information and use it in a pathetic attempt to gain some sort of advantage.

Quickly packing my clothes and toiletries, I head back down with my bag and hand it off to Cole for him to load in the van he’ll be driving with Austin. Sitting down next to Talon, I begin checking my weapons. Including the knife I always have on me in my boot. Not the most practical option, but it will work as a last resort. For now, my main concern are my guns and making sure they’re loaded and not going to jam or anything else before we head out.

IT TOOK ME six hours to find Jaelyn yesterday. She was holed up in a hotel on the outskirts of town and parked her car behind the dumpster so no one would think to look there for it. After searching through hours and hours of camera footage from everywhere I could think of, I finally said fuck it and made my way out to my bike. The other guys had checked the hotels, motels, and the few friends still in town Jae had made since moving here. No one had heard from her or knew of her checking into a single hotel or motel. At least that’s what they were told. Riding through the various parking lots of the places I knew she’d more than likely try, I finally found her car parked out behind the dumpster. Rage filled me because while the place isn’t a rent a room by the hour kind of place, there is absolutely no security in place if someone were after her. As far as we know, her mom is still out there and from last I heard, she’s heading this way.

We have no clue how she figured out where Hartley and Jae are, but we will. It’s just a matter of time before she shows her face, and we get our answers. Lash already has our girl on standby to deal with their mother. The woman is obviously after something for her gain and doesn’t give a shit about her daughters. I will get to the bottom of her sudden appearance one way or another. This bitch isn’t about to get near Jae or Hartley. Not if I have any say in the matter.

Anyway, after heading to the front desk, I attempt to find what room Jae is in. The kid at the desk doesn’t want to give up any information. Told me he was given extra money to keep her room a secret from anyone attempting to find her. I have to force myself not to drag his puny ass over the small counter and beat the fuck outta him. When I finally tell him it’s a matter of the girl’s safety, he relents enough to give me her room number. I don’t hesitate to make my way up to the second floor where she’s staying. Pounding on the door, I cover the peep hole and don’t stop beating the flimsy wood with my fist until I hear movement from inside the room.

“I don’t want to be disturbed,” Jae’s small voice barely penetrates the door separating us.

“It’s a good thing I’m not housekeepin’ then,” I growl out. “Open the door, Jae.”

There’s no movement or sound for several minutes before I finally hear the locks disengaging and the door slowly starting to open. Forcing my way past her, I take in her duffle bags spread out on the bed with very little room for her to sleep or relax at all. Her laptop sits open as music softly plays in the room and the TV is muted on a movie I’ve seen her watch so many times in the past. I just can’t remember the name of it.

“What the fuck were you thinkin’? Taking off the way you did and not givin’ anyone a head’s up about where you were headin’? Lash has had guys out most of the day searchin’ all over for you. Sab just left on a run and his head is back here waitin’ to know someone found you. Hell, I’m sure all the guys are worried about you, and they need their mind on the task at hand and not where the fuck you are,” I tell her, not bothering to cover the harshness of my voice to protect her.

“Well, you found me. Let them know I’m safe and sound and I’ll kindly ask you to leave now,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest and pushing her tits up to almost spilling out of her small tank top.

Jae isn’t wearing a bra as her nipples harden under my stare. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I move my eyes back up to her face.

“Let’s go. Pack your shit and I’ll carry it out to your car,” I order her.

“I’m not leaving with you, Zeus. I don’t belong anywhere at the clubhouse, and you can’t force me to go back somewhere I’m clearly not wanted,” she informs me, a hitch in her voice the only giveaway about how she’s feeling right now.

“I don’t know what the fuck happened other than last night. Admittedly, we could have handled the situation better than what we did. No one wants you around more than your sister and you are shuttin’ her out for whatever reasons you got in your head. Instead of talkin’ to anyone about shit, you’re gonna run and hide when you have no clue what’s goin’ on around you. What are you runnin’ from, Jaelyn?” I question her, needing to know the answer.

“Do you know why I didn’t leave my room after being drugged? Because I couldn’t stand the looks of pity. Like I’m the dumb sister who doesn’t remember everything I’ve been taught about accepting drinks from someone when I didn’t see it get poured. After moving into the row house, I haven’t had a single visitor. My sister was spending every day with me, and I got to see my nephew. Now, nothing. I’m out of the clubhouse so no one needs to watch over me. Every single night I have nightmares and am lucky if I manage to get two or three hours of sleep a night. I can’t focus on a single thing other than being so fucking alone.

“Then, I show up at the clubhouse for a drink and see all this amazing food laid out for you all when I get leftovers from my sister. I’m not allowed around unless it’s family time for the most part. Or I’m helping clean or cook. When it comes time to party and hang out, I’m shipped back to my room, Lash and Hartley’s house, or now the row house. I’m being completely isolated in the row house, and I can take a hint despite what I’m sure you all believe about me. I’m not wanted there and so I’m moving out no matter what anyone thinks or wants to happen. I’m not even associated with the club through my sister at this point and you can all stop worrying about me. I’ll be just fine like I have been on my own,” she says, her voice laced with unshed tears making me want to do nothing more than pull her into my arms and hold her close.

“That’s a lot to take in Jae. All I know is no one wants you to leave the compound. We all want you around. There are reasons we don’t want you stayin’ at the parties later than we let you. Not everyone takes their fuckin’ to a room and doesn’t give a shit about who watches them bust a nut. That’s not somethin’ you need to ever see,” I begin as Jae starts laughing for some reason.

“Do you know how many times I’ve walked in the common room and caught someone having sex? I can’t count on all ten fingers and have any left over. I don’t need to be protected from every little thing like you guys all believe. So, it’s time for me to get away from there and live on my own. I’ll be fine if I’m not there. Maybe it will help me get over feeling the way I do.”

“No, you don’t understand. We had no clue you’ve caught anyone havin’ sex in the common room. It shouldn’t have happened. Anyway, I don’t know why you feel so isolated in the row house. Your sister told Sab and me today she has tried knockin’ on the door and you don’t open it up. Every single day she tries to come see you and you don’t let her in or send her a message. No one told you the clubhouse was off limits either as far as I know. There’s no reason you can’t come in to hang out or have dinner with everyone. All this shit is in your head, and you need to talk to your sister about it before makin’ any further decisions. Have it at their house so you can talk to Lash at the same time. I have a feelin’ he’s part of what’s botherin’ you. Now, again, get your shit so we can get back. I need to let Sab know I found you and we’re headin’ back to the clubhouse. Is there anythin’ you need to do while we’re out?”

“Yeah, there is. I’m hungry and want to go to Knight’s. Also need to see when my next shift is,” she answers, letting out a huge breath of defeat as I watch her toss on an overly large hoodie to cover the braless state she’s in and her small pair of shorts not decent for public.

I’m not about to say a word to her though. I’ll just make sure I don’t leave her side and not let anyone get close to her.

Jae packs up the few things she removed from her bags and we’re off. She stops quickly at the front desk to drop off the key and let him know she won’t be needing the room after all. I follow her out to her car where I made sure to park my bike so she couldn’t leave without me, I place her bags in the back as she gets in the driver’s seat. Straddling my bike, I start the engine as she begins to pull from her spot. Following her to the diner, we park off to the side and make our way inside. Placing my hand on the small of her back, I direct her to the booth the club always uses when we come in here.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance