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“Let’s get you to bed. You need a nap. I have to head to the clubhouse for a bit. Call me when you get up and we’ll get dinner,” I tell her, moving closer to help her from the chair.

Sabotage and I put Jae to bed with a movie playing softly on the TV. He’s not leaving her, but he wants to make sure we have what’s needed to make dinner tonight. Jae wants to have stuffed shells so that’s what we’re making. As long as we’re all home, we make meals together. It’s another way for us to spend time together and just do something we’d have to do every day anyway. Neither one of us wants Jaelyn to bust her ass making food for us when we can help her out. So, we put on music and cook together. It’s more fun than I thought it would be. Or maybe it's just our wife who makes it fun. All I know is we’re creating memories every single time we do it and I can’t wait to include our children in the fun.

Heading out after giving Jae a kiss, I make my way to the clubhouse. I don’t really have anything important to do here today. Other than talk to Death. Everyone has noticed a change in him since our wedding. He’s not fucking the Rebels or anyone else. If a woman gets close to him, he brushes her off in the rudest way possible. We’re all worried about him. I know Talon’s tried to talk to him more than once about what’s going on, but Death just walks away. I’m not sure if the outcome will be any different with me talking to him, but I have to know where his head’s at. Plus, I have to run a background check on Kelsey since she’s going to be around Jaelyn and will be working for the club. Maybe I can use something in it to get him to pull his head outta his ass. If he wants her, he needs to go after her. Not push everyone away and act as if nothing has changed.

As soon as I park in front of the clubhouse, I don’t linger outside. Instead, I quickly make my way inside, spotting Death sitting at the bar with a beer in hand and a bottle of Jack sitting next to him. Shaking my head as one of the newer Rebels makes her way over toward Death, she gets right up next to him and places her hand on his chest. I can hear him growl from here.

“Did I tell you to fuckin’ touch me?” Death barks out.

“No, you didn’t. Thought you’d want some company for a while,” she says, not reading the man’s body language at all as she remains glued to his side.

“If I don’t fuckin’ call your skank ass over here, I don’t fuckin’ want you. How fuckin’ hard is that for you bitch’s to understand. There are plenty of single guys in the clubhouse. Find someone else to spread your damn legs for,” he yells, making her jump back so fast she knocks over a stool and almost topples to her ass.

“You don’t have to be a dick about it,” she mutters, turning to walk away.

“And you don’t have to fuckin’ be here at all. You don’t fuckin’ come up to me again and you sure as fuck don’t tell me how to act. You’re nothin’ more than the entertainment and have no role other than that here. Do you fuckin’ understand me?” Death growls, not turning to look at the girl for a single second.

Yeah, something needs to be done about him.

The girl takes off in tears to the opposite side of the common room. All the other Rebels are sitting at a table together and she joins them. Not a single one of them offers to comfort her or anything which tells me they already told her to leave him alone. It’s not hard to read the body language of someone and know if they’re open to you approaching them or not. Death has been putting out massive ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibes for weeks now. She’ll either learn or leave the clubhouse sooner rather than later.

Instead of heading for my room and computers, I turn and go to the bar. Taking the seat at Death’s side, I nod to Austin for a beer before turning my attention toward a club brother in need.

“What’s goin’ on, Death?” I ask him, opening my beer and taking a long pull from it.

“Just drinkin’. How’s married life treatin’ ya?” he returns, not looking at me as he sets his empty beer bottle down in front of him and picks up the bottle of Jack.

“It’s great. Look, we all know somethin’ happened at the weddin’ reception. You and Kelsey both disappeared for a while. Now, you’re not fuckin’ anyone and you’re rippin’ everyone’s head off. What’s goin’ on?” I push forward, not letting his sour mood put me off.

“Look, I’m not like you and Sab or my bother and Lash. I don’t want an ol’ lady or for anyone to tie my ass down. Kelsey not only is a complication, but she has a son. Not anythin’ I want in my life. Yeah, I fucked her. Couldn’t fuckin’ resist her ass. It doesn’t mean I want her for more than sex. Unfortunately, my cock ain’t gettin’ the memo she’s not for him,” Death admits. “I can’t get fuckin’ hard for anyone else and she’s on my damn mind constantly.”

“I don’t see a problem here. Yeah, we all said we didn’t want an ol’ lady or to be tied down to one woman for the rest of our lives. Have you ever thought there’s a reason we don’t mind bein’ with Jae? Or why your brother doesn’t care about only bein’ with Bronwan? What about Lash? He said it louder than any of us combined he’d never take an ol’ lady. Look at him now,” I respond, not sure where Death’s head is regarding Kelsey other than not wanting an ol’ lady.

“You guys found some magic pussy or some shit. I have no clue why you would want one pussy for the rest of your life. That’s not somethin’ I’m lookin’ for. Plus, like I said, she’s got a fuckin’ kid. A little boy who’s just barely one. Saw him the day of your weddin’. He was here with her. Unlike the rest of you suckers, I like variety in my pussy and I’m not givin’ it up. Especially for a woman who’s new to town and we know nothin’ about. I just need time to get her out of my head. Once that happens, my dick will go back to normal. For now, I’m content to drink her away,” he slurs letting me know he’s been drinking for a while now.

“I don’t think it works that way, Death. You’re hooked on her. You can drink yourself to death, fuck as many skanks as you want, and nothin’ will compare to her. Kelsey has somethin’ you want whether you want to admit it or not. It’s up to you to come to terms with that shit. Trust me, fuckin’ the same woman every single day isn’t a bad thing. Knowin’ not everyone else in the club is gettin’ a taste of her means somethin’ too. You’re the first one to get ahold of Kelsey. Do you think anyone else here would be holdin’ back from her?” I question him, not sure if the words will penetrate the alcohol fog he’s got going on.

“I don’t fuckin’ know. I cut her loose though. It doesn’t matter what I do, or don’t, want. Kelsey deserves more than a biker for her and her son. Now, I’m gonna go to my room so I can get away from all you fuckers. You’re not gonna fix me,” he tells me, standing from the bar with his bottle of alcohol as he weaves his way up to his room.

Shaking my head, I continue on to my room so I can run the background check on Kelsey. She already gave me all of her information and knows I’ll be running her name. Hopefully I don’t pull up shit she hasn’t already told us about. Which is practically nothing if I’m being honest. Even Jae only knows the basics about her. All I know is she better be real with us. If I find something and she tries to lie about it, Jae will have to find a new business partner to move forward with and I’ll hate that for my girl. Either way, I want to get this shit done and get back home to my girl. The rest of the night is ours to spend together and I’m going to take full advantage of the three of us locked in our house together.

IT’S BEEN TWO months since I showed up at a motorcycle club to provide food for a wedding reception. The wedding was honestly beautiful and not what I was expecting. Especially after talking to Jaelyn and learning she was marrying one man and committing to a second one at the same time. Their relationship is unconventional for sure, but the love those three have for one another is the stuff dreams are made of and books are written about. Those men worship the ground Jaelyn walks on, and they aren’t the only ones I can say that about. There were three other women surrounded by a man. Even if they were across the yard from one another, it’s not hard to see the love between each couple. Honestly, I’d be happy if I could find a relationship with even half of their love.

See, I’m new to Braedon. It’s just my young son, Brent, and me. I left my ex, Vince, when I saw what he did when I wasn’t around. About a year ago I was supposed to be at the doctor’s office since I was pregnant. My appointment got rescheduled for an earlier time making me arrive home earlier than Vince anticipated. He had brought in drugs, underage girls he was in the middle of stripping so he could fuck, and weapons. This man was supposed to love me and remain faithful. Instead, he was fucking minors while higher than a kite and had a ton of various weapons out on the tables in front of them all. I quickly raced to my bedroom and packed a bag of the things I need the most from the home we shared.

On top of all that bullshit, Vince isn’t a nice man. He’s abusive and always took his bad days out on me. It doesn’t matter if I have the house sparkling clean, dinner on the table for him, and have taken care of myself as he made me do. Nothing I ever did was right according to the man. Including when we found out I was pregnant. No, he didn’t rape me. I was sick and taking antibiotics which messed with my birth control. Vince didn’t use a condom like I told him to and then got pissed when I told him I was having his baby. Everything was always my fault and he’s never to blame for anything going on in his life apparently.

So, I already had a more than one bag packed and hidden in the trunk of my car. Thankfully it’s a piece of shit and Vince would never touch it. He’s arrogant enough to believe I’d never run from him, take the money he’s stolen from me over the years, and make sure I did everything in my power to stay a few steps ahead of him at all times. Vince will never find me if I have any say in the matter.

Over the last year, I’ve given birth to my son and made sure he has my last name and nothing tying him to his sperm donor. We’re constantly on the move. Yes, I understand it’s not something I should be doing with a young child to think about. However, it’s a matter of life and death and my son means the world to me. I will not risk his life for any reason. That’s how I landed in Braedon. We were moving on to our next spot when my piece of shit car finally broke down for the last time. There is no saving it. So, I took what money I have, got us a cheap apartment, and took out an ad in the local newspaper advertising my catering services. Jaelyn is the only one who’s taken me up on my food since arriving here. Like most small towns, outsiders aren’t generally accepted.

This leads me to the day of her wedding. I worked my ass off making sure I had enough food prepared to serve several dozen bikers, their women, and make sure I had snacks for the bride. She’s pregnant for the first time and needs to eat on a regular basis. Jaelyn is so sweet, she even let me put my son in her room to take his nap. I don’t have a staff or babysitter and she made sure I had a few guys to help me out at the clubhouse and a spot for my son. I brought his monitor from home so I can keep an eye on him while he naps and I’m working.

Everything was going fine until I literally ran head first into a man at the reception when I was clearing tables. He’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my life. He talked me into going back to his room with him and we had sex. Hell, the man gave me more orgasms in the short time we spent together than I’ve ever gotten from Vince in the entire time I was with him. Before the shit turned horrible that is. Anyway, Death was the man’s name. Well, his road name from what he said. I didn’t learn his real name and I’m sure it’s because to him I was nothing more than a one-night stand. I’m just some woman who hasn’t been with everyone else in the club. Yes, I know all about the Rebels and what their purpose in the clubhouse is. Jaelyn made sure to tell me when one tried to corner me in the kitchen the day I took a look around to see if I’d need to bring anything else with me.

Anyway, he rocked my world and sent me on my way. I didn’t say a damn thing to him because there was nothing to say. I’m not looking for a relationship right now and Death was nothing more than a good time while it lasted. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. In reality, I can’t seem to stop thinking of the man. He haunts my dreams and fills my mind when I’m awake. No matter where I go, Death has me thinking of the ways he pleasured me. Hell, every single time I’m out and hear a bike I stop and look to see who it is. Not that I can tell when the guys are wearing helmets or anything. Some of them don’t always wear a helmet though and I can see who is on the bike. It’s never been Death from what I can tell though.

Jaelyn and I are moving forward with our business. We actually just picked out a store front and the club is going to hire a construction crew. They’ll make sure we have everything set up the way we want. When it’s time for us to bring in the tables, chairs, and a few couches for customers, everything will be ready. Not to mention getting the kitchen set up the way we want for the catering business and for her to bake and cook. I’ll be helping her with the various candies and baked goods she’s making. It’s a first for me, but I’m willing to learn how she makes them and work with her. Especially since she’ll be going out on maternity leave at some point when she has their triplets.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance