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“Yep. They’re not gettin’ hired at all,” I say slightly louder as a few turn away from us in their last-ditch attempt to change our mind. “I already know who I want from the first group. There’s maybe one or two so far from this group I’ll probably hire. Unless you guys see someone you like.”

“Not really payin’ attention if I’m bein’ honest,” my brother says, releasing a yawn as the song fades away on the girl currently on stage. “You’re all down to one minute on solos. If you can’t impress me in a fuckin’ minute, you don’t belong on the stage to begin with.”

With a nod of my head, the girls who haven’t danced yet all perk up. They’re going to work even harder in their attempt to impress us. It’s going to make for some entertainment if nothing else. I try to focus on the girls, but they literally hold no appeal for me. Not when I have Jae waiting at home. I’m sure Talon and Lash feel the same way I do. These bitches have nothing on our wives, and they never will. Though, not even Death is really paying attention to the show in front of him. I can guess why.

We barely manage to get through the second set of dancers, and I let them know I’ll be making the calls if they get a position here. Some of the dumber ones stick around to try to entice us to spend some time with them. Death kicks their asses out and assures them they won’t be getting a phone call as I toss their applications in the trash sitting right next to me. Yeah, I’m an asshole like that. They were warned and not a single one of them listened to my words. Fuck them!

“I’m headin’ home. My wife made dinner and I need to wrap her up in my arms,” I tell the guys. “See you guys tomorrow. Don’t forget, we’re havin’ a party in a few days. I think Kelsey will be back to help with the food. Though, I’m not sure if she’ll step foot in the clubhouse again. Might just hang out at our house and help Jae.”

“She’s comin’ back around?” Death questions as the three of us look at him with raised eye brows.

“Yep. You know she’s goin’ into business with Jae, right? The club has decided to invest in their new joint business venture. Goin’ to look at locations in a week or two with the girls,” I answer him, giving him more information than he already had. “You were on a run and missed that meetin’.”

“Fuck,” he mutters before storming from the club and letting the door slam shut behind him.

“I’m out.”

Without another word, I head for the same door Death just walked through. Straddling my bike, I don’t hesitate to start the engine and make my way back to the clubhouse. Well, to the home I share with Zeus and our wife. I’m ready for today to be over with.

OVER THE LAST week since finding out everything is okay with our babies and what we’re having, Sabotage and I are working on the nursery for Jaelyn. She has no clue to our knowledge of what we’re doing either. Our plan is to surprise her once it’s completed. We’ve got the walls painted a soft gray color. There are white curtains covering the windows in the room, a fluffy white rug in the middle of the room, the glider rocker is covered in black material with thick padding on it, and the trim is painted white. We’re trying to keep it gender neutral since all three babies will be in here for the first few months. Then our baby girl will get her own room. That’s our next big project in the house.

We have the cribs, two changing tables, three dressers, and a small toy box for the room. Everything is in light wood to match the glider rocker. There are those small baby hangers already filling the closet just waiting for the small clothes to be placed on them. I’ve never seen so many small things in my life. Sabotage and I picked out several pictures to hang on the walls of the nursery. Other than one of the entire club, we’ve kept it to the three of us, their ultrasound photos, and some letters on the walls spelling out their names where their crib rests. We don’t have any other decorations in the room because we’re trying to figure out a theme or whatever for all three babies. At this point I’m saying bikes and cars for the boys and some princess shit for our baby girl. Jaelyn can’t make up her mind though. We’re at least letting her have that since she has no clue the work we’ve already put in the room.

Last week when we did a gender reveal for the club, the girls threw Jae a surprise baby shower. I have no clue how the fuck they pulled it off on such short notice, but it was a great day for my girl. Kelsey kept her in food and snacks all day long while they played games, opened gifts, and then we did the gender and name reveal for the newest members of our family. We now have so many damn things for our children we won’t have any room once everything is put up. I’m not going to complain about a single thing though. Our family has stepped up to help us out in preparing for the triplets and went above and beyond. Honestly, two of the cribs are from Judge and his club. They also sent a ton of clothes, small baby toys, and a few other things we’ll need. I would have liked to have been there when they all went shopping for baby shit.

Jaelyn has been washing all of the bedding we got and the clothing. She gushes over each tiny piece of clothing as if it’s the best thing ever. Her excitement is definitely bleeding over onto us as she folds or hangs the items up and places them in the baskets we also got filled to the brim with clothing, bedding, blankets, baby towels, and other shit. I don’t honestly believe we have to shop for a single thing on our own. Including diapers and bottles. Jaelyn plans on nursing, but if she also uses bottles we’ll be able to help her with the feedings. Hopefully we can all get in a routine with the babies as they wake up and need to eat and be changed.

When Jaelyn’s not busy going through our baby things, she’s talking to Kelsey on the phone or meeting up for lunch or something to go over their business plan. Tomorrow is the day we go look at a few locations for a storefront for them. The plan is for the main focus to be on the catering aspect while they do the candy, baked goods, and coffee bar thing on the side. They’ve gotten pretty much everything figured out cost wise and have turned it all over to Bronwan and Shank to go over. Shank will take the figures to church, so everyone knows what’s going on. We might be investing in the business, but the girls are going to run it without any input from the club. None of us want to step on their toes. Jaelyn has also promised to pay back whatever the club invests over time so she’s not using her entire inheritance to get the thing up and running.

What I’ve learned about Kelsey is she doesn’t want a free ride or a hand out. She’s gotten papers from our lawyer and signed them promising a certain percentage of her cut to pay back on a monthly basis. Kelsey also has an adorable son who she doesn’t want to go to just anyone to watch over when she’s working. So, the girls are going to be putting in a play area and hiring someone to watch over kids while they’re working or for customers who want to come in and sit in the storefront for a little while. It’s a win win for everyone if you ask me. I’m glad Kelsey and Jae thought of it so it’s one less thing my wife has to worry about when she goes back to work after having our children.

“You ready to show Jae the surprise?” Sab asks me as he comes into the kitchen where I’m putting lunch away.

“I’m ready when you are,” I respond as Jae comes in the front door.

She was out planting flowers or some shit. I don’t know what she was doing exactly. Sabotage has been out there with her while I put our lunch of subs and chips away. We made them today because it was the only thing she wanted. Nothing else was sounding good to our wife. She’s getting pickier every single day. I don’t give a shit if we have to go out all hours of the day and night to get her what she wants as long as she’s eating and feeding our peanuts.

“What’s going on guys?” Jae asks, walking up to us and giving me a hug.

“We have somethin’ to show you. Been workin’ on somethin’ for a little bit now. Are you ready to see it?” I question her, a smile on my face.

“Of course. Does it have anything to do with the room I haven’t been allowed to go in?”

“It does. Let’s go,” Sab says, excitement filling him.

Jaelyn follows him and I follow her as we make our way to the nursery. As she’s been washing the clothing and bedding, we’ve put it away how she would want it and even made the cribs up. I’m sure she’ll wash everything again before the babies get here. It’s what her sister has done both pregnancies. It doesn’t matter to me what she does. We’ll put everything away again as soon as she does what she feels is best for our family.

Sabotage opens the door to the room and steps aside to let her walk in first. She stops in the middle of the room and looks at everything with tears in her eyes. Walking over to the crib, she runs her hand on the side railing as she looks down at the bedding. Both boys have white bedding with bikes on it. Our baby girl has white bedding with teddy bears and balloons on it. Jae looks at their names, which we hand painted, attached to the wall above the crib before moving on to take in the rest of the room. She goes through the dressers, the closet, and finally stops at the glider rocker where our wife sits down to rock while continuing to look around the room.

“This is beautiful,” she tells us as a few tears slide down her cheeks. “Thank you for making this room special for our little ones. And for putting so much love into the room. That’s how I know you’re both going to be good dads to our children. We’re going to rock this parenting thing if you ask me."

The three of us laugh at her words.

“We wanted to make sure our sons and daughter had a room they would be comfortable in. If you want, we can change the curtains, so the room isn’t so bright when they’re sleeping. There’re a few choices for you to pick from,” Sab says as he kneels down in front of her and rests his hands on her small belly.

“They’re in the top of the closet. Just let us know if you want somethin’ different,” I add in.

“I love everything about it. Right now, I don’t want to change the curtains. We’ll see what happens once the babies are here. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you put Caylin’s bed between the boys either. Already you’re in protective mode,” Jaelyn says, a yawn escaping before she can stop it.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance