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Even knowing Jae for such a short amount of time, I’m glad she asked me to not only cater her wedding reception, but give me this amazing opportunity to work with her in this new business venture. The only drawback for me is knowing I’ll have to see Death on a regular basis. I’m not clingy or a creeper by any means. Honestly, most of the times guys scare the shit out of me after everything Vince has put me through. I’m not saying Death would ever physically hurt me or abuse me in anyway. He won’t. However, I know my heart will be shattered if I even attempted to get more than the few hours we shared together. Death is an apt name for him, and I don’t have the first clue why they chose it for him. One way or another I’ll figure out how to deal with the lust I feel for the man and get over it.

Two fucking months and I still can’t get Kelsey off my damn mind. She’s there when I wake up, when I’m sleeping, and the only time my cock gets hard. I’ve honestly thought about going to see a doctor to find out why my dick isn’t working any longer. Instead, all I have to do is think of her and my cock is hard as a rock. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with me. I just can’t get a certain woman out of my head and it’s messing with every fucking aspect of my life. Especially my sex life. Two months of nothing more than fucking my hand in the shower or my bed. Not even a twitch for a single woman I’ve come into contact with or any of the Rebels.

“Church!” Lash bellows as I enter the common room from outside.

Heading directly for our meeting room instead of grabbing a beer like I want to; I hand over my phone and gun before making my way inside to take my seat. It’s not long before the chairs are filled, and Lash is slamming the gavel against the table in front of him.

“Called you all here today because Zeus just got some interestin’ information back on Kelsey’s background check. Zeus, the floor is yours,” he says, anger in his voice for all of us to hear.

“So, nothin’ came up until I started diggin’ deeper. It seems Kelsey has been on the run for a little more than a year now. Her son was born in a small hospital with no father listed on his birth certificate. From what I can tell about her, Kelsey would know who her child’s father is and wouldn’t leave it off for anythin’ other than a very specific reason. She’s actually on her way here now to answer some questions,” Zeus begins, anger filling his face. “Anyway, like I said, on the run for over a year. She never stayed in one spot for too long. The longest is actually since stopping here in Braedon. I’m not sure if it’s because of her car finally dyin’ for the last time or because she made a friend in our wife here. What I do know is she has been linked to none other than fuckin’ Vincent LaRusso. Yes, from the LaRusso family. He’s the heir to the family business and a rival of our friend Sal. I don’t know what to make of this information until we know what the hell is goin’ on from Kelsey and why she’s been on the run for so long.”

“You two are seriously gonna let the bitch be around your wife? You’re pregnant wife?” I ask, not sure what the hell they’re thinking. “We cut the bitch out of whatever plans she’s been makin’ with Jae and don’t bring that shit to our doorstep.”

No sooner do the words leave my mouth and the door is opened. Kelsey heard the words coming out of my mouth as tears fill her eyes and her gaze collides with mine.

“I have no problem leaving here,” she murmurs timidly. “I never wanted to bring this mess to your club. And I would never willingly do a damn thing to put Jae, or any other woman, in harm’s way. If you all want me to leave, that’s what I’ll do.”

Kelsey looks as good today despite her rugged appearance, as she did the day of the wedding. Her son is locked on her hip as he holds a bottle of milk or something and looks around the room with wide eyes. This little boy is a spitting image of his mama from what I can see. From the color of his hair and eyes down to the facial features I can make out around the bottle. Lucky fucking kid.

“Kels, that’s not what we’re sayin’ at all,” Sabotage assures her, leveling me with a glare. “We wanted you to come in today to hear the story from your mouth. Once we know what’s goin’ on, we’ll figure out how to handle this situation. Don’t fuckin’ listen to Death, he’s talkin’ out his ass right now. Why don’t you take my seat and tell us in your own words what’s been goin’ on? Don’t leave anythin’ out.”

I watch on as she moves further in the room and Sabotage gives up his chair for her. I’m sitting on the other side of Lash so I’m not right next to her. As soon as she’s in the chair, her little boy reaches out for Sabotage. He doesn’t hesitate for a second to take him from her arms as she looks up with a small smile on her face. It makes sense since they’ve spent the most time with her since Jae met her a few months ago. However, it doesn’t stop a pang from filling my chest and anger to course through my veins. I have to shake my head to clear the thoughts of beating my brother for helping Kelsey with something like this. It should be me!

Where the fuck did that thought come from?

“Well, I met Vince when I was in college. It was my first week of classes and I honestly didn’t make it much further than that. Vince swept me off my feet with romantic dinners, study dates in the library, and he was so sweet and nice to me. I’ve never had a boyfriend other than him, so I missed all the warning signs,” Kelsey begins, her voice small and quiet as she shares her story. “It started out small. Him getting angry because I’d talk to another guy in a study group. He’d yell at me, accuse me of flirting with the guy, and I wouldn’t attend the next few sessions. My grades truly suffered because of my lack of study partners. From there, I had to move out of my dorm because it was a coed dorm and Vince didn’t like me being near guys. He actually rented a house close to school for us to share.

“As soon as we were living together, Vince completely changed. I wasn’t allowed to go to school anymore. My responsibilities were taking care of the house, making sure he had meals as soon as he got home, and doing his homework when he was too busy. Which was all the time. I didn’t even know anything about his classes so I had to study even more than he would have had to do himself. All of my time was accounted for. About a month or so into us living together, he changed once again. Nothing I did was right. He’d throw food I spent all day preparing on the floor because it wasn’t up to his standards or something on his plate touched something else. I’d have more to clean up from his tantrums until he started leaving the plates untouched and would just beat me until I could barely pick myself up off the floor.

“From there, things got even worse. I’d have to clean despite not being able to move very good, still cook him any meal he wanted, and make sure his schoolwork was ready to go. Vince was cheating on me daily too. I had no money because he took mine from my inheritance. My parents died and I was left a sum of money. Vince took it as soon as the check cleared my account. I was given the beater of a car I arrived in town with too. He always had the best cars, could do as he pleased, and beat the fuck out of me on a regular basis. To top it all off, if he couldn’t get ahold of one of his regular pieces of ass, he’d come home and rape me. It didn’t matter if I didn’t want to have sex with him or not. Vince took what he wanted when he wanted it.”

I can’t stop the growl from escaping at hearing the life she lived with the fucker. She was literally trapped in her situation and had no one to help her get away from him. The fucker will die at my hands if I have any say in the matter. To beat and rape her makes him less than the shit I step in and wipe off the bottom of my fucking boots.

“What made you finally decide to get away from him?” Zeus asks, his voice gentle and soft as he watches her every move.

“I had gotten sick and was put on antibiotics. Knowing they would mess with my birth control, I told Vince we couldn’t have sex without a condom. By that point I had quit fighting him if he did turn to me. I explained about the medicine and birth control, but he refused to wear a condom. So, I got pregnant with Brent. He’s the best part of my life and I’ll never regret having him. I just regret who his father is. Anyway, as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started packing up small amounts of my clothes. I stuffed the bags in my car because Vince would never be caught dead going near it for any reason. My child wouldn’t be raised around a damn monster. The rest of my breaking point was coming home early from an appointment one day to find several underage girls in the house, drugs all over, Vince high as hell, and weapons of all kinds filling the table. He was preparing to rape these minors with no remorse or thought to how he was damaging them. I got out after quickly packing up my important papers and a few other things. As soon as I was far enough away, I called the cops to report a disturbance at the house.

“From there, I’ve moved every week or two for just over the last year. If Vince finds me, I’m dead. There’s no doubt in my mind he’ll kill me. I was certainly threatened with it enough times before I finally left. This is the longest I’ve ever been in one spot and it’s more than likely time for me to move on. Please tell Jaelyn I’m sorry for everything. I’ll make sure she gets back any money already spent on the business. You guys too. Brent and I will move on and none of you will ever have to worry about me bringing this to your door again,” Kelsey says, going to stand from Sabotage’s chair to leave without letting any of us speak.

“How are you gonna protect yourself, Kelsey? Protect your son? There’s no doubt in my mind you love your little boy with everythin’ in you. What’s gonna happen if you run again without anyone to have your fuckin’ back? Vince will take you out and you have no clue what he’ll do to your son from there. The safest fuckin’ place for you is to stay here in Braedon where we can have your back,” I growl out, angry at the thought of her leaving with no backup plan or a form of protection for either one of them.

“I don’t know,” she whispers. “This isn’t your problem.”

“It might not be our problem, but you mean somethin’ to this club. You’ve come in without any judgement and helped Jaelyn when she’s needed it. You’re prepared to take on the business alone when she goes out on maternity leave too. We have no problem helpin’ you out, Kelsey. We have friends who would love to eliminate your problem. Let me ask you this. Do you know anythin’ about Vince’s family? What they do for work?” Lash questions her as he leans back in his chair, not raising his voice despite the anger filling him as his veins sticks out and his face turns red.

“No. I honestly only ever saw his parents in passing. Vince never introduced me to them, and I didn’t attend their house for any reason. Including the parties he’d always go to,” she states with a flat voice.

“His dad is the current head of the LaRusso family. They’re a mafia family. Vince is the heir and will eventually take over everythin’ his dad has been buildin’ for years. We are friends with one of their many rivals. It will take one call from us, and we’ll have more than enough backup to take out Vince and his fuckin’ father,” Zeus tells her, sliding a few pictures across the table toward her.

These pictures are actually the better ones. They show Vince with a few random women, there’s one where he’s standing with his father over another man kneeling while begging for his life. We also have ones where they’re standing over mutilated bodies covered in blood. Gruesome shit she has no business seeing. The gasp leaving her mouth tells me all I need to know. Kelsey is completely innocent and just wants to stay as far away from her ex as humanly possible. I can’t say as I blame her since she shared her story with us. And I have a feeling it wasn’t her complete story either. Just the cliff notes version of what he’s done to her.

“Kelsey, I want you to move here into the row houses. You’ll remain on the compound with protection around the clock. You’re free to come and go as you please, but you’ll have men on you when you’re outside the gates. If we get one hint of Vince bein’ here in Braedon, we’ll put you on lockdown, so he has no chance to get near you. Even bein’ in the row houses, I’ll still want someone close to you at all times. We’ll work out a schedule between the guys and you’ll remain safe. Brent and you deserve to live a safe, peaceful life without constantly lookin’ over your shoulder,” Lash tells her, knowing she’ll run the first second she gets a chance. “When it comes to the new storefront, we’ll send you there once a week until it opens. There’s not much you can do there now anyway. Can you agree to this?”

“Thank you, Lash. I won’t ever be able to repay you all for you generosity and kindness. Can I get the few things Brent and I have from my apartment before going to the row house?” she asks, her voice so small it guts me.

“Yep. Gonna have a few Prospects clean the place out and make sure you have a full kitchen. If you need anythin’ else, let one of us know and we’ll make sure you got it. Does Brent have plenty of diapers and food?” he answers her, looking up at her young son.

“He does. I just got him stuff yesterday while I was out.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance