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“Can we have the rings please?” Judge questions as Lash pulls them from his pocket and hands them all over.

We exchange our rings. Zeus has a black one resting on his finger while Sabotage has a silver one. Each of them picked out their own ring and I honestly love them. They’re simple and to the point just as the men wearing them are. My wedding band is absolutely stunning as it rests against my engagement ring. I love the set they chose for me. They know me better than anyone else ever has.

“Now,” Judge begins, looking at me with a smirk on his face. “You may kiss your bride.”

More laughter from our family and friends erupts and quickly fades away to nothing as Zeus presses his lips against mine. It’s not long before he deepens the kiss. I cling to his body letting him hold me up without a fear of falling. Sabotage interrupts us after however long. He pulls me into his arms and gives me a slow, deep kiss which steals the breath from my lungs. These men kiss so differently, but affect me, nonetheless.

“I now pronounce to you Zeus, Sabotage, and Mrs. Jacobs-Winston. It’s time to party!” Judge announces when Sabotage finally releases me.

The three of us face our family as they all cheer and catcall. Making our way down the aisle, we head directly for the tent. It’s time to eat and I can’t push it back any further. My stomach is already starting to bother me. Zeus and Sab help me sit down at our table as Kelsey immediately brings me over a plate of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, two rolls, pasta salad, and corn on the cob. We’re essentially having the food we would for a cookout, and it works. Today has been perfect so far.

“I love you, wife,” Zeus tells me.

Yes, Zeus is the man I married. I have both of their last names and to me both men are my husband. On paper, Zeus is the one I’m wed to though. Sabotage was fine with the arrangement because his name is still included, and we made the decision together. All of us talked about the situation and worked out how things would work. That’s the only way our relationship will be able to work.

The rest of the day passes in a blur. I sit and talk with my sister and Bronwan while the guys drink and turn the music up loud as hell as normal. When I was eating again, I got in my cuddles with Nash. He settled on my lap and eventually fell asleep wrapped in my arms. Eventually this will be my children in my lap, and I can’t wait. I even talked to Kelsey for a while before she disappeared about going into business together. No, I might not know a lot about the woman, but my gut tells me she’s a good person who deserves to have a fighting chance at her business. Not many will open their doors for her since she’s new in town. So, if I can help, I want to. Plus, we have a lot in common when it comes to food. Kelsey loves the ideas I have for my business already and wants to sit down to talk in greater detail about things at a later date.

I danced with both of my men to different songs for our first dance. Zeus choseI Don’t Danceby Lee Brice while Sabotage pickedA Thousand Yearsby Christina Perri. They have their reasons for their songs, and I couldn’t be happier with their choices. After dancing and hanging out for a while longer with everyone, they took me home. I was tired as hell and ready to be alone with my husbands. They worshipped my body for the rest of the night, letting me nap in between and feeding me when I was hungry. We may not be leaving on a honeymoon, but whatever we do will be perfect for us. That’s the only thing that matters if you ask me.

MARRIED. I CAN’T believe we got married. The last month since the wedding has been crazy as hell. After rebuilding the strip club and going over every single detail with a fine-tooth comb, I’m getting ready to open the doors once again. It’s going to be a huge event and the guys will all be in attendance to show support for one of the club’s businesses. No, Jae is not happy about the shit I have to do there; auditioning dancers, spending time there, and of course attending the grand opening. I can’t say I blame her. Those bitches are catty as hell and will try to make waves when there’s no fucking reason. I’ll never fuck them or have anything to do with them if it doesn’t involve work. My wife can stop in at any given time for any reason and know these women don’t hold a candle to her.

Sal is still dealing with the situation we brought to his doorstep. He’s not taking the easy way of handling it and just killing the fucker. No, he wants to make sure no one else in the Rossi family is involved. Then, once he’s positive there isn’t anyone else going along with the stupid fuck, he’ll take everyone involved out. At this point, I’m honestly hoping it’s just the one guy. Sal, Tomasso, and the rest of the men in charge there are good men. They don’t deserve to have this shit brought to their front door. Like us, they have a code they follow and every single person from the soldiers and those trying to get involved with the family up to the head boss knows what that code is. No one trades in women. They make more than enough money with their other areas of business.

Lash has offered our club up if they need any help taking out the trash. We all feel horrible about this shit since we’re the ones who told him about the issues in his family. Judge has even said he has no problem coming up to lend a hand. Not his entire club, but a few select guys are more than willing to make the trip and spend some time up here. It would be nice to see the guys since it’s been a long time since we all hung out. With everything each club has going on there hasn’t been the time to get together. Only a handful came up for the wedding and left shortly after. Like first thing the next morning. One of these days we’ll all get to hang out again.

Zeus and I have been spending as much time as possible with Jaelyn. She’s been sick as fuck and worried about the babies. Because of all the shit going on, she actually had a test of some sort done to ensure the health of our children is okay. Today we get the results of the test and get to see our babies. Supposedly the test will also be able to tell us their genders. Personally, I want to know what we’re having. Jae does to. Zeus doesn’t care one way or another. He just wants them to be healthy and make sure we’re doing everything possible to make sure Jaelyn is gaining weight, eating, and stays healthy despite her getting sick so much.

“Are you ready to go, Sab?” Jaelyn asks, wrapping her arms around me as I sit at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

“I’m ready when you guys are. How are you feelin’ today baby girl?” I return, tipping my head back for a kiss.

“I’m okay. Didn’t have a good morning, but Zeus got me some saltines and ginger ale. It’s helping a little bit. By the time my appointment’s done I’ll be ready to eat. Can we stop at the diner on the way home?”

“Anythin’ you need, baby girl,” I promise her.

“Let’s roll,” Zeus says, stepping in the room and wrapping an arm around Jae’s waist.

I’ve never seen my best friend so fucking happy. He’s got the woman he wants, the club is doing really good, and we’re about to have children. No, this is not exactly how we imagined our lives going if I’m being honest, but we’re happy as hell this is the way things turned out. We never could have anticipated finding Jaelyn before my brother met her sister and brought her into our lives. We have fallen hard for her and there’s no denying it to anyone.

Heading out to the SUV we just bought instead of using one of the club’s, I help Jae in the front seat before climbing in behind her. It’s a tight fit, but I’ll make it work. There’s no way in hell I’m going to make her sit in the back when we’re all together. Jaelyn deserves to have the world handed to her on a silver fucking platter and it includes sitting in the front of any vehicle we’re in. Zeus pulls away from our house and heads through the compound before we head toward town. It won’t take us very long to get to the office and then it’s a waiting game for the appointment to happen and us to have an ultrasound done as well.

“What time do you have to be at Jaded Outlaw?” Zeus asks me, knowing I’m not going alone.

“Lash, Death, and Talon are gonna meet me at the clubhouse to head over there once I’m done with our wife,” I answer him, placing a hand on Jae’s shoulder in comfort.

On top of hating me going back to work at Jaded Outlaw, she’s nervous about the results of the test. Yes, she knows about the medical history for her and Hartley. I know mine for the most part, as does Zeus. What we don’t know is if something happened when she was taken or anything her mother chose not to tell her the few times she was actually in her life and coherent enough to have rational conversations.

“Everythin’ is gonna be just fine,” Zeus tries to assure her as we pull into the office parking lot. “This is just a precaution to give you peace of mind.”

“I know. I’d just rather make sure we know of anything going on in advance so we can prepare. I’m gonna love our children no matter what’s going on. The same as you two. It’s just something I need to do for me,” she states even though we know her reasons for wanting the test done.

“We’ll deal with whatever we find out today, baby girl. There’s nothin’ we can’t handle as long as we’re together.”

Getting out of the SUV after Zeus parks as close to the door as possible, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and hold my wife close to my body. Zeus steps up on her other side to wrap his arm around her waist. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of our relationship. Our family gives us all the support we need and everyone else can kiss my ass. Zeus gets our wife checked in since we don’t have to fill out the paperwork again as I help her find a seat not surrounded by other women. One of the drawbacks of coming to these appointments with her is all the attention pregnant women give us. We’re eye fucked from the second we step through the door until we leave this place. The nurses are just as bad. Jaelyn always gets riled up and has already had one nurse fired for inappropriately talking to her and us while she was checking Jae’s vitals and weight.

“Can I help you?” Jae asks as a woman moves closer to us while Zeus tries to take his seat on Jae’s other side.

“Not at all. I’m here for these two. You don’t mean shit,” the woman says, making my wife’s face turn red as hell.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance