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“Come in,” I call out, giving myself one final look over before turning to face my brother-in-law and the women in the room with me.

“You look amazing,” Hartley says, her voice filled with emotion and her eyes shining with tears.

“No crying,” I chastise her, laughing so I don’t start crying as well.

“Your sister isn’t wrong. These guys are gonna lose their minds when they fuckin’ see you,” Lash says, pulling his wife into his arms and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Are you ready to go? They’re throwin’ a fit because you’re not out there yet. My brother is ready to come up here and carry your ass down if you’re not out there soon.”

“I’m ready.”

Bronwan and Hartley leave us in the room together since they’ll be walking outside first. Lash takes a minute with me before we head out of the house. We’re actually going to be riding over in an SUV from the house to the clubhouse because it’s a distance from where our houses are. The girls have their own SUV and are already heading there to make sure everything is finished before we get there.

“You know, I didn’t believe you’d ever get my brother and Zeus to be serious about a girl. They’ve always shared since the day they met. There are reasons you’re aware of I’m sure. From the second you stepped foot in our lives, they both changed. I knew it was just a matter of time before they’d be claimin’ you. Zeus was always on the ledge though. This is why I know what you three have is real and it’s gonna last. No matter who says what about you three or anythin’ else, you’re gonna make it no matter what’s thrown at you. You’re already a member of the family, Jae. I hope you know that and don’t ever forget it,” Lash tells me, pulling me in for a hug.

There is no way for me to stop the tears sliding down my face. This rough man is so sweet and loving. Most people take one look at his appearance and judge him without knowing a single thing about him. They don’t take a few minutes to watch him with his wife or child. To see the love he has for his brothers in the club, and by blood. Lash is the President of a motorcycle club who has a heart of gold hidden beneath his badass appearance. My brother-in-law doesn’t let his soft side out often. If you’re lucky enough to see it, make sure you don’t take advantage of it because you’re the one missing out.

“Is your mom here already?” I ask, needing to change the subject as I check my face in the mirror before we head out.

“She’s been here since before the sun was up. Mom has been helpin’ the caterer you hired, made sure no one fucked up the setup of how you want things, and then got ready in my room in the clubhouse. I told her to come over here with you girls, but she wanted to give you all some space or some shit,” he answers, leading me from the room and out to the waiting SUV.

“I love your mom,” I tell him as he helps me in the backseat.

Austin is driving us today. I’m not sure who had the other girls, but it doesn’t really matter. I keep my gaze locked out the window as we get closer to the clubhouse. Austin’s going to drive us around the front so the guys can’t see me when I step out of the vehicle. With the way the windows are tinted, they won’t be able to see me from wherever they’re standing either. The yard looks amazing. Lining the aisle I’ll be walking down all the guys bikes sit. There’s a red and white runner leading through the bikes as well. At the end of each row of chairs sits a mason jar filled with various flowers that were delivered this morning. The arbor sits just in front of a tree where the fairy lights are already hung up. Once the day fades into night we’ll turn those on to add to the lighting we have around the yard. Bonfires will be lit and old-fashioned lanterns will be set on each table under the canopy.

There’s a large canopy where the reception will be. It covers a majority of where we usually have cookouts and shit because we never know what the weather is gonna be here. I don’t want anyone to get covered in rain or any other elements of the weather. The back door of the clubhouse sits open as the girls stand there waiting for their cue to walk down the aisle. On top of walking me down the aisle, Lash will be standing up with his brother. Talon is standing up with Zeus. We didn’t want a huge wedding party and I honestly don’t want anyone from school here. They wouldn’t understand a damn thing about why I’m with two men who are in a motorcycle club. These people are extremely judgmental and have no business in my life any longer. I’m content with the members of the club and the ol’ ladies being part of my life. They understand my life now in ways not many others will.

Zeus and Sabotage are standing at the front of the alter. They both look amazing in their new jeans, black button-down shirts with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, and their cuts proudly displayed on their back. These are men and I wouldn’t change either one of them for a single reason. In my eyes, they’re perfectly imperfect which makes them perfect for me.

“Are you ready to get this show on the road?” Lash asks once he has my door open with his hand extended to help me out.

“More than ready,” I answer him as I practically jump out and rush toward the clubhouse door.

“It seems my brother and Zeus aren’t the only two impatient ones today,” he mutters from behind me.

In the blink of an eye, it seems as if I’m at the backdoor and the girls are heading down the aisle to wait for my approach. Cole shuts the door behind them so no one can see me until it’s time for me to walk toward my future. Lash hands me my bouquet from somewhere as we wait for the door to open once again for me. My sister and Bronwan are wearing short dresses with flip flops on their feet. It’s all very casual for our wedding. I’m wearing white flip flops myself. The only difference in the girls’ dresses are the colors. Hartley is wearing red and Bronwan is wearing black. Nothing over the top or too elegant for our day today. Simple and casual is what I’ve always wanted.

“It’s time,” Lash murmurs just before a new song plays and the door opens once again.

Speechlessby Dan + Shay begins to play. It’s one of my favorite songs though it’s not something I told the guys I wanted to walk toward them to. This is something they’ve done for me all on their own. Again, I can’t stop the tears from filling my eyes as one lone tear spills over. Lash looks down at me with a smile on his face. He knows they did this for me. It’s their way of making today even more special for me. One of the many reasons it was so damn easy to fall in love with them.

I practically run down the aisle as soon as the door is open, and Lash takes the first step forward. Everyone here to celebrate with us laughs at my rush. Personally, I don’t give a shit. It’s our day and I want to be there with them and not walk nice and slow like I’m supposed to. My guys are the only ones not laughing. They’re smiling at me with love shining from their eyes as I get closer to them. Lash isn’t even trying to hold me back at this point. In fact, I don’t even think he's holding my arm any longer. He knows there’s no stopping me now; not when my men are so close.

“I love you, Jae Bird,” Zeus says as soon as I step up next to them. “More than you’ll ever know.”

“I love you too. Both of you so much,” I respond and reach up on my toes to place a kiss against his lips.

“Uh-uh missy,” Judge says, laughter filling his voice. “We’re not at the kissin’ part yet. You may have rushed down the aisle but I’m not lettin’ you move the ceremony to skip over all the good parts. Now, take your places. All of you.”

We all laugh as I stand where I’m supposed to and hand off my flowers to my sister. She’s laughing and crying at the same time as she stares between me and then her husband. Judge begins speaking as soon as we’re all calmed down once again. I barely hear a word he says as I stare between Sabotage and Zeus. These men are my entire universe, and I can’t wait to be theirs in every way possible.

“Zeus, I know you both have things you want to say to Jaelyn today. You may go first,” Judge declares as I manage to tune back into the ceremony.

“Jae Bird, you amaze me each and every fuckin’ day. Not only with how beautiful you are inside and out, but with the sheer strength and determination you possess. If there’s somethin’ you want to do, nothin’ is gonna stop you from doin’ it. You’ll definitely keep the two of us on our toes no matter how old we are or what we’re doin’. I can only hope our children will have your zest for life and the ability to see things in a positive light no matter what’s goin’ on. You’re the air I breathe, the light to brighten up the darkness, and the love fillin’ my heart. You’ve shown us we’re all capable of a love we didn’t think we can possess, and I can’t wait to see where the rest of this journey takes us. I can’t wait to see you round with our children, bein’ the best mom to them, and showin’ them nothin’ is impossible if you believe in yourself. I love you, Jaelyn and that’s somethin’ you’ve made easy to do,” Zeus says, making another tear slide slowly down my face as he reaches out to catch it with his finger.

“Baby girl, you have shown me what it truly means to live instead of just goin’ through the motions and waitin’ for each day to end to start the cycle all over again. I enjoy wakin’ up with you in my arms every single mornin’ and can’t wait to get in bed with you no matter how the day has been. You’ve shown me it’s important to leave the bullshit where it belongs and not to bring it into our sanctuary. A home you have given Zeus and me. Where you are is home. Filled with love, light, air, and makin’ a million memories to remember when we’re old and gray. No one will ever compare to you, Jaelyn. You’re the air I breathe, the light to brighten up the darkness, and the love fillin’ my heart. You’ve brought us both back to life and there’s no way we’ll ever be able to show you how much that means. Instead, we’ll spend the rest of our lives tryin’ to prove we’re worthy of your love, loyalty, and the sense of peace you have brought to our lives,” Sabotage tells me, wiping away the tear he caused to spill over with his words.

“Jaelyn, it’s now you’re turn,” Judge states, showing he’s more of a man of few words than most believe.

“Zeus. Sabotage. The day I first saw you, I knew my life was about to change forever. As my world fell apart, I knew without a doubt I’d never be alone again. With you both by my side I know there’s nothing I can’t do. You encourage me, love me, and support me no matter what crazy ideas I come up with. The two of you let my crazy run free instead of trying to corral me into someone I’m not. No one else would put up with most of my antics the way you both do. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us as we continue down this path in our lives and join together as one. Zeus and Sabotage you are my strength when I can’t fight by myself anymore, the air I breathe, the safety to let me know nothing will ever hurt me as long as you’re by my side, and the shield to make sure I don’t hurt myself with my crazy lack of impulse control. You’ll both make the best dad’s to our children as you teach them how to be loyal, love with every part of their heart, and that they don’t have to follow society’s rules of how one should live their life. They’ll see your strength, loyalty, and ability to love others when they need it the most. I love you both so much and will never take a single second with you for granted,” I promise them as another tear falls from my eye.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance