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Yeah, she’s about to explode.

“Listen here, bitch. You’re obviously very pregnant and have someone waiting for you at home. Unless you just randomly spread your legs and don’t know who the father is of your off spring. In that case, I feel sorry for your child. Now, as you can clearly see, these men are here with me. They are the fathers of my children and my husbands. They’re not interested in anything you have to offer them. I suggest you back the fuck off and let us sit in peace,” Jaelyn growls out, her voice low and menacing so the entire room doesn’t hear her.

“You can’t talk to me like that,” the woman says indignantly as if she’s truly offended by my wife’s words.

“Actually she can. You’re the one who came over here to hit on her men just because you want a walk on the wild side. It’s not gonna happen. If you are with someone, leave them instead of cheatin’ or make sex with him better. Leave us the fuck alone,” Zeus says, his voice carrying through the entire room. “Not to mention, you said shit to her first and she has every right to defend herself.”

The woman gets out of the chair she took up residence in and stomps away from us with a look of disgust covering her face. It’s not anywhere close to being what she deserved, but hopefully she got the point.

“You make me hot as fuck when you claim us,” I tell Jaelyn in her ear. “I can’t wait to get home tonight and fuck the shit outta you.”

“Don’t tease me, Sab. I’ll have to have Zeus take care of what you start while you’re gone,” she taunts me, her voice just as low as mine.

“Jaelyn Jacobs-Winston,” a nurse calls out, her face already pale as she stands in the door leading to the exam rooms.

The three of us stand from our seats and make our way over to her. Zeus and I stand guard while her vitals and weight are taken. I leave Zeus to follow her into the exam room while I stand guard at the bathroom door. Jaelyn takes care of business and meets me in the hall as the nurse leaves the exam room and assuring us the doctor will be right in. Following Jae in the room, she gets up on the bed without removing her clothes. For this appointment there’s no need. We’re literally getting the results of the test and having an ultrasound done so we can see our babies. I’m excited as fuck.

Zeus and I pull up chairs on the side of her so we can touch her as we talk to the doctor and see the monitor when it’s time to see our peanuts. We don’t wait long before there’s a knock on the door and the doctor walks inside. She’s a nice woman and I’m glad Jaelyn chose her.

“Jaelyn, it’s good to see you again. How are you feeling?”

“I’m still getting sick a lot. If I don’t eat in time I’m throwing up and it sucks. I feel so damn drained all the time too,” she answers, keeping her eyes trained on the doctor.

“You’re going to feel tired and drained. It happens when you’re carrying triplets. If you need to eat more often, go ahead and do it. You’re gaining weight at a slow pace and everything looks good. First, we’ll go over the test results and then I’ll have the technician come in so you can see your little ones,” she states as she opens the chart in her hand. “Everything came back good. There are no genetic defects in any of the babies and no underlying reasons to believe they’ll be anything other than healthy when you deliver them. More than likely we’ll look into scheduling you for a cesarean section before you actually go into labor. It will save on both the babies and you. I don’t want any of you to go into distress for any reason. Now, were you hoping to find out the gender of the babies today?”

“Yes please,” Jae answers, a smile on her face.

“Good. Baby A is a boy. Baby B is a girl. And, Baby C is a boy. Two sons and a daughter. Congratulations!”

“Fuck yes!” I yell out, not bothering to hide my excitement as Jae, Zeus, and the doctor all laugh at me.

“I’ll have the technician come in to get your ultrasound done. I’ll see you in a week for your regular appointment. If any of you have any questions before then, don’t hesitate to call me. At your next appointment we’ll be scheduling further testing all expectant mothers have done. Based on those results we might have to adjust some things,” she explains with a smile on her face before leaving us alone in the room.

“Two sons and a daughter,” I whisper as Zeus and Jae look at me. “She’s gonna look just like you, baby girl. And our boys are gonna be little hellions just like we were. Zeus, we need to stock up on our ammo and shit before she gets here. I’m not lettin’ a single little shit get close to her. No one will ever be good enough for our little girl.”

“We have time before we have to think about all that shit,” Zeus says, laughter filling his voice. “Jae Bird, have you thought of any names for our little ones?”

“I have some names in mind. Tell me what you think,” she begins looking between the two of us. “What do you guys think of Micah Bentley, Caylin Alissa, and Reid Lucas?”

The names she’s chosen are all combinations of ones Zeus and I have mentioned we liked in passing. Our wife chose every single one we like without adding in anything she wanted. She’s so fucking selfless in every attempt to make us happy. Little does she know we’re happy as fuck every morning we get to wake up to her in our lives and bed.

“Thank you, baby girl. Once again you give us a gift and don’t want anythin’ in return. I love you so fuckin’ much.”

“I love you too, Jae Bird. More than I’ll ever be able to show or tell you. Thank you for everythin’ you’ve given us,” Zeus tells her as the door opens to show the technician ready to show us our babies.

I keep my eyes locked on the screen along with my best friend and our wife. This is a great moment for us. Any time we get to see our peanuts is a good day. Then, we’ll use the pictures to have a gender reveal thing at the clubhouse. It’s something Jae wants to do and we’re gonna give it to her.

I’ve been at Jaded Outlaw for over an hour and a half now. We’ve already watched the first set of dancers perform and are now getting ready for the second round of girls. I’m giving every single fucking one of them a speech before they get up on the stage to show us what they can do. Other than a select few from the original Jaded Outlaw, none of those bitches are coming back here. Especially not the ones who have caused problems for us in the past. It’s not worth it to have them back here again and I don’t have to keep them on staff. That’s the great thing about being the manager here.

“Alright. Each of you get two minutes to dance solo. After your solo dance, you’ll be dancin’ in a small group of five. I just want to see how you work in a group in case a party comes in and request it to happen. You’ll also perform a lap dance. No, before any of you get excited, none of us will be in the chair. You’ll be performin’ as if we were,” I state as a few of the girls start pouting and batting their eye lashes at us. “Now, if you’re here to get an in with the club, you know where the fuckin’ door is. None of you will be allowed at the clubhouse other than for a special event. Not a single member of the club will fuck you for any reason. You’re here to fuckin’ dance, not fuck bikers. Even our associates and other clubs won’t touch you.

“We don’t have many rules here at the strip club, but there are a few. We’re goin’ over them now. While you will see members in here on a regular basis, I am the man in charge here. If for some reason you can’t reach me, there are two men you reach out to before anyone else. That’s Lash or Zeus. Then, you go down the line if you can’t get either one of them. There is no drug use here. Random drug tests will be performed. You fail one, you’re out on your ass. There aren’t any second chances here when it comes to drug use. No drinkin’ on the clock, you have the right to turn down any private dances for any reason. If a customer is botherin’ you, let one of the bouncers know immediately. Also, I do not want to deal with the petty drama of bitches. If you have a problem with another dancer, waitress, or bar tender resolve it like fuckin’ grown-ups. If you cause problems here, you will be put on probation. That’s a one-time occurrence. I’m not dealin’ with the shit anymore in the new club. Now, there are more rules we’ll go over as you’re hired on. If you’re not chosen, I’m sorry.”

Taking my seat, I motion for the first girl in line to get on stage as the music begins to blare through the speakers. I’ve already got a pounding headache and the excitement from earlier today has faded to almost nothing. Jaelyn is home with Zeus while I’m here dealing with this shit. However, I know when I get home, I’ll have a homecooked meal waiting. My wife is making us chicken and gravy over biscuits with mashed potatoes. I can’t wait to eat it. Then, spend the rest of the night with her and Zeus as we relax and watch a movie or something.

“I’m already sick of bein’ here,” Lash murmurs as each girl takes her turn on stage.

“Tell me about it,” Talon returns, his voice slightly louder as the girls closest to us stare us down. “These bitches on the end are gonna be a problem. Haven’t taken their eyes off us despite knowin’ they’ll never get our cocks.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance