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“Yes. I’ll marry you, commit to you, and spend the rest of my days loving you. The two of you show me a world where I can be who I am and not worry about the assholes taking advantage. I know with you both, you’ll always have my back, and no one will ever get close to harming our children or me. You’ve both given me a gift as much as I have you. The three of us will raise our children to be strong, independent, and loyal to one another and their extended family. I love you both so much,” Jae says as Sabotage finally opens his hand up to reveal the ring.

Tears cascade down Jaelyn’s face as he slides it on her finger to find it fits perfectly. He leans in to press a kiss against her lips. Jae doesn’t settle for that though. She opens her mouth and slides her tongue along the seam of his lips until he opens for her. Together, they get lost in the kiss while I sit back and watch the two of them together. It’s hot as hell to know each one is only thinking of the other. At least until Jae reaches out her hand without opening her eyes to rest against my thigh after I move up next to her. Pulling her mouth from his, she turns her attention toward me. I don’t hesitate to pull her in close by the nape of her neck where my hand rests against her skin. Jaelyn opens her mouth immediately for me as our tongues tangle together. Her taste and scent surround me as my eyes drift closed. Like with my best friend, Jae loses herself in our kiss giving me breathy little moans and whimpers.

“In the water,” I tell her, panting as I pull my mouth from hers.

I want to be buried balls deep in her tight pussy right now and it’s not gonna happen out here where anyone can see her naked body. No one gets to see her except Sabotage. She’s ours to love on and no one will ever get to experience the way she tastes, her scent, or hear any of her moans of pleasure. They all belong to my best friend and me.

For the rest of the afternoon, we worship her body and talk about the wedding. When we’re not doing any of that, we’re feeding our girl and babies to keep up her energy. Jae even takes a nap nestled in between Sab and me. She’s only wearing my shirt in case anyone else happens to wander out this way. Jaelyn is stunning when she’s wide awake and giving us shit. With her sleeping between us, knowing we wore her out, I’ve never seen her look better. Her hair a tangled mess around her head, innocence filling her face, and my shirt covering her body. This girl is my world and I’ll make sure there’s never any doubt in her mind about how I feel for her.

IT’S BEEN AN amazing week since Sabotage and Zeus asked me to marry them. I’ve actually gone full steam ahead with planning our wedding. I don’t want to wait to marry and commit to them so we’re not. This coming weekend we’ll be getting married at the clubhouse. There’s really nowhere else I’d want to marry them. Our lives and family are here. Zeus and Sabotage would be uncomfortable in a church. So would I if I’m being honest. I don’t want to stand in some small room with only two other people standing with us as witnesses at the courthouse either. The only place that makes sense is the clubhouse so that’s what we’re doing. We’ll have the ceremony and then reception immediately after. Honestly, other than catering the food for the reception and having a cake made, we don’t need anyone else here to help us make the day good and special.

Hartley doesn’t understand my rush to get married either. It’s honestly not up to her to understand. She’s been through horrible shit in her life; we both have. I was just kidnapped and found out I’m going to have triplets with the two men I love. And I do love them with my entire heart. There is no one else out there for me who will ensure I’m safe and loved the way Sab and Zeus do. We were made for one another. There is no doubt in my mind about it. Especially after being taken and feeling as if I were never going to see them again. Never see any of my family again. I’m done wasting time and waiting around for something else to happen. It’s going to be about living in the moment from here on out and making as many memories as we can for the rest of our lives.

“Baby sis where are you?” Hartley calls out from the front door as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchen.

“Kitchen. Just finished up the dishes and getting ready to head out. Are you still coming with me?”

“Yeah. Will you please tell me, again, why you have to get married two days from now?” she asks, stopping to stand in front of me.

“I’m not going to live my life waiting around for something else to happen, Hart. When I was with mom and those evil fuckers, I had no clue if I was going to make it out of there alive. Get to come home to see you, Nash, Sabotage, Zeus, or anyone else I care about ever again. The thought of never seeing you all again tortured me more than anything that was done to me while there with them. This is my life and my choice. Please accept I’m doing this for me and no one else. Sab and Zeus aren’t making me do this either. So don’t think that. I told them I wanted to get married this weekend and they agreed,” I tell her, not bothering to hide the eye roll and exasperation filling my voice.

“Fine, Jaelyn. I’ll drop it. I just don’t want to see you hurt or have anything happen to my nieces or nephews because of the stress of planning a wedding in such a short amount of time.”

“There’s no stress honestly. I’m literally buying mason jars, a simple white dress, and the flowers for my bouquet and to fill the jars. That’s it. Other than putting up the lights, setting up the arbor where we’ll be married, and having my hair and makeup done, there’s nothing else to do. Well, other than dropping off the check to Kelsey.”

“Who’s Kelsey?” Hart questions me, stopping in her tracks as we head for the door.

“She’s new to town and is catering the reception for us. I told her I’d drop off a check today for the amount she quoted me so she can buy what is needed and begin preparations. She doesn’t know about the tip she’ll be getting though. If the food is as good as what I tasted yesterday, this woman is going to kill it with her business. She’s actually just starting out and I want to talk to her about possibly going into business together,” I tell her as I lock the front door behind us, and we head to my sister’s SUV.

The next few days are going to be busy as fuck and I’m excited. No one knows who I’m actually going to marry with the exception of my guys. We’re keeping it all a secret until the time of the ceremony. Yes, Judge is coming in to marry us too. I believe my sister and Lash started a tradition no one saw coming.

These last two days have flown by. Today is my wedding day and I’m not nervous at all. I’m excited, happy, and filled with so much joy I can’t stand it. However, I’m also filled with annoyance at my sister. Unlike when she got married, I didn’t get to spend last night with my men. They were sent to the clubhouse with Lash while my sister and Nash stayed with me. We watched movies and she did a facial on me. Yesterday I had an appointment at the salon for complete head to toe work. Literally, the only thing I have left to do is put on my makeup for today, get my hair done, and dress for the ceremony. It’s not going to take me long at all to get ready.

“How are you feeling today?” Bronwan asks walking in the house as I sit on the couch.

“I’m excited and so ready for the next hour to pass by. How are you feeling?” I return, noticing she’s been a little green looking lately.

“I’m okay. Here to help you get ready. Go take a shower and I’ll curl your hair for you. Hartley is gonna put it up and then I’ll curl it so she can work on your makeup. I can’t do much else to help, but I know how to curl hair,” she answers, laughter filling her voice.

Bronwan definitely isn’t a girly girl who always looks on point. She doesn’t worry about doing her makeup and hair because she doesn’t know how. There’s a been a few times Bronwan has let us do her hair and makeup just because. It’s not often we get to give her a make over though. Talon doesn’t care what she looks like and neither does Bronwan. She’s perfectly content in her skin and I love it for her. Still, despite the lack of makeup and doing her hair in the latest styles, Bronwan is a gorgeous woman.

Getting off the couch, I head for our room to shower and start to get ready. Hartley is showering at her house and then coming back over here. I quickly work through my routine in the shower and get out to dry off. With a towel wrapped around my head and body, I stand in front of the sink and wipe the moisture from the mirror. My face is flushed from the heat of the shower and excitement coursing through me. Even my eyes are shining brighter than normal as I stare back at myself. Today is my day and I can’t wait to be Mrs. Jacobs-Winston. I will have both of my men’s names as my last name. Neither one of them will feel left out as I can only legally marry one of them.

After brushing my teeth and taking the towel from my hair, I brush it out so it’s ready for my sister and Bronwan to work their magic on. Less than forty-five minutes and I’ll be walking down the aisle toward my future. Lash is actually walking me down the aisle today. He came to me last night when he dropped my sister off and asked if he could. There was no way I could tell him no. Not only because he’s my man’s brother but because he’s family. My family. So, I won’t be walking alone like I thought would happen.

The guys have actually been working on setting up everything for the ceremony since this morning. Yes, it’s mainly the Prospects doing the work, but my guys are overseeing them to make sure everything is how I want it. Honestly, I’m not picky about what I want for our day. As long as I have my flowers, our family and friends surround us, and no one gets sick from the food, today will be perfect in my eyes.

“Get your ass out here baby sis,” my sister calls out as I set my brush down on the counter and head out to the bedroom.

“Hold your ass. It’s my day and I can do things in my time,” I tell her, a smile on my face to let her know I’m kidding around.

“While this is true, I know you’re anxious to get out there and see your men.”

“You’re right. Someone made me stay away from them last night when she didn’t do the same thing for her own wedding day,” I tease her back.

Bronwan joins in our laughter as Hartley pulls my dress from the closet door where it hangs. Usually I wouldn’t get dressed until my hair and makeup was done, but this is all white with a few areas of red woven through the dress. I don’t want anything to stain it before walking to my men and officially starting our lives together. Without losing my towel, I manage to get my bra and panties on. On the plus side, I also don’t flash the other women standing in our bedroom right now either. It’s a win all the way around for me considering how fucking klutzy I can be at times. Not a side many have seen other than Hartley.

We spend the next half hour doing my hair and makeup. The second Hartley is done, she works on herself to ensure she’s ready to go on time. Then, we both help Bronwan get her hair and makeup done as well. Just as we’re finishing up, there’s a knock on the door. It’s loud enough to let me know it’s Lash. He pounds like a fucking neanderthal would with his heavy fists.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance