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With a nod of my head, I lean back against the pillows and close my eyes. There’s nothing more for me to do here until they bring Jaelyn in. Then, I’ll finally hear what’s been done to her. As soon as we know, I’m gonna tear into Kutter’s ass and make sure he pays for every ounce of pain my ol’ lady has fuckin’ felt. He might not have taken her, but he’s played a part in her being kept from us for this long. No one will tell me any different either.

Boxer and I spent hours in the hospital room without having any further conversations. About an hour and a half ago, he let me know they found Jaelyn and were bringing her here. I’ve been dying to get out of this bed and head downstairs so I can see her, but no one is letting me. I’ve already threatened the doctor and nurses about letting me go down in a wheelchair. They don’t want to risk me getting another infection. I truly get where they’re coming from, but they don’t understand where I’m coming from and why I need to be down there so bad. I’m sure they think I’m just being an asshole of epic proportions, but that’s not the case. The love of my life is being brought in and she doesn’t need to be alone.

Turning my head toward the door when I hear a commotion in the hallway, I find Zeus and Lash making their way in my room. Talon, Death, and Shank are holding off the security guards as my brother slams the door shut and leans against it. He’s breathing heavy as Zeus makes his way closer and plops down in the chair. My best friend ties to catch his breath for a minute as I just lay here and wait for them to be able to speak.

“She’s not good, Sab. Jae has been beaten daily and we found her naked and tied to a fuckin’ chair. Bastard killed her mother right in front of us and then shot her in the arm durin’ his pathetic attempt at an escape. Jared from Judge’s club stopped him and he’s bein’ taken back to the clubhouse with Kutter. We’ll deal with them as soon as we know what’s goin’ on with our ol’ lady,” Zeus finally tells me, skimming over the details I need to hear from him.

“Did they rape her?” is the first thing out of my mouth.

“No. Jared asked her when he was told to go in and she told him that’s the only thing they hadn’t done to her. She can’t speak without blood comin’ out of her mouth from one of the fucker’s chokin’ her. There are cuts and bruises all over her body, she’s got a broken wrist for sure, the gunshot wound to her arm, she was freezin’ cold, and they hadn’t fed her in the time she’s been with them. There was a nasty mattress in the room they were holdin’ her in, a bucket for her to use as a bathroom and the fuckin’ chair Jared was forced to tie her to when we showed up.

“Right now she’s bein’ examined in the emergency department. They’re tryin’ to assess if she’ll need surgery or not. I have no clue what else has been done to her at this point. It’s now a waitin’ game to see what else has been done to her.”

I interrupt Zeus as I finally notice he’s not wearing a shirt under his cut and his chest is covered in blood. Our ol’ lady’s blood. My heart shatters in my chest.

“Get me the fuck outta here. Now!” I demand, knowing I’m not going to waste another fucking second in this bed when she’s been hurt so bad. “I’m gonna go down and wait to find out what the next step is for her and then I’m goin’ to deal with Bastard and Kutter. Zeus and I will be the ones to fuckin’ end them. Well, Zeus will. I’m not in good enough shape to give them the punishments they truly fuckin’ deserve right now. I’m not askin’ or playin’ a fuckin’ game here. I want to get fuckin’ dressed in the clothes I have here, go down to wait on word about my ol’ lady, and then go to the clubhouse if she has to have surgery. Then I’ll come back in case anythin’ happens to me and I need a fuckin’ doctor!”

Lash stares at me for a second before nodding his head. He leaves the room and comes back inside within a minute the doctor following him. I tell him what’s going to happen, and he shakes his head the entire time I’m telling him I want to be discharged. Every day I get stronger with the infection leaving my body and I promise to take things easy. There is just no way in hell I can be stuck here while there’s more pressing matters concerning me.

“Look, I understand why you need to get out of here. I am not willing to discharge you at this point in time. What I will do is allow you to go in a wheelchair downstairs to wait on word of your woman. Anything else will have to wait for another few days. It’s not what you want to hear, and I understand that. I’m not willing to risk your health though. That’s not something I can do,” the doctor says, an unreadable look in his eyes. “I have seen the girl you’re wanting to see, and I hope you’ve all made the sick fucks who hurt her pay with their lives. Now, what you choose to do when you’re down in the emergency department is up to you. As long as you’re back in this bed before I get off the clock in about eight hours.”

None of us say a word as the doctor turns on his heels and leaves the room. He might not be discharging me, but he’s not going to keep me here either. A nurse enters my room and unhooks the IV from the pole. It’s not time for me to get another dose of the antibiotics they’re still flooding my body with. Hopefully I’ll be back by the time I need more. Eight hours is more than enough time for me to find out what’s going on with Jaelyn and then go to the clubhouse. Boxer and Zeus help me get in a pair of sweats someone brought for me, and then I’m placed in a wheelchair to head downstairs.

Once downstairs, I find the waiting room full of club members. As I’m wheeled to a stop by Zeus, Hartley, my mom, Trina, and Bronwan race through the doors. Each woman makes her way to her man with the exception of my mom. She heads straight for me and carefully pulls me into her arms. I let her hold me as her tears land on the hospital gown I’m still wearing. Nothing matters right now except for Jaelyn.

“Where’s my sister?” Hartley asks, her voice shaking with emotion as she clings to Lash.

“She’s bein’ examined right now,” Zeus answers her as the doors open and a doctor makes his way in the room.

“Family of Jaelyn,” he says as my mom lets me go and I’m pushed closer to him.

“I’m her sister and this is her fiancé and man,” Hartley tells him as the doctor doesn’t even blink an eye.

“I’m just out here to let you know we’re taking her into surgery. We can’t tell if there’s any internal bleeding and we need to be sure. I also want to make sure her wrist doesn’t need to be surgically repaired. Hopefully we don’t find anything life threatening and can just set her break and put a cast on her,” he informs us. “Most of the cuts on her body don’t need stitches and have started to close over on their own. At this point, by some miracle, she doesn’t seem to have any sort of infection though her body temperature is quite low. I understand she was naked and held in a basement which could account for that. Once we get her out of surgery and cleaned up as best as we can, we’ll administer antibiotics as a precaution and low dose pain medicine.

“During an ultrasound we did discover she’s pregnant. Roughly two weeks or slightly less. I cannot guarantee you the fetus will survive everything her body has been through up to this point or the surgery. We will do everything in our power to save both mom and baby. Just keep in mind, it might not be feasible to save them both. Jaelyn isn’t in immediate danger or have any life-threatening injuries that we can see. We’ll know more once we open her up and check things out. I’m going to have you all moved up to the surgical waiting area. There’s coffee, tea, and some snacks up there for you while you wait. Someone will be with you as soon as we get done,” the doctor tells us.

I’m sure he gave us his name, but I don’t remember hearing it. Nor do I give a fuck as long as my girl is okay.

“How long will she be in surgery?” Zeus asks as Lash comes up behind us.

“It could be an hour or longer. It all depends on what we find when we open her up. I’m going to make the incisions as small as possible. We just couldn’t get a good enough look on the tests we’ve already administered, and I don’t want to take any chances with her life. A nurse will be right out to take you upstairs.”

Without another word, the doctor leaves us in the waiting room. I turn to look at my brother and Zeus.

“Let’s go. I don’t want to waste any fuckin’ time.”

Lash nods his head and bends down to kiss his wife before several of us file out of the hospital. I’m wheeled to one of the club’s SUVs and helped in the passenger seat as Zeus joins me in the driver’s side and everyone else gets on their bikes to follow us there. I might not be able to fucking touch them, but I’ll certainly be there to show I may have been injured and left for dead, but no one can easily take out a Knight and expect to walk away unscathed. Bastard and Kutter will know what it means to suffer at the hands of the Knight’s Rebellion MC.

TWO DAYS. THAT’S how long it took for us to put our plan in place to save Jaelyn. First, we wanted to get someone on the inside. Judge helped us out with one of his men. Jared is so close to patching in and told us he’d do anything to help get Jaelyn back from hell. So, we sent him in. Bastard isn’t choosy at all when it comes to adding men to his team. All he gives a shit about is the numbers in his club. He’s just cocky enough to believe if his numbers are up, all the men under him will be completely loyal to him and they’ll die when it comes to any wars he starts. Bastard definitely has no problem starting wars he can’t fucking finish.

His main goal is to take over an area, completely run it down to nothing, and then move on to the next location he feels is going to get him what he wants. There’s just one problem with him deciding to take on the Knight’s Rebellion MC. We have no problem taking out anyone who dares to threaten us. And, we have the allies, loyalty, and experience to take his band of stupid fucks out without much energy expended on our part. It’s just a matter of outsmarting him and keeping Jaelyn alive when we do it.

So, Jared has gone in with the information that a large number of bikers has been seen in town. He’s been in constant contact with Judge and didn’t set eyes on my ol’ lady until today. Bastard made him go down to make sure we couldn’t get to her. The second he called Judge to let us know what shape she was in, I saw fucking red. My girl is beaten to hell, and I know she’s going to need a hospital as soon as we get her out of there. Jared’s given us more detail than what I’ve gotten from the blueprints of the farmhouse they’re in when he calls and checks in to let us know exactly how many men are there, where everyone spends most of their time, and every single entrance to the damn place. The only thing we were waiting on was for him to see Jaelyn and tell us exactly where she is so we’re not wasting time running around in search of her.

Kutter has no clue what’s really going on either. He rode out with us and acts as if he’s ready to tear Bastard limb from limb alongside us in order to take the fuckers out. We know different. Not to what extent, but he’s in bed with them for some reason. A reason we’ll soon find out. We’ve been sitting in some motel on the outskirts of where Jaelyn is being held so it’s not almost an hour trip to get to her. None of us brought our bikes. They’re now all in storage containers we paid a high price to use. Including Kutter’s bike. There’s no way in hell he’s going to get away from us before we have a chance to find out what’s going on.

“Are you ready for this?” Lash asks me as he enters my room.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance