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“I’m used up?” I whisper to her. “You’re a fucking prostitute for whatever your drug of choice is that day. I’ve had sex with one man in my entire life. I’m sure you don’t even remember the number of men you’ve used in your life. Bastard isn’t even fucking you, is he? None of the guys here are I bet. You’re nothing more than someone they want to steal money from. First by your feeble attempts to get your hands on our inheritance and then by selling Hartley and me off to the highest bidder. You’re nothing more than a pathetic, drug addict who believes she’s God’s gift to men. The reality is no one wants to fuck you unless they’re also an addict and think they’re going to get their fix by using you.”

My mom doesn’t hesitate to smack me across the face for speaking to her the way I am. Though, she’s never been a mom to me. This woman may have carried me in her body and given birth to me, but that’s it. I’ve been raised by my grandma and sister and will forever consider them my mom’s. This bitch, Marnie, is nothing more than a skank who believed she could score a huge payday from us when she isn’t going to get a dime. Not from our inheritance or the sale of us. Bastard is going to keep all the money he makes off us. I’m sure it’s already been spent on drugs for his club and him. It’s the one thing he has in common with Marnie.

Now, I’m not only bleeding from my mouth, but I’m also bleeding on my cheek. The bitch is wearing rings and opened up a cut one of the guys already gave me. If it weren’t for the ring, there would be absolutely no power behind her hits. That’s more than likely why she’s wearing them. However, before either of us can say another word or move, the door slams open again to show Bastard with a look of fear filling his face.

“They’re fuckin’ here. Get this slut tied to the chair now. I want her in front of me when they come in the room,” he orders, keeping his eyes on Jared. “She’s my fuckin’ ticket out of here. Then, I want you to go out and make sure to slow them down when they enter the hall to come here. Take as many out as you can.”

Jared does nothing more than give him a nod of his head before pushing my mother out of the way and heading for me. He carefully picks me up and leads me to the chair I’m just now noticing in the corner of the room. Bastard is a dumb fuck if he doesn’t understand he’s only going to back himself into a corner by hiding behind me there. I want to laugh at the situation, but I know it’s not the time.

The entire time Jared is securing me to the chair, my mother is crying and screaming. Clear as day, I can hear bullets being fired rapidly from up above us. There’s also the distinct sound of bodies hitting the floor and I only hope none of them belong to the Knight’s. It will gut me if they lose any men because they’re trying to save me from hell.

“Hurry the fuck up!” Bastard roars as Jared takes his time securing me to the chair. “Get the fuck out there before they figure out where we are.”

He’s truly showing what a coward he is right now. By hiding in the basement behind me instead of standing next to the men in his club and facing the battle raging up there. Bastard is not a true man in any sense of the word. Nor are any members of his club. Jared finally steps back as I think this, and I move my wrists where he’s secured them behind my back. My broken wrist screams in pain, but I swallow the screams that want to erupt from me. My bindings are loose. Not loose enough for Bastard to realize it, but it’s enough not to cause me even more pain than what I’m already in.

Jared races from the room and it looks as if I’m about to find out what side he’s truly on. If he doesn’t stop anyone, then it means he’s been telling me the truth. Though, if he fires a single shot, I’ll know every word he told me is a lie. Bastard is too frantic to honestly hear or understand if Jared fires any shots in the hallway as he races around the room for some reason. There’s nothing in here and no way to break the springs in the mattress. Yes, I did end up trying after the first time Bastard beat me. They’re shot to hell and break in your hands. I want to keep my eyes open, but the shit I’ve already been through today is making it hard as fuck for me to remain awake. It’s honestly been a chore most of the day to open my eyes and keep them that way. In the end, the blackness wins out as the gun fire sounds closer to us and I’m jerked around by Bastard finally making his way behind me.

TWO MORE FUCKING days I’ve been laid up in this hospital bed and Jaelyn hasn’t been brought in. Boxer hasn’t left my side and no one other than the doctor and nurses have been in to see me. I’ve caught glimpses of Talon standing guard in the hallway, but he’s been smart enough to leave me the hell alone. Other than looking in my room when the door’s open, he remains where he is and does nothing but make sure no one attempts to get in here who doesn’t belong. When the doctor and nurses are in here, Boxer is watching every single move they make with a glare on his face. He questions what medicine they’re giving me and doesn’t look away for a long time once it’s been administered to ensure nothing is being done to me that shouldn’t be. I’m going fucking insane. Not just with being stuck in the hospital, a place I hate with every fiber of my being, but because Jaelyn still isn’t here. Zeus would have shown up to let me know what happened if she’d been saved already.

“Have you heard anythin’?” I question my brother for the millionth time.

“Not yet. They had to put a plan in place and make sure they only gave Kutter and his guys the bare minimum details about what was goin’ on. They’ll get her out and make sure she’s okay. If she needs to come here, they’ll get her here immediately. There’s no doubt in my mind your ol’ lady will be brought home today,” he assures me in the way only Boxer can with his calm voice and the way he looks completely bored out of his mind.

Personally, I’m crawling out of my skin with fear and rage. I might not be able to fucking ride, but I sure as hell can do something more than lie in this damn bed that’s uncomfortable as hell.

“Get the doctor in here. Now,” I demand, knowing I’m about to piss a ton of people off.

“Why? He was just in here to see you, Sabotage. What could you need already?”

“I’m gettin’ the fuck outta here. I hope you have somethin’ more than your fuckin’ bike here to get me to the clubhouse or wherever the fuck my girl is,” I tell him, making sure to add just enough of an edge to my voice to allow him to know I’m not fucking around right now.

“Sab, you can’t leave. Your body has been fightin’ off an infection that was horrible. Can’t you see this is the best place for you? That you need to be here until the doctor gives you the go ahead to leave?” he returns, his voice losing every ounce of calm he just had.

“Yes, I can see it. However, he can give me the fuckin’ medicine I need, and I can get the fuck outta here. I’m not playin’ around here, Boxer. Get. The. Fuckin’. Doctor.”

“And what’s your plan once you get out of here? Where are you gonna go?”

“I’m gonna go to the clubhouse and wait for everyone to get back. They’ll bring Kutter there while everyone else comes here. I want to be there when they interrogate him. Ineedto be there when he tells us why he chose to fuck us over. Jaelyn will be comin’ home to us, and I want all this shit behind us to ensure I can put all of my focus on her. Where it deserves to be,” I tell him, not knowing what else to do.

“Nope. I’m not doin’ it. You’ll be at the clubhouse while the rest of us are here. There’s no way in hell they’re goin’ to immediately go after Kutter. Everyone will make sure Jaelyn is okay before they do anythin’. You know this.”

“Boxer, I don’t know what else to fuckin’ do,” I respond honestly, my voice cracking at the knowledge of how helpless I am right now.

My brother stands from the chair he’s been occupying the last two days and leans over my bed. Resting his forehead on mine, he doesn’t say a word for several moments as I soak in the strength he’s giving me. It’s something we’ve done since we were little boys. Just between Lash, Boxer, and me. No one else is ever around when we do this because it’s just for us. Not even our parents know about it.

“Where’s mom been? She hasn’t once been here to see me,” I ask Boxer, causing him to pull back slightly.

“She’s been here, Sab. She sat at your bed when you were fightin’ off the infection and things weren’t lookin’ good. Lash and I have talked to her and convinced her not to leave the compound until we know the threat is eliminated. There is no way we were gonna risk mom when Jaelyn is already in their clutches. She’ll be here as soon as they get Jae out of hell, and you won’t be able to get rid of her. Mom is gonna fuss all over you until you’re sick of her showin’ up,” he tells me, not moving away from me as I listen to his words and my heart hurts for everything the women attached to us are going through.

“Why does it seem like my ol’ lady is the only one payin’ the price? She’s the one they have while Hartley, mom, and everyone else is safe at home. Well, safe at the compound. Why is Jae the one sufferin’ when no one else is?” I question him, my voice breaking as tears cascade down my face at the thought of my ol’ lady has been going through.

“I don’t know, Sab. It’s one of those things that’s happened. Jae is a strong woman. She can handle more shit bein’ thrown at her than most anyone else I know. You know this. It’s hittin’ you so hard because you love her. You’ve been in love with her for as long as you’ve known her. Every second spent in her presence has only solidified that to you. I know Zeus and you have claimed her and that’s the first step in the right direction. What do you truly want from her, brother?” he returns, making me truly think about what I want. “Lash has Hartley and is doin’ everythin’ in his power to keep his wife, the love of his life, safe. I’m keepin’ mom safe, Trina is bein’ kept safe, and the Rebels are bein’ kept behind the gates of the compound too. We’re doin’ what we can to make sure no one else gets caught up in this. It’s shit that Jaelyn was taken, but Talon made a judgement call and he’s beatin’ the fuck outta himself for it. All because your ol’ lady is payin’ the price for his fuck-up.”

“It’s not just his though. Can’t you see that, Boxer? Lash is essentially doin’ the same thing by not followin’ Bastard’s order to deliver Hartley. Do you honestly believe they’re goin’ to just leave my woman alone for this? They’re not. He could have set somethin’ up and gotten a completely blacked out vehicle to take to the meetin’ spot. We could have been inside and taken out Bastard or whoever else was there to get her. We could have figured out where my ol’ lady is already. Instead, not a single fuckin’ one of you thought of that. Zeus hasn’t fuckin’ slept in days because he’s been so intent on findin’ her to bring her home. I’m not gonna sit here and say no one was out searchin’ because I know that’s not true. However, if it were Hartley or Bronwan out there missin’, not a single person would have been sittin’ in this hospital or at the clubhouse. They’d have all been out searchin’ for those ol’ ladies. It’s been done before.

“Talon is here while his wife is home. Lash is with Zeus while his wife is home. Mammoth is wherever he is while Trina’s home. Mom is at the compound. I’m a broken fuckin’ record sayin’ this shit, but it’s the truth. For the first time in my life, I absolutely feel as if I can’t trust in the club. Those aren’t just words thrown out in anger or fear. It’s truly the way I feel. And I don’t know if this is somethin’ I can move past, Boxer. I have no clue if I can sit at a table with the men who have searched without really lookin’ or done absolutely nothin’ to bring Jaelyn home before now. Do you know what they could have done to her in the last almost two weeks? So much fuckin’ damage could be done to her,” I say, letting out some of the pain filling me before I explode, and no one will be able to hold me back.

“I get it, Sab. I’m not sure what I’d be doin’ if I were in your shoes. You have every right to feel the way you do. Now, I’m askin’ you to stay here until Jae is brought in. Let’s find out what’s goin’ on with her and then we’ll figure out you gettin’ out of here. Can you do that for me? When this is all over with, you guys are gonna go home, to your home on the compound and not the clubhouse or the row house, and you’ll talk all this shit through. Don’t make hasty decisions that are goin’ to impact all three of you without first talkin’ them through with your best friend and ol’ lady. I’ll make sure you three have all the time you need without any interruptions from anyone. Includin’ mom and Hartley.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance