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“I’m just packin’ up the rest of my shit so we can head out. It’s time to bring our ol’ lady home and get her the help she needs,” I state, not looking up at him.

I might not feel the same way Sabotage does about the club in regard to this entire clusterfuck of a situation, but I’m not happy with them either. Not every member, but Talon for sure is on my shit list. Lash isn’t exactly innocent in all of this either. There are so many different ways we could have handled this situation and gotten Jaelyn back sooner if he’d been thinking and not worrying about Hartley. His wife is safe and well protected even now. Something could have been done different to ensure Hartley’s safety and get our hands on Jae quicker than the two weeks it’s already taken.

“Look, I know you and my brother aren’t fuckin’ happy with any of us right now, Zeus. I’m doin’ the best I can to make sure everyone is safe. I don’t know what either one of you want me to do here,” Lash says, finally getting to the elephant in the room.

“A lot could have been done differently, Lash. I know there’s no way any of us would want to put Hartley’s life on the line, but Bastard doesn’t need to know that. We could have come up with a plan to make them believe Hartley was handin’ herself over and in reality one of us would have been in the vehicle instead. It could have gone horribly wrong, but it might have given us the information to get our Jae Bird back quicker than two fuckin’ weeks after she was taken. Not a single one of you thought of that though. Even when I brought it up, my idea was shot down without anyone even considerin’ it. I know you would have done everythin’ in your power to bring Hart home immediately and it just doesn’t feel like Jae’s safety has been a concern of yours this last two weeks,” I tell him my opinion on the matter. “I’m not sayin’ I necessarily agree with everythin’ Sab is sayin’, but he’s not wrong either.”

“How did everythin’ get so fucked up? My own brother no longer trusts in me. Trusts in the club to have his back. This is on me, and I don’t know how to fix it.”

“I can’t answer you there. All I know is I’ve got about two minutes left and I’m headin’ out. My shit will be in the van with me and I’m not waitin’ for a single one of you to get my ol’ lady back. Don’t really give a fuck who it pisses off either,” I tell him, knowing I can’t wait a second longer when I’m so damn close to her it physically hurts.

With a nod of his head, Lash lets me finish packing my gear up before I check my guns. Once I have everything I brought with me in my hands, my guns in my holsters, and the extra ammo in the belt I’ve secured around my waist, I head out after one last check of the room I’ve been holed up in finalizing every detail I could think of. Most of the guys are already loaded up in the vans and SUV we brought with us. The few standing around quickly load up when they see me. No one is gonna make me wait any longer.

I’m in one of the vans with Judge, Shank, Kutter, Cole, Austin, and Mammoth. We’ll be the first round of guys exploding into the farmhouse. We’re going to park about a half mile out, so any lookouts don’t see us coming in vehicles, and make our way there on foot. I’m not going to be trekking through the woods at the front of the property slowly either. Once we’re all close enough, we’ll surround the house and make our way inside by force. We’ll be taking out every man we see as we make our way down to the basement Jaelyn is being held in. Our feeling is Bastard will be close to her in order to use her as some sort of shield or bargaining chip to get away from us. It’s not going to happen, but we have no doubt he’s that big of a pussy.

After hiding the vans and SUV, we head out on foot toward the farmhouse. I’m surrounded by Judge, Mammoth, and Shank as I race through the woods. It doesn’t take us more than ten minutes to get to the house, surround it, and kick the door in. Jared is already in the basement with Jaelyn based on his last call to Judge a little while ago. Entering the door, I have my guns ready to fire on any fucker I see supporting Bastard and his sick as fuck way of life. I take out three men quicker than they can blink as Judge follows me through to the first door we see. Ripping it open, I find an empty closet.

Judge never once leaves my back as we make our way through the house to the door I know will lead us down to the basement. It takes us five minutes to get there while taking out one man after another and not hitting any of our own. It takes everything in me not to take out Kutter and his men right alongside Bastard’s men. Opening the last door I need to get to the basement; Judge and I make our way downstairs. A woman is screaming her head off so loud it’s already echoing off the cracked, grimy walls. Jared is standing there as if he’s going to take us out with a smile on his face.

“Bastard had me tie her to a chair. Pretty sure her wrist is broken so I didn’t tie her tight. The chair is in the back corner of the room and he’s gonna be hidin’ behind it. Her skank of a mother is in there too. That’s who’s screamin’ the place down. I’ll stay out here and make sure Bastard can’t get past me,” Jared informs us as I nod and continue moving past him.

I burst through the door to find Marnie standing in the middle of the room, her face pale as she stares at me. Her noise is already getting on my last nerve when Bastard turns his gun from me toward her and pulls the trigger. Marnie drops to the floor dead. Jaelyn is passed the fuck out with her head dropped toward her chest and her hands behind her back while her legs are tied to the chair.

“You actually showed up to get the slut. I didn’t think you had it in you honestly,” Bastard says, laughing as if he’s telling us jokes.

“We did show up to get my ol’ lady back. I gotta give you props for hidin’ for the last two weeks. I’m not surprised because that’s what pussies do, but you definitely had us searchin’ longer than I’d have liked,” I tell him as if I’m unaffected by the sight of my ol’ lady in front of me. “You have no men left, Bastard. Everyone you hide behind is dead from our bullets. What are you gonna do now?”

Bastard’s eyes widen in shock causing me to shift my eyes. Kutter is now standing in the room with us. His gun held out in front of him toward Bastard.

“You fuckin’ rat! You’re the one who showed these bitch’s where we were! I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” Bastard yells, his face turning red as a few veins pop out and throb with the beat of his heart.

“He actually didn’t show us where you were hidin’ out. Though, thank you for the confirmation he’s been workin’ with you. We already had proof, but you showed everyone here your hand, Bastard,” Lash tells him, turning his gun on Kutter who stands silently in a room surrounded by us.

“I’m not gettin’ taken out by you fuckers,” Bastard states as he lowers his gun and shoots Jaelyn in the arm.

Any concern for what happens to Bastard, Kutter, or anyone else flees as I rush to my ol’ lady’s side. Bastard tries to run from the room and a scuffle sounds from behind me. I don’t pay it any attention as I quickly untie Jae and pull her into my arms.

“We need to cover her up with somethin’,” Judge tells me without trying to remove her from where I’ve pulled her against my body.

“Help me get my cut off and I’ll put my shirt on her,” I tell him, as we work together to cover up her naked body without injuring her any more than she already is hopefully.

As soon as we have her covered, I race from the room with Jaelyn pressed against my chest. My eyes are straight in front of me as we make our way from the basement up to the first floor where one of the vans is already waiting for us. Judge opens the door as I step inside and sit on the floor with her in my lap. I’m covered in her blood as Cole leaves as soon as Judge is inside, and the door is closed behind us. Nothing else matters except for getting to the fucking hospital.

Jaelyn is being taken back into surgery to ensure there’s no internal bleeding. I can’t believe she’s fucking pregnant. Literally the first time she has sex, Sabotage knocks her up. Though, we can only hope nothing happens to the baby. Jaelyn wouldn’t be able to handle it after everything she’s been through at the hands of Bastard. Now, I’m in the SUV with Sabotage as we make our way to the clubhouse. We’re not about to waste any time getting the answers we want from Kutter and taking out Bastard. It would have been too fucking easy to shoot him where he stood in that farmhouse.

“You ready to take care of the fuckin’ problem?” Sabotage asks me from his seat.

“Abso-fuckin’-lutely. Feel like shit you can’t lift a fuckin’ finger to help though.”

“I’ll be fine as long as I see with my own eyes that he’s gone. Where’s the fuckin’ skank who gave birth to them?”

“Bastard took her out. She wouldn’t stop fuckin’ screamin’ like a banshee so he shot her right in front of us. Not sure what happened to the farmhouse. As soon as I got Jae in my arms, we covered her with my shirt, and took the fuck off. We don’t have much time so I’m not gonna be pullin’ any punches. I want to be at the hospital when Jae gets out of surgery.”

“I agree. Haven’t seen our baby girl in two fuckin’ weeks and who knows how long before she wakes up,” Sabotage agrees with me.

Pulling up at the clubhouse, we don’t hesitate to make our way inside and straight downstairs. Sabotage is walking on his own, but moving a lot slower than normal after being confined to a bed for the last two weeks and fighting off an infection from his wound. I open the door where Kutter and Bastard are already strung up from a rafter in the ceiling. Kutter stares at us as we all stand in the room before them. I remove my cut and hang it on a hook just inside the door so I don’t get these fucker’s blood on it.

“Kutter, you thought it would be cool to lie to us? To know where our ol’ lady was this entire time and make her suffer more than necessary by lyin’ to your fuckin’ ally? What the fuck did they offer you to get you to turn your back on our friendship?” Lash questions as soon as he steps in the room.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance