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“You know we’ll bring your ol’ lady home, Sab,” Lash interjects, his voice going softer as he looks at his brother.

“No, I don’t know that. I used to believe it. Used to believe the club would have my back and the back of my ol’ lady. You’ve all proven I can’t think that anymore. It’s goin’ to take a long time for me to get over this shit. And there’s nothin’ you can do to help me get over it faster. I’m sorry. I know you live and breathe for the club. I do too. But it’s our ol’ lady out there while yours is sittin’ nice and fuckin’ comfortable in your home. You’ve seen her every fuckin’ day over the last week and a half. Zeus and I haven’t. I’ve needed my ol’ lady since bein’ shot and she couldn’t be here.

“Zeus should have had more men helpin’ him go through this shit. Not callin’ in Razer to help him from fuckin’ Judge’s clubhouse. I appreciate his help since he’s the one who found somethin’ we couldn’t. Where the fuck have you been, Lash? Cause I know Boxer and Death have been out searchin’ every fuckin’ day. Longer than anyone else. You’ve been with your fuckin’ wife and son. That’s somethin’ I might not even get to think about experiencin’ thanks to this fuckin’ club. Zeus might not get to be a dad either. These are sick fucks and would have no issue makin’ sure Jae pays any price they see fit since you didn’t hand Hartley over to them. Think about that shit before you go makin’ promises you have no intention of keepin’. Zeus, bring our girl home and make sure she ends up in my fuckin’ room no matter what condition she’s in.”

None of say a word as I close the lid of my laptop and begin to gather all my shit. After promising Sabotage I’ll bring Jae back as soon as we get a plan together, we leave the room. Boxer stays with him while Death leaves the door where he’s been keeping guard of us. When he’s not out searching and turning over every damn stone, he’s being a sentry here to make sure no one attempts to take either one of us out.

“I’ll stand guard. I know Sabotage doesn’t want me around. Especially Jaelyn. I let everyone down by not usin’ my fuckin’ head. Death, go make sure no one gets hurt and they all come back whole,” Talon says, taking up his youngest brothers spot against the wall. “Don’t let Kutter in on any fuckin’ plan either. I might have been eavesdroppin’ on your conversation and I’m not even gonna fuckin’ lie about it. Keep him in the fuckin’ dark and only tell him where you want him to go. He needs to remain with at least five of our guys at all times so he can’t fuckin’ sneak away.”

Lash nods his head in response as we all leave. I feel as if I’m leaving a major piece of myself back in that hospital room. It’s different knowing we’re all heading out and Sab won’t be there. I can see him and make sure my best friend is okay at the end of everything. We have no clue what Bastard’s next move is or if he plans on attacking Sabotage while in the hospital. I won’t be able to see him until I know what’s going on with Jaelyn. They’re both gonna fucking lose their shit. Sabotage will when he realizes we’re not gonna be back in a few hours. It’s going to take time to put everything in place. Jae will lose her shit when she finds out Sabotage has not only been shot but also gotten an infection from the wound. I’m going to have my hands full before the end of this.

I’M SO DAMN cold. There’s no way for me to get warm. I’ve asked for a blanket every single time someone comes in this room I’m being held in. They either laugh at me or just ignore me as if I hadn’t spoken at all. I mean, I know my voice sounds rough with the abuse I suffer on a daily basis, but there’s no way they can’t hear me. All I want is one blanket to cover myself up with. I might not be chained up for the most part, but I am completely naked. My clothes have been shredded to the point there was no reason for me to attempt to wear them. So, they’re lying in a pile in a corner. They were literally the only shield I had against the freezing cold temperature wherever I’m being held. The only time I honestly don’t open my mouth is when my mother comes in here. All she does is taunt me and belittle me because she’s looking for a fix and is pissed off at the world or because she’s once again tried to get the money she promised Bastard and nothing she does is working. Sucks to be her.

I’ve also been denied food. My stomach is so empty I’ve been getting sick on a daily basis. There’s nothing for me to throw up, but I dry heave on and off all day long until I finally manage to pass out either from straight up exhaustion or the pain inflicted on me that day. So far, I know my wrist is broken, all of my nails have been broken into jagged edges, my eyes are so swollen I can hardly see, my head is pounding, there are cuts and bruises all over my body, and I’ve been choked almost every single day. Bastard is usually the main one to inflict the damage on my body. However, a few other men have also come in to take their pound of flesh since my sister hasn’t been handed over and my bitch of a mother can’t get her hands on our money. Every day I become weaker and soon I know I won’t be waking up. I’m going to die in this fucking room all alone.

When I am alone, I try to keep the tears from spilling over. It’s not easy at all. Honestly, it’s among one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. These assholes don’t deserve a single tear being shed from me for any reason. They’ve already taken so much. On top of being starved, kept frozen, and all the shit my mother spews at me, Bastard has made it known at least one member of the club is already dead and more deaths are coming soon. From the way he talks, I know he means it’s either Sabotage or Zeus that’s lost their life. I can’t even contemplate living a life without either one of them. Still, I don’t allow myself to cry over them either. It would be the same as giving my tears to Bastard and his group of assholes. I’d call them pussies, but they’ve worked me over to the point I can barely move or breath. So, for now, they’re assholes or anything else I can figure out to call them in the moment.

Still, I let images of Sabotage and Zeus fill my head. Pictures I’ve captured as memories over the time I’ve known them. Starting with the very first day I met Sabotage. Him holding me in his arms as Hartley and I watched our home burn to the ground. He comforted me even without knowing a thing about me other than I was her sister. I don’t believe Lash and Hartley even knew what the hell they were doing at that point in time. So, for Sabotage to go out of his way to console me meant more than he’ll ever know. Then, when Zeus met us at the clubhouse, I remember the look on his face when we all first walked in. Every guy in the room was pissed that something had happened to their President and Enforcer. However, Zeus never took his eyes from me. It seemed as if his only concern was how I was doing. Talk about a heady feeling.

I’ve been around Zeus and Sabotage so many times over the years since Hartley first met Lash and became his ol’ lady. So many images flit through my mind as I realize I’ve always loved them. This decision for them to claim me goes beyond their need to protect me. It’s as if our path in life was written in the stars before we ever met. One day I would be claimed and loved by them. I have no doubt my feelings are almost to love. Especially after my time spent in hell here. I’m just not sure of what they feel for me. For now, I’ll keep my feelings to myself until I can get a better read on them and what they feel for me. At least that’s what I tell myself while I’m here alone in this room.

Pulling myself from my head and the images of two men who own me completely, I find the door open. A younger man steps inside and closes the door behind him. I don’t move, make a sound, or take my eyes from him. Not even to see what he’s got in his hands. It doesn’t honestly matter to me one way or another. The only reason anyone comes in here is to abuse me in one way or another. About the only thing they haven’t done is rape me or touch me sexually at all. Something about not wanting to damage me too much for my new owner. The man or woman who will end up buying me. Maybe that’s why Bastard hasn’t been in yet today. At least I don’t think he has been. I have no clue how long I’ve been here, if it’s day or night, or anything else without a window or any sense of time given to me.

“I’m not here to hurt you,” the man tells me. “My name is Jared and you’re goin’ to get out of here. Soon.”

“Yeah right,” I mutter despite the pain in my throat.

Something wet spills from my mouth, the same thing that’s been happening since the day I got choked. I don’t have to reach up to know I’m bleeding once again from uttering two simple words.

Fuck!” he growls out before moving slowly toward me. “I’m just gonna wipe the blood from your mouth and chin. I swear to you I’m not going to hurt you. I belong to Knight’s Rebellion.”

“No you don’t. I’ve never seen you before and I have lived in the clubhouse. Lash, Sabotage, and Zeus wouldn’t send a Prospect into this situation to save me. I might not know much, but I do know that,” I tell him, hating how my voice comes and goes while more blood spills from my mouth and the pain in my throat increases to almost unbearable levels once again.

“You’re right. I’m with Judge. One of the only men who came to Braedon with him, and no one has seen me. As far as Bastard believes right now, I’m Prospectin’ for this fuckin’ club. I brought him word about a group of bikers bein’ seen not far from here and he told me to come make sure you were fuckin’ kept quiet. Or at least in this room. I’ve already let Lash and Judge know you’re in the basement though I didn’t get a chance to tell them what condition you’re in. This is the first time I’ve been allowed in here,” he tells me while wiping up my face.

“Are Zeus and Sabotage still alive?” I question him, needing to know the answer despite me trying so hard not to believe either one of them have been hurt.

“Sabotage is currently in the hospital. He was shot after some fires and explosions were set up at Jaded Outlaw the mornin’ you were taken. You’ve been gone about a week and a half now. He ended up gettin’ an infection or some shit like that and hasn’t been released yet, but I’ve heard he’s goin’ to be just fine. Zeus is actually almost here with the rest of the club and some other men who have been roped into helpin’ save you. There’s somethin’ goin’ on behind the scenes, but no one knows except for a handful of people. I’m sure it will all come out one way or another before this is done,” Jared informs me as I manage to release the breath I’ve been holding at his response. “Now, let me see if I can get you some clothes. I’m not comfortable bein’ in the room with another man’s, two men’s, ol’ lady while she’s naked. I have to know, did they, um. Did they . . ..”

“No. They shredded my clothes while beating the hell out of me. That’s as far as it’s gone. I’m so cold. Are there any clothes I can borrow from somewhere? I’ve been asking for who knows how long and never get a response other than being ignored or laughed at,” I ask him, not sure if I want to believe what this man is telling me.

Though, he does know Zeus, Lash, Sabotage, and Judge. Maybe he is telling me the truth. He certainly isn’t beating the fuck out of me, so I’ll take that as a plus. However, hearing that Sabotage has been injured and is currently in the hospital breaks my heart. I never wanted a single one of the men or women in the club to be hurt. A large part of me believes Sab was hurt around the same time I was taken from the diner. Which means he was targeted as a distraction to keep as much of the club away from Knight’s Diner so my mother could take me. The first thing I’m going to do when I get out of here is go make sure he’s okay. I have to know he’s going to be fine. And how much damage has been done to him.

“I’ll go see if I can find you clothin’. Have you eaten or anythin’ while bein’ here?” Jared questions me.


“Motherfucker!” he roars out, his voice echoing off the walls surrounding me and making my head pound even more. “I’ll be back.”

I’m not sure what the hell he hopes to accomplish. Bastard and my mother aren’t going to allow me to have a single bite of food to eat or put anything on that would protect me from the beatings or cold that’s infiltrated my bones. He’s got high hopes if he believes that’s going to happen. Still, I’ll let him try. I don’t really want to talk anymore. The more I talk, the more blood comes out of my mouth.

The door slamming open startles me awake. Jared strolls back in followed by my mother. She looks at me as if I’m something she stepped in and can’t wipe off. Though, she has no reason to look at me with anything other than respect for not allowing her to walk all over me. Not something she would ever consider doing though because she’s so fucking lost in herself no one else matters. Even being her daughter doesn’t grant me any rights at the slightest bit of love like a normal mother looks at her child with. Not Marnie. The only person she has ever loved and cared about for any reason is herself. Such a selfish bitch!

“Look at you,” she begins, her normal beginning of whatever tirade she’s about to launch into. “I always knew you were the more pathetic of the bitches I gave birth to. It’s something else to see how right I was. Your hair’s a mess, your body is nothing any man would want to look at for any length of time. Let alone be able to get a hard-on for. I don’t know how Bastard is going to sell you for any amount of money. People will more than like beg him to pay them just to continue breaking you.

“I’ve tried to convince Bastard or one of the other guys to just put a bullet in your head and be rid of you once and for all. They’re not going for it. He wants to get as much money from your sale as he can. No one wants to listen to me that you’re not going to make them any money. Though I suppose I should have taken you to the bank to withdraw the money before they started working you over. Then we’d already have that shit. Or had you log in so one of the guys could have just transferred it into another account no one else has access to. Things to think about for the next time we do this I guess.

“This is more than likely the last time I’ll see you. I suppose I could lie and say it’s been nice having you here, but it really hasn’t. You’re nothing but a used-up bitch who would never do anything good for me. Though, I’m sure I could have figured out some way to make money off you if you had been with me instead of my bitch of a mother and your cunt of a sister. Too late to worry about that shit now. I hope you rot in fucking hell. The same place you sent me so many years ago,” my mother spews as Jared watches her with a glare and scowl locked on his face.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance