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“Zeus, been a long time,” he answers the phone.

“Yeah it has. How you been?” I ask, making pleasantries when it’s the last thing I want to do.

While on the phone with him, I get the address for the farmhouse and pull up the blueprints so we can make a plan to get Jaelyn back with the least number of casualties to our club. We’re gonna take out every single one of the fuckers with Bastard. It doesn’t matter if they’re from Kutter’s club or the Cold Demons; every fucking one is getting put to ground one way or another.

“Can’t complain. You know how it is. Did you guys find your ol’ lady yet?” he returns, making my fucking blood boil at the pure innocence he’s trying to portray in this conversation.

“No. I thought we had a lead on multiple occasions, but they all turned out to be shit. Have you guys seen or heard anythin’ from Bastard or anyone else in his club?”

“Nah. I told Lash I’d call if we did,” he states, lying straight through his fucking teeth as I stare at him on the computer screen.

“I see. I think Lash wants you to stop by the clubhouse. We’re havin’ a cookout that’s bein’ catered by a new girl in town. The more people we can get there to spread the word about this person, the better her business will turn out. We’re tryin’ to help her. I think it’s gonna be tomorrow. So, if you guys wanted, you could head over tonight and party with us before we enjoy some amazin’ food tomorrow,” I tell him as Lash, Judge, and Boxer make their way into Sab’s room.

“You’re havin’ a cookout with one of your own in the hospital? I was plannin’ on comin’ over to see Sabotage but heard he got a nasty infection the last time I talked to Lash. How’s he doin’?”

“The only reason we’re havin’ a cookout is because it was booked before all this shit took place. Sab is still out of it and I don’t know how much longer he’s gonna be in the hospital. He’d want us to go ahead with the cookout though. We’ll make sure to rotate the guys out who are with him so we can all enjoy the food and those who are on last watch will be compensated well for missin’ out on the party,” I tell him as Lash crosses his arms over his chest and stares at me as if I’ve lost my head.

“Alright. I’ll round up my guys and we’ll head your way. Let me know if I can bring anythin’ and we’ll stop to pick it up. I’ll swing by the hospital on my way into town,” Kutter says before hanging up the phone.

I don’t say a word until I know for a fact he’s not on the line still. He doesn’t need to know what the fuck is about to go down.

“How many times you ask Kutter if he’s talked to or seen Bastard since Sab was attacked and Jaelyn was taken?” I ask, turning my full attention toward Lash while putting my phone in my pocket.

“I’ve been in contact with him at least eight times over the last week and a half almost,” he answers me, still not knowing where I’m going with this.

“Got a call from Razer. He found out why we couldn’t track that skank bitch. She switched cars and left the other one where they made the trade. He found the new car and followed the cameras to a farmhouse less than an hour away from here. I watched the shit, the car Marnie is drivin’ pulls up at the side of the buildin’ and the bikes park in the barn that’s not too far from the house. Everythin’ is abandoned and has been for some time based on the looks of the place.

“In the video he sent me, also found some other shit. Shit you’re not gonna fuckin’ like. Let me show you because you won’t fuckin’ believe me if I tell you. I have to show you. Lash, Sabotage just went back to sleep after bein’ up for a few minutes. Don’t wake him up again. You have to keep your temper in check and know I just got off the phone with Kutter, so it didn’t seem as if we know anythin’ about this. I want him to actually come here and not bring up whatever fuckin’ excuse he’s gonna try and give us.”

“I’m not fuckin’ promisin’ anythin’. Show me what Razer found and then we’ll make a plan to get Jaelyn back. I want her here before my brother gets out of the hospital.”

With a nod of my head, I turn the screen so Boxer, Judge, and Lash can see what I’m about to show them. I start the video over once again to show the group of men standing with Bastard. Freezing the frame, I enlarge the image and point out Bastard since I’m honestly the only one who’s ever seen him. They all study him for several long minutes as I wait for them to be done.

“Okay. What’s so important about this video? And what’s it got to do with Kutter?” Judge asks, folding his arms across his chest. “You know we’ve been allies for a number of years now so this better be fuckin’ good.”

“I know we have. However, I wasn’t expectin’ to see this. I have no doubt in my mind Kutter and his guys will show up in the next hour or less. Isn’t their club almost two hours away from us?”

“Yeah,” Lash says, stepping up closer to the computer.

Once again, I enlarge the image and first show the Dirty Devils colors being sported on the back of the guys surrounding Bastard. Lash lets multiple swear words fly from his mouth. Not yelling thankfully, but I hear them all the same. Anyone in the room other than Sab would have heard him. Moving the image over, I show a man who is clearly Kutter. He’s standing next to Bastard and they both have a smile on their face.

“Are you fuckin’ shittin’ me?” Lash barks out, his voice cold and deadly. “That motherfucker has been lyin’ to us this entire fuckin’ time. I’m gonna fuckin’ gut him.”

“No, you’re not. We’re gonna go over the blueprints for the farmhouse I got ahold of and come up with a plan to get our ol’ lady back. I say we make Kutter go with us and let hints slip that we know he’s been in contact with Bastard despite him tellin’ us otherwise. Then, you can question him, gut him, or do whatever the fuck you wanna do,” I make an observation. “In essence, we’ll show Bastard before he takes his last breath that we have men on our side. He doesn’t need to know Kutter’s been lyin’ to us this entire time. Kill two fuckin’ birds with one stone.”

“You could have gotten our girl back long ago if that asshole didn’t lie to us?” Sab asks from his bed, his voice laced with sleep as his eyes remain closed and his fists clench at his side.

“Apparently so.”

“Are you okay, Sab?” I ask, not sure what the fuck I should do in this situation.

My best friend is lying in a hospital bed and I need to be here for him. On the other hand, our ol’ lady has been missing for a week and a half and she needs me too. I’m one fucking person and can’t be in both places at once. Do I leave my best friend here and essentially say ‘fuck you’ to go after our ol’ lady? Can I let the others go deal with Bastard and Kutter while savin’ Jaelyn?

“I’m fine. Boxer can stay with me, Zeus. You go bring our ol’ lady home. I want her here with me before tomorrow. I don’t trust anyone but you to bring her home to us. Not after the shit that went down. I don’t want Talon anywhere fuckin’ near her. Not until I can get the fuck outta this bed and beat the fuck outta him. Even then I’m not sure I’ll want him too close to Jae,” he tells me, trying to alleviate my doubt and uncertainty.

“Shouldn’t I be here with you too? I mean, what if the infection comes back worse or somethin’ while we’re gone?” I question Sabotage as he finally opens his eyes.

“I’m gonna be just fine, Zeus. Jae needs you now. She’s hurt and so fuckin’ scared. There’s no way to believe anythin’ less at this point. Go. Get. Her.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance