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“Fuck!” he groans out as a nurse makes her way in the room.

Stephanie is her name and she’s been the best at dealing with Sabotage when he’s been alert enough to talk. Or bitch more accurately.

“You’re awake. How are you feeling today?” she asks, looking at the monitors as she makes notes in the chart she’s holding.

“I feel like shit. Pretty sure my fever has finally broken though,” Sabotage tells her as she pulls out a thermometer from the cart she wheeled in with her.

“Let me check. Hopefully it has and you’re finally on the mend. We’re not going to stop the medicine we’ve been giving you, but it will definitely make you start to feel better and be able to get out of here sooner. The doctor isn’t going to discharge you until he knows there’s no chance of the infection returning,” Stephanie states, her voice never losing the pleasant quality she always seems to have.

Sabotage lays back in his bed and lets her check him over. He doesn’t say another word until she mentions him getting a sponge bath to wipe the sweat and shit from his body.

“I want that male nurse again. No offense to anyone else, but if my ol’ lady knew a woman saw the goods, she would not be happy. I don’t want to piss her off or upset her for any reason with all the bullshit goin’ on,” he orders, his voice leaving no room for Stephanie to argue. “Or I’ll make my best friend here do it.”

“I’m not washin’ your balls no matter how long and loud you beg me, Sab. We’ve had this conversation. Keep breakin’ these nurses’ hearts and let the other guy wash you up. He’s got experience in it. Or I could have Lash and Boxer do it. I’m sure they’d make sure you were clean,” I taunt him, knowing he doesn’t want his brothers anywhere near him.

“Not happenin’,” he growls, his voice lowering as his eyes start to close again.

“Should he be tired again since he just woke up?” I question Stephanie as she turns to look at me.

“Yeah. He’s going to be feeling completely exhausted until the infection completely leaves his body. I promise you he’s getting better. If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t be saying it. I’ll make sure Tim knows he’s been requested again for Sabotage’s sponge bath. I have to say, the rest of the nurses are pissed as hell they don’t get to be the ones to do it.”

“Well, they can keep bein’ pissed. My friend isn’t wrong. Our ol’ lady would cut his balls off and hand them over on a silver platter. The only reason she’s not here now is club business. She’d do the damn job herself if she were able to. Thank you for makin’ this work for him. We’re new and he doesn’t want to do anythin’ to hurt our girl,” I respond, knowing I’ve given away too much information, but not giving a fuck with how tired I am.

In the last week, I’ve managed to get maybe twelve hours of sleep total. Keeping watch over Sabotage as the infection ravaged his body and searching for our ol’ lady has been my only priority. I know I’m going to crash as soon as this is all over with. I’ll hopefully sleep for days without getting interrupted. Though, we already know there’s going to be more time spent in the hospital when we bring our girl home. She’s not going to come out of this unscathed. I just hope we get to her before too much damage has been done to her. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

Sabotage, Hartley, and me will have no problem standing by her side through everything. There isn’t a single person in the club who will have a problem having her back and being there for whatever she needs to get through the pain that’s been inflicted on her. I’m just not sure what it’s going to take for us to help her work through whatever is being done to her. Every single hour, every minute, she’s gone, lets me know they have so many chances to hurt her in the worst ways possible. It’s never anything I wanted Jaelyn to go through. Now, I can’t do anything to fucking find her.

As Sabotage goes back to sleep and Stephanie leaves the room, my phone vibrates on the table next to me. Razer’s name is on my screen as I answer the call and place my phone to my ear. Definitely not going to be talking to him on speaker phone no matter how much easier it would be. Razer is Judge’s tech guy, the one who’s been helping me.

“Tell me you fuckin’ got somethin’,” I answer the phone without any pleasantries.

“I think I do. If I’m right, these fuckers are less than an hour away from you. They’re holed up in an abandoned farmhouse with a large barn on the property and a huge basement. Perfect for keepin’ a hostage in. I looked through the footage again and found the bitch meetin’ up with Bastard and some other bikers to switch vehicles. That’s why we lost track of them and weren’t able to follow them too far outside of Braedon,” Razer states, hope filling his voice as the door opens to show me Boxer walking in for his daily visit with Sabotage.

“He’s awake?” Boxer asks me as Sab’s eyes flutter open before closing once again.

“Razer give me a second. Boxer just got here to see Sabotage,” I tell him, muting the phone. “Yeah. He was up for a few minutes. Long enough to see what’s goin’ on to find Jae and then talk to the nurse for a minute. She told me it’s normal for him to be exhausted with everythin’ his body is goin’ through right now. Pretty sure he’s on the other side of the infection though.”

“He find somethin’?” Boxer questions, pulling up a seat next to his brother and looking at me.

“He thinks so. Gonna finish the call and see what he’s talkin’ about, so I know for sure before I talk to Lash and Talon.”

“Fuck Talon,” Sabotage mutters, letting us know he’s not going to forget what happened for a long time to come.

Unmuting my phone, I ask Razer to send me everything he’s found so I can watch it before taking it to Judge, Talon, and Lash. I’m trying so fucking hard not to get my hopes up right now. The last thing I want is for me to believe he found her only to find no one there. I need to see the video he’s talking about though. I can’t believe he found an angle I didn’t and was able to watch it already to find them. We literally just spoke an hour or two ago and had nothing to go on. Razer assures me he’ll send the information over and continue searching things on his end. He wants to make sure no one leaves if they are indeed at the farmhouse he managed to find.

Going directly to my email, I wait for Razer to forward the videos to me. As soon as his email pops up, I open it up and make sure everything is secure for me to view the video in. I don’t need the sound while I watch, but I slide my headphones in just in case we can hear some sort of conversation between the bikers and that bitch who gave birth to Hartley and my ol’ lady. As the video begins to play, I see about ten guys standing around waiting on someone. Playing with the controls, I pause the video to zoom in on the backs of the cuts facing the camera. The colors don’t appear to be the same, but they do look familiar. If my thought is correct, we’re not going to be fucking happy with this latest development.

Once I zoom in and clean the image up, I find the group of bikers with Bastard an interesting sight. See, we have an alliance with a club called the Dirty Devils MC. Kutter is their President and I know for a fact Lash has been in contact with him on more than one occasion since Jaelyn was taken. He’s sworn to him there was no contact with the Cold Demons MC. Or Bastard in particular. I have no clue what the hell is going on right now, but Lash and Judge need to know about this development. Neither one of them are going to be happy about this shit either because there’s another Dirty Devils chapter near Judge and he won’t hesitate to cut them the fuck off if they’re betraying us. It doesn’t even matter if it’s just Kutter that’s betrayed us either. We’ll cut ties with every single chapter and no longer align ourselves with a single chapter of them.

Pressing play on the video once again, I realize there is no sound, so we have no way to see what the fuck is being talked about between Bastard and these men. Kutter will soon be telling us personally when Lash finds this out. While Boxer sits with Sabotage, who’s sleeping once again, I search through the footage and find the farmhouse Razer is talking about. The same rusted out car they switched out to is definitely the one pulling up to the house and parking on the opposite side of the driveway so no one can easily see it. From there, several motorcycles pull up and make their way toward the barn. I watch in rapt attention to spot Jaelyn and see what shape she’s in. Unfortunately, I never once get to lay eyes on her because they must go around to another entrance.

Razer managed to splice all the video together showing the car that incubator bitch was driving. Bastard was the first bike behind her followed closely by Kutter and his men. I think it’s time to make another call to the fucker and see what he says now. Maybe before I bring this to Lash and the guys. I just want to feel him out and see what happens.

“Boxer, go get Lash and Judge. I don’t want anyone else in here right now. I’m makin’ a call and you all need to be quiet as fuck when you come back in. Just found out somethin’ I never thought we’d see. Lash isn’t gonna be fuckin’ happy about this shit at all either,” I tell him, knowing he’ll do as I ask because he wants our ol’ lady brought home just as bad as we do.

If anyone in the club knows exactly how his brother feels about Jaelyn, it’s Boxer. Not because he’s in a relationship or understands why we share girls. It’s because the two brothers are close, and Sabotage talks to him when he can’t talk to me about things. I’m not saying he can’t talk to Lash, but it’s harder for him to get where we’re coming from sometimes. Plus, he’s busy as fuck with the club, the diner, and now a family of his own. So, Boxer and Sabotage talk about things if I’m busy and there’s no one else around. No one he’d confide in about certain things at least.

While Boxer is out getting them, I call Kutter.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance