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“Let’s get this done then so you can go be with her,” Judge says as the door opens to reveal Imogen and Tease. “Ah, my favorite women in the world!”

“Judge, we’re not your favorite,” Imogen tells him with a large smile on her face.

“My name might be Tease, but you’re worse than I am. The only reason you claim we’re your favorite is because we won’t let you touch us.”

“You don’t know what you’re missin’ out on,” my brother teases back as I stand and we make our way to the basement where the fuckers are being held.

“Yeah, I do. A trip to the fucking doctor to make sure you didn’t give me something with your man whoring ways,” Tease deadpans.

“Very funny. Never had a fuckin’ thing in my life and that’s not gonna change. Ever,” Judge informs her, his voice going hard.

My brother may be a man whore, but he’s also very selective with who he takes to bed. While we all know condoms aren’t fool proof, he always wraps his junk. I go get checked a few times a year, but Judge goes more than anyone I’ve ever known in my life. He takes that shit extremely seriously and I can’t blame him with the women he’s with. I also know he doesn’t do it for himself; it’s to make sure he’s not passing anything on to someone else.

Shaking my head as we make our way downstairs, I clear my mind for the task at hand. Austin and a few other guys already moved Candy and Evan to the cell with Eric, so they all get to witness what we’re about to do to them. When I follow the guys in, we let Imogen and Tease stay outside for just a few minutes to ensure we put fear in Candy. She still thinks she’s walking out of here with her life. I can guarantee she’s not going to.

“Look at what we have here. A fuckin’ little bitch and two rats,” I taunt the three of them as they hang from the rafter in the ceiling.

Usually our victim would be tied to a chair over the drain we have in the floor to make cleaning up easier. Since we have three fuckers in here who don’t deserve to have a seat, they’re chained by their wrists to inflict even more pain. Hanging from your arms will do some damage to your shoulders. Especially with all the twisting and bouncing Candy’s doing right now.

“Let me fucking go!” she screams, her whiny voice echoing off the walls and hurting my ears already.

“No, I don’t think we will. How about you tell us why you gave up information on our club to the bitch named Eric?” I growl out, the pain my girl feels filling my body.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says, her voice not losing any volume.

“Yeah, you do. If you don’t want to tell me, we have ways to make you talk,” I inform her.

“You don’t touch women.”

“They don’t,” Imogen states walking in the cell. “My friend and I have no problem taking out the fucking trash for them though.”

“Who are you?” Candy questions as if she has a right to know what we do or who our friends are.

“None of your concern. I told you we had friends comin’ who would fuckin’ deal with your ass. Now, you’re gonna learn once and for all just how serious we were,” Lash tells her, not moving any closer to her as he leans against the wall looking relaxed as hell.

“I believe Talon asked you a question. Why did you give up information on the club who took your skank ass in off the fucking streets? Do you realize the damage you caused by opening your mouth for more than what you should?” Tease questions her, her voice low and lethal sounding as she steps up in Candy’s face.

“That fat bitch doesn’t belong here. Talon was gonna make me his ol’ lady before he found her skank ass walking out on the road. Don’t you know what Eric and his men did to her? She’s been with more men than I have and that’s saying something,” Candy mouths off as Imogen loses her shit and starts beating the fuck out of Candy.

Her screams and grunts of pain infiltrate the air around us. Tease stands back while watching her friend beat the shit out of Candy.

“Talon was never gonna make you an ol’ lady. You’re a fucking skank who only knows how to spread her legs. I guarantee you were fucking Eric over there and all the men of his club. Bet he told you they’d take you in once you were done here too, didn’t he? Let me enlighten your pea sized brain; he wasn’t going to ever let you go to his club. See, if you were willing to give up information on the Knight’s, you’d do the same thing to his little band of pussies. No one wants trash like you around them,” Tease informs Candy while Imogen continues to beat on her.

“Not to mention, I know exactly how many cocks my ol’ lady has had in her entire life. Mine. You’re nothin’ more than a fuckin’ used up plaything who only makes the guys want your fuckin’ mouth. Well, the guys here anyway. I don’t consider Evan a guy considerin’ he’s shown he’s nothin’ more than a bitch like his brother. Or should I say sister?” I growl out, defending my ol’ lady to a room full of men who don’t give a fuck about her past.

“Imogen, make sure you let Tease get a chance at the skank,” Lash warns before stepping up in front of Evan. “You see what we’ve been doin’ to your brother? We’ve had him here for a little while now and I think he’s lookin’ pretty good considerin’ all the shit he’s done.”

“Fuck you!” Evan yells out, his eyes narrowing as he looks around the room at all of us. “You think this shit ends because you take us out? It will never end. My brother has put plans in place to make sure those skanks get what they deserve.”

“Oh, you mean contactin’ the Rossi family? They were never gonna touch a hair on Hartley or Bronwan’s heads. See, we’re friends with them. If you were truly payin’ attention, you would have known that. You couldn’t even get that right for your brother could you?” I taunt him as Lash begins to slice his naked skin up. “It’s literally just the two of you left. Once we end you both, there is no one around here to touch our women and children. We’ve gotten them all away from you fuckers and back home or somewhere safe. You two are literally the last ones alive. For now.”

“You’re lyin’. Sal and Tomasso met with Eric multiple times. I was there with them,” Evan tries to get in our heads.

“Yeah, we just found that out before comin’ back down here. You like hidin’ in the shadows like a bitch. They just called me this mornin’ about some footage they finally found you in. Sal and his guys want nothing to do with your piece of shit organization,” Sabotage grinds out.

Sabotage is pissed beyond belief. He’s the one who’s been sponsoring Evan since he started coming around the clubhouse as a hang around. Evan pulled the wool over all our eyes and did some major work on his background to ensure none of us knew about his blood relation to Eric. That’s a lot of work and dedication to infiltrate a motorcycle club. Especially since Zeus is our go to guy to find every single detail on the fuckers we come in contact with. I know Zeus is just as pissed off as Sab is though.

“You can’t touch us. I don’t believe a word you’re sayin’,” Evan tries again as I turn my attention to where the women are.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance