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I tune out his words as the tears fill my eyes and slowly roll down my face to land on my shaking hands where they rest in my lap. Hartley reaches out to hold one while Talon rubs my shoulders and neck behind me. My sobs slowly begin to come out harder and louder as the man speaks knowing he’s talking about my mom. I know everything he’s saying because I told him all about her. It was one of the hardest days of my life to talk about a woman I love so much. My eyes land on the large picture Talon had blown up. It’s one of my mom when she was pregnant for me. Her face is radiant as she laughs at whoever is taking the photo. My dad is in the background with his eyes filled with love as he looks her.

“Bronwan didn’t want to say any words today and I can’t say that I blame her,” the man says when I finally manage to start paying attention once again. “Please, bow your heads as we pray for Mrs. Coraline Smith on her journey to find her loved ones until you all can meet again.”

Tipping my head down, I close my eyes and try to get my emotions under control. I’m so damn exhausted and just want to be back at the clubhouse in our bed without anyone else around. That’s not going to happen for a little while though. When we leave here, there will be food at the clubhouse and then I can go lay down. Talon isn’t going to make me stay down as the men party and drink on this day. Normally we would stay down there for a while, but I just don’t have it in me.

Talon takes my hand when the guy is done speaking. He leads me to the hole where my mom’s coffin is slowly lowered into the ground by an employee of the cemetery. After handing me one of the white roses he’s holding, I toss it down on top of the coffin as more men step up with shovels. They aren’t letting anyone else cover the hole except for members of the club. It’s something they do I guess. I’m not sure.

“I’m gonna lead you back to the car while the guys take care of the dirt. I’ll be by your side at the clubhouse. I know you’re not going to want to stay down with everyone,” Talon tells me. “Whatever you need, I’ll make sure you have. However, you are eatin’ when we get back there. You haven’t really been eatin’ and you need to more than anyone else right now.”

“I know.”

“Baby, lean back against the seat and close your eyes. You’ll be back there before you know it and then we can lay down.”

Talon kisses me again before backing out of the car so the rest of the women can get inside, and we can leave. While some of the guys are going to stay behind to fill the hole in with dirt, a small group will be coming back with us. Again, it’s for our protection and nothing more than that. I feel better knowing they’re going to be with us though.

“The girls have been making sure the catering team have set everything up for today. We can make you a plate when you get back while you sit down and relax,” Hartley tells me. “Usually we would be doing the cooking and preparing everything, but I wanted to be there for you if you needed help or anything else. You can talk to me, Bronwan.”

“Thank you. I’m just so lost right now and I’m not sure when this is all going to start becoming real for me.”

“You’ve lost your entire world in a few months. That’s not easy for anyone to deal with. Don’t let your grief pull you so far down that you can’t find a way to make it back to us. We all care about you. And I know Talon would be lost as fuck if anything were to happen to you,” she informs me.

With a nod of my head, I close my eyes and let the tears flow down my face on the ride back. Talon was right, the trip doesn’t take as long since we don’t have to go as slow with the hearst. However, I do manage to doze off as Talon picks me up in his strong arms and carries me back inside the clubhouse.

“I know your tired. As soon as you eat we’ll go get some sleep. It’s the second thing you need right now,” he whispers to me. “Sit here and I’ll make you a plate.”

Talon places me down at one of the tables where there’s room for seven more people to sit with us. I don’t want to be surrounded by people, but I know he’s saving spots for Lash, Hartley, Death, Judge, Pops, and a few more close people. Everyone else will occupy the other tables as they look at me while pretending not to be watching me like hawks.

“I got you a bottle of water,” Austin hands me the closed bottle with a small smile on his face.

“Thank you. For everything.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Bronwan. You’re a member of our family and this is what we do in times of need. We support one another and make sure one another have what they need. Right now, you need to lean on us all and we’ll be there for you no matter what the reason is. All you need to do is say the word,” he states as Lash and Hartley make their way over.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Lash says as he pulls out a chair for his wife.

“I’ll be right back with your drinks,” Austin tells him, taking off toward the bar.

The door opens again as the remaining men make their way inside the clubhouse. Judge, Death, and Pops immediately head for the table I’m sitting at. Each man places a kiss on the top of my head before heading off for their own food and drinks. Soon, Talon is back with two plates piled high with food with Austin at his back holding drinks for those of us already sitting here.

“I know you’re not goin’ to be down here for long, Bronwan. We’ll be in and out for the next few days takin’ care of shit. If you need anythin’ at all, let one of the guys know and they’ll make sure they help you. Austin will also be here to help with anythin’ you need,” Lash informs me.

“Thank you. I think right now I just mainly need to figure out where I go from here. There’s so much I need to do. Talon, the meeting with the lawyer is tomorrow too. Are you going to be here for that?”

“Of course I am. I made sure to clear my schedule because you’re not gonna be there alone. He’s comin’ here, but you’re still not gonna be alone.”

Taking a look at my plate, my mouth actually waters for the first time since I heard about the vicious attack on my mom. I’m still nauseous depending on what time of day it is, but it’s not as bad as it has been anymore. That’s a good thing and one I’m fully on board with as I take in all the delicious food filling my plate. There’s chicken, pasta salad, rolls, beans, corn on the cob, and a few other things I can’t wait to try. Pushing all the talking to the back of my mind, I focus on the food in front of me as Talon places his hand on my thigh to show he’s still got my back. I swear, I fall more in love with this man on a daily basis from the simple things he does like this.

TODAY IS THE day we take out the fucking rats. Candy and Evan are going to the cells where Evan is currently hanging. Every single day we go down and beat the fuck out of him to the point I’m not sure how he’s still alive. However, we’re not done with him yet so we have Doc come in and treat him to the point we know he’ll make it through the night before starting the process over the next day. And, we stagger the times we go down there just as a mindfuck for him. We don’t want him to get used to us going down first thing in the morning or at the end of our day. Evan truly is a pussy and has shown us daily just how much he can’t handle pain. The ol’ ladies are better than he is as far as their threshold for pain goes.

Imogen and Tease showed up last night after getting sidetracked on the way here. They are some of the girls we call on when we need to deal with a piece of shit woman. There are a few we call on, but I love it when these two show up. Imogen can’t stand a woman who betrays those who took her in all because she gets her panties in a twist or gets a better offer from a rival. She almost lost her life due to someone like that. Tease comes off as an innocent girl when you meet her. However, once she hears about the shit Candy has been spewing to my Red, she’ll lose her shit. Tease is all about building other women up and making them see the true queen they are. Not to mention it’s thanks to Candy that my woman lost her only remaining family member. These two are going to make her wish she never stepped foot in our clubhouse.

“Are you ready to take care of this shit?” Lash asks as him and Judge step up next to me.

“I’m ready to end this shit and make sure we got all the filth off the streets once and for all,” I return, knowing this will take up less of my time once we kill the three of them.

“How’s my future sister-in-law?” Judge asks, looking around the common room for Bronwan.

“She’s restin’. Today is a good day, but she’s tired as hell,” I look at him with a knowing look.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance