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Candy is hanging limply from the chains holding her up. Her body is already showing the signs of her abuse at the hands of Imogen and Tease. There are cuts, bruises, and other marks covering her skin. Including the portion of her head where they shaved off most of her hair. When the fuck did they do that?

“I’ve got nothin’ to say to you pussies. Do your worst to me,” Evan grunts out as Judge and I step up to him.

“Oh, we will,” Judge promises him, a smirk on his face.

With the cuts already on Evans body, Judge picks up a hammer and begins to hit him in the spots we know are going to hurt him more than anything else. Including shattering both of his knees and elbows. The only reason he’s not aiming for the pussies head right now is because we want to play with him for a while longer still. Killing him now takes away our fun. Judge takes several minutes after shattering his joints to pull each of his teeth from his mouth. I’m glad not to be doing that shit; it’s the one job I hate more than most others.

Stepping in even closer, after Judge cuts his tongue out and tosses it to the floor at Evan’s feet, I pick up the blow torch and light it with my lighter. Evan’s eyes bulge out of his head. I’m not going to kill him just yet. I want to make sure he doesn’t bleed out when I cut off a few appendages. The first thing I go for is his tiny pecker. Sal filled us in this morning about some accounts of him raping young girls and women to prove his worth to Eric. So, there’s no reason for him to have it any longer. It’s not like he’s going to need the fucking thing where he’s going anyway.

“Fuck man!” Death grunts from behind me as I turn to look at him clutching his own junk along with the rest of the guys. “Why did you have to start with his cock?”

“Because he likes to rape young girls and women. No one would be willin’ to touch him, so he had to resort to takin’ what they didn’t want to give him,” I respond, my voice filled with hate.

Bringing the blow torch up, I heat up the skin in an attempt to cauterize the wound I just made. Not sure if it’s gonna work, but that’s okay. We still have Eric to take out so the other guys can have their fun. Lash and I have been working him over since we got him here. Just the two of us. Everyone comes down to stand and watch, but they haven’t been allowed to touch him up to this point. Today that changes. We’re not going to keep him around here just for our amusement. When people get cocky, mistakes happen and we’re not about to let him get out to hurt more people the way he has been.

Evan has passed out and that’s not good. I want him to feel every single ounce of pain we inflict on him. Nodding my head at Austin, he grabs the bucket filled with freezing cold water and tosses it on the fucker hanging in front of me.

“Help me!” Candy screams out waking up from what the girls have been doing to her. “Someone stop these psychos from hurting me!”

“No one is coming to your aid skankarilla. From what I hear, you’ve been a bitch and tried to get an ol’ lady to leave her man. Doesn’t matter to me if he’d claimed her yet or not. His interest in you was nothing and you couldn’t accept it. See, I’ve seen Talon’s ol’ lady and she’s smokin’ hot. If I swung that way, I’d be all over her ass in a heartbeat and steal her for myself. You think because we can see your bones that your sexy or attractive in any way? That’s not what my friend here wants, or he’d never let you become a Rebel. Should’ve been your first clue,” Tease informs Candy as she swings back and forth. “I’m gonna take out the trash and end this bitch. You guys mind?”

“Do what you gotta do,” Lash tells her as I step back from Evans.

He’s now sputtering, groaning, and throwing up from the pain filing his body. Stepping back, I shut the blowtorch off and let Sabotage and Death take their turns. For hours we all take turns torturing Evan and Eric. Sabotage is more brutal than I’ve ever seen him in my life. He’s taking this betrayal worse than any of us had an idea about. For the first time, Sab uses his fists and nothing more. The cracking of Evan’s bones fills the air surrounding us.

Candy has been let down from her chains as Austin and Cal prepare her body to dump in a shallow grave. Hopefully the animals find her and take care of her for us. Either way, no one else has to worry about her being a skank and fucking them over so I’m happy with what the girls have done to her. Now, it’s just Evan and Eric left. Evan doesn’t have too much left in him from what I can tell. He’s passing out more often than he’s awake at this point.

“Lash, end this piece of shit,” I tell him, not wanting to take this away from him.

Lash pulls out his gun and points it at Evan who is barely able to open his eyes enough to see the end coming. I can’t say I’m surprised though. We’re all pissed as fuck about his broken loyalty and betrayal. Since we’re in a small room, my best friend and President makes sure his silencer is on the gun before firing the bullet directly between Evan’s eyes. His already limp body drops down even more without him barely struggling to get away from us. Now, we just have one more sick fuck to take care of and we’ll be done. Then, I can focus on my fiancé, baby, and making sure the house is taken care of so we can move back in.

“Any final words before these men tear you apart?” Lash questions Eric without moving from his spot against the wall.

“You’re all gonna pay for this. I’ll make sure of it,” Eric declares.

“This dumb fuck actually thinks he’s gettin’ out of here still. Or that Sal and the guys are goin’ to follow through with their promise to avenge his death. What a fuckin’ demented fuck,” I laugh at Eric’s declaration while everyone else joins in.

“You have no idea the hell that’s goin’ to come down on you.”

“Oh, but we do. Your men are all dead and burnt to nothin’ more than ash in the warehouse. You watched them die. We’ve just killed your bitch of a brother. Sal took out your father in the nursin’ home he was in. You’ve got one brother left and he was taken out in prison for rape, kidnappin’, and torturin’ several young girls. Seems that particular perversion runs in the family,” I inform him. “At most you’ve got some kids out there from rapin’ all those girls and children you kidnapped. I’m sure they’re not gonna want to avenge your death.”

“You’re lyin’,” Eric says as his entire world finally comes crashing down around him.

“Guys, do your worst. Just make sure we’re not down here all night. I’ve got a wife and baby to get home to and I know Talon wants to spend time with his woman,” Lash orders as I slump against the wall and let everyone else have their turn with Eric.

My thoughts turn to Bronwan. She’s in our room resting and I want to make sure she eats a good dinner. I’ll order something for us to eat in our room and we’ll just spend our time together. If Judge wants to come up and see her before he heads home, that’s fine with me. I want my brother to get to know her when he’s down here. We might not be as close as we used to be with him living in a different state now, but he’s still my older brother and this is important for me. It’s important for her to like and get along with my entire family. Judge is part of that no matter how much he annoys the hell out of me. All I know is the next few days are going to be all about my girl. She’s got a lot of decisions to make and we have an ultrasound coming up too.

THE MEETING WITH the lawyer wasn’t what I expected it to be. Yes, I just went to one with my mom when dad died, but this time it was different. I’ve been left the house, more money than I knew my parents even had, and a few other properties I need to figure out what to do with. Talon was even left a few things. I’m not sure when my mom changed her will, but she did. He was completely speechless when he found out he’s got some money and two pieces of property close to where his grandpa lives out in the woods. I’m not sure what he’ll do with it, but that’s his decision to make now.

Talon and I have decided to use the money for any kids we have in the future. We’ll make sure they don’t have to worry about the funds for college or anything else. Then, we’ll make sure we have funds for any emergencies despite the money he already has saved up. Between the two of us, we’re pretty much set for life and never have to work another day for as long as we live. That’s not how we’re going to handle things, but it’s still nice to know we don’t have to worry as much as I have been.

I still have no idea what we’re going to do with the other properties my parents owned. One of them are pretty close to the house I grew up in while the other ones are not close at all. We’d have to take a few vacations in order to go see them and make any decisions about what we want to do with them. Yes, I can technically go see them and decide on my own, but if I’m going to marry Talon then he needs to be involved in the decisions I make. I’d also like to know if the club can use them for any reason if they aren’t something I’m interested in keeping for myself. These men and women are slowly becoming my family and I’ll do what I can to help them out if I can.

Today Talon is taking me to the doctors. They want to check my blood pressure again and we’re going to have an ultrasound done. This time we might even be able to tell the gender of the babies. I’m kind of excited to find out if we’re having boys or girls. I know Talon wants a boy because he doesn’t want to be a girl dad. He doesn’t want to have the worry and stress of boys wanting his little girl or anything else that comes with raising a little princess. He wants a boy he can teach to work on bikes, teach to shoot and fight, and all that other stuff dads want to do with their little boys as a rite of passage or whatever they call it.

Personally, I don’t care what we have. As long as the baby is healthy and okay, I’ll be happy. Talon will make a great dad no matter what we have though. I’ve seen him with Lash and Hartley’s little one when he thought no one was looking. Nash is a good baby who loves every member of the club when they hold him. Lash is so overprotective he won’t let him out of his sight. Talon loves to rile him up about it too. Yesterday, my man was holding Nash while Hartley went to the bathroom. As soon as Lash walked in the clubhouse, Talon disappeared into the kitchen and would leave the room every single time his best friend got close to him. We all laughed our asses off as they played some game of keep the baby away from daddy.

Soon, Lash will be able to get his payback on his best friend though. I have no doubt in my mind Talon will be the same exact way with our little one. Especially if it’s a girl. Plus, I think Hartley and I can have fun with things if it is a girl. We can talk in front of Talon about our daughter and their son getting married in the future and see how long it takes before he explodes. My guess is it won’t take too much. If Nash is anything like I’ve heard about the guys around here, then he won’t want her to have anything to do with any of the kids born into the club. He’ll make sure of her not dating until she’s way too old while I help her sneak around behind his back. Talon is going to be so overprotective she’ll feel suffocated under the weight of his words and actions.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance