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Waking up, I stretch out and have to rush from bed with the nausea I have. These babies are killing me with it. I have no idea why the hell they call it morning sickness when it happens all day long. Sometimes it’s just a smell that turns my stomach and other times it’s just a taste of food. We have no clue what’s going to trigger it that day and just kind of go with the flow. While I’m getting sick, Talon comes in the bathroom to hold my hair back from my face while rubbing a hand up and down my back. The same thing he does every time I get sick if he’s around. Even though I hate him seeing me like this, I appreciate him wanting to make this easier on me.

“Are you okay now, Red?” he asks when nothing has happened for a few minutes.

“Yeah, I think so. I just need to brush my teeth then I’ll go down and make breakfast for us,” I answer him, accepting his hand to help me up from the floor.

“Breakfast is already made, Red. Your mom helped me cook somethin’ for you to eat in bed. I thought we could have a few minutes alone before our day starts out,” he tells me, looking unsure of himself.

“Thank you, Brice. Give me just a minute and I’ll be right out.”

After taking care of my bathroom routine, I head out to the bedroom to find Talon standing next to the bed with a tray in his hands. There’s a cup of water, a glass of orange juice, and a plate covered so the food doesn’t get cold. I get back in bed and pull the covers over my lap after putting on his tee-shirt from yesterday. Talon carefully sets the tray on my lap before removing the lid of the plate. There’s pancakes, bacon, and toast. A few crackers even sit next to the plate to help my stomach. He’s thought of everything. I can’t eat eggs even though I normally devour them.

“This is amazing. Thank you. Are you eating with me?” I ask him, looking up where he still stands next to me.

“Of course. Your mom is havin’ her coffee and then we’ll open gifts here before headin’ to the clubhouse,” he responds, leaning down to give me a kiss.

Getting in the other side of the bed, Talon picks up his own plate I didn’t see sitting on the nightstand next to his side. We eat in silence, savoring the taste of the food he had my mom help make for us. No one has ever done anything like this for me. My heart stalls in my chest wondering if there is more to what Talon feels for me than he’s let on. I wonder if he could fall in love with me and almost blurt out my feelings for him. Barely, I manage to stop myself from telling him I love him by shoving half a piece of bacon in my mouth. It’s cooked to perfection; not crunchy and burnt but not so chewy you choke on it. This man. Like I said before, it’s the little things a person does to show how much they care about you.

“I got you a gift for Christmas, but it’s not somethin’ you can open,” Talon says as he takes the tray from my lap and sets it on the floor next to him.

Pulling me from the bed, Talon leads me to the door of the bedroom I’m not allowed to go inside. He opens the door after covering my eyes with his hand. I listen to the sounds of the door quietly opening before he leads me into the room. It takes a minute for him to remove his hand from my face. When my eyes adjust to the bright sun filling the space, I’m shocked and have no words. He’s been working to turn this room into a nursery. The walls are painted white since we don’t know the gender of the babies I carry and aren’t going to find out if we can help it. Two cribs sit next to one another against the left wall. Blankets with bears covering them are laid over the side of the crib. The mobiles hanging from the ends have small bears ready to move around in a circle to the music playing softly as our children fall asleep. Two rocking chairs are set in front of the windows and there’s a changing table just inside the door.

When I was a little girl, I always wanted my nursery to be decorated in bears. There’s just something about them being cuddly while knowing they’ll protect you at the same time. At least in my mind at a young age. It reminds me a lot of Talon if I’m being honest. He can be so sweet, caring, and loving while still going off on someone for doing the smallest thing to hurt anyone he cares about. Everything is perfect as I take in all the small details of the room. Tears fall silently down my face as I walk over to run my fingers along the blanket to feel how soft it is.

“Do you like it? We can change anythin’ you don’t like or want in here,” Talon asks me, stepping up and wrapping his arms around my stomach.

“I love it. Thank you for doing this, Talon. It’s perfect,” I answer him, turning in his arms while reaching up to pull his head down to mine.

Pressing my lips against his, I deepen the kiss, wanting to take him back to bed and show him how much I love this nursery. Instead, he pulls away from me and rests his forehead against mine.

“Later, Red,” he promises in a soft voice.

Taking my hand, we go downstairs to have Christmas with my mom. We open our gifts before getting ready to head over to the clubhouse. In the middle of opening things, it begins to snow out. There was a little bit last night, but now it’s really coming down hard and sticking to the ground and every available surface. Other than the nursery, Talon got me a necklace with his name etched into it. There’s a heart with a ruby at the top of the heart. Talon’s name is along the side of the silver charm, and I love it. He also got me a pair of boots so I don’t fall in the snow and will go with whatever I wear. My mom got me a few dresses because she knows it’s hard to find pants other than leggings to wear. I might not have much of a baby bump yet, but my clothes are getting tighter every day. For Talon, I got him new boots, ones he has been debating getting, gloves, a leather jacket, and a few small things. I got my mom some clothes, a winter coat, and a picture of my dad and her painted on canvas through a program I found. It’s of them on their wedding day and we both cried over it.

Talon and I head upstairs to take a shower while my mom does the same in the guest room downstairs. After getting wet in the warm water, Talon washes my hair, massaging my head to the point I moan out. He does the same with the conditioner before moving on to washing my body with the new body wash I just got. When I’m done, I do the same to him. My nails scratch his head as he closes his eyes and lets me do what I want to him. It’s the best thing ever; knowing I can make this man feel anything at all. I want to take him back to bed, again, and ignore going to the clubhouse at all, but he helps me dress so we can head out.

Everything at the clubhouse is going smooth. We’re all sitting around after opening our gifts and waiting on the food to be done. Well, everything is ready except for the turkey. It’s almost done. The guys are drinking beer while the women are having wine. Hartley and I are the only exceptions. Though no one questions me because I’ve never been a drinker since coming to the clubhouse. I don’t like not being in control of myself or knowing my surroundings. I’d rather make sure others have fun instead of getting drunk and have something horrible happen to me.

I’m sitting on the couch with Nash in my arms. Talon is at my side with his arm draped over my shoulders. He’s staring down at the little guy before smiling at me. We’re sharing our secret knowing only Death and George here know. Besides my mom obviously. She’s the only one who knows we’re having twins.

“Can you take him. I’m going to go check in the kitchen and see if there’s anything I can do to help?” I ask him, handing the baby over.

Talon takes him carefully in his arms as he sits rigidly on the couch. He’s not used to holding something so small and I hope he loses his lack of confidence by the time our little ones are here. If he thinks Nash is small, there’s a good possibility our children will be smaller because there are two instead of one. I’ll need help when both of them are hungry or need to have their diapers changed. Hopefully Talon meant it when he said he wanted to be a hands on dad.

Walking in the kitchen, no one’s around. I know Hartley made her way to her room so she could get a quick nap in while we had Nash. I’m sure it had more to do with Lash wanting some time alone with her and having babysitters here at the clubhouse to get that alone time. Pulling open the oven, I notice the turkey has just a few more minutes to go before it’s ready. The perfect time to put the rolls in the oven to warm up. Everything else is either in the refrigerator until we’re ready to pull it out or it’s in the other oven to stay warm. They sure do know how to feed a ton of people and made sure the kitchen was outfitted to fulfill their need to cook for so many.

As I’m placing the rolls on a tray, another woman walks in. She hasn’t been in the common room all day so far. She’s wearing a short skirt, so short if she were to bend over, everything would be on full display. Her top is nothing more than a bikini top barely large enough to cover her hard nipples. Make-up is caked on her face while her hair is a rats nest as she stumbles around the room. If she’s already drunk, maybe she needs to go sleep it off for when we leave the clubhouse, and she can spend time in someone’s bed with him.

“Oh look. It’s the fat bitch who thought she could capture a biker like Talon,” the girl slurs out, stepping even closer to me.

This woman is now close enough for me to smell the alcohol emanating from her body. I want to throw up, but I swallow and try to slow my breathing down until the urge is under control once again.

“Excuse me,” I say, not sure what else to say.

“Look, pig, we all know what you’re doing here. You managed to get in Talon’s bed for more than a night. Now, you’re supposedly pregnant by him when we all know you weren’t a virgin to begin with. Those men raped you, well, you begged for it from them. Now, you’re carrying one of their babies and blaming it on a man like Talon. Can’t you get the fuck outta here and give us our man back. He doesn’t want you. You’ve done nothing but trap him because he doesn’t want you and you know it. I bet he didn’t eve fuck you. No one could get hard without assistance to fuck a whale like you,” she taunts, her voice grating on my nerves as she lands one direct hit after another.

“You don’t know a damn thing about Talon and me. I’m sorry if you had your eyes on him for yourself. Maybe if you didn’t smell like a distillery and took a shower to make yourself presentable he would have chosen you. Talon is in bed with me every single night,” I tell her, willing the tears to stay where they are.

“Really. I know for a fact he wasn’t in bed with you last night. He rocked my fucking world all night long and then this morning before he went to bring you back here. Honestly, you can’t even tell your pregnant with how fat your ass is and how wide your hips are. It’s no wonder he has to escape in the middle of the night to get laid by someone before returning to your fat ass. I promise you, Talon will not stick around once that brat is born. You’ll be on your own and not a single member or ol’ lady will back you. They’ll discover your lies and toss you to the gutter where you fucking belong,” she informs me, giving voice to the fear I already have of him leaving me.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance