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Pushing past her, I make my way to the bathroom in the hallway for everyone to use as her gnarly laughter fills the hallway and follows me down to the bathroom. Once I’m inside, I sit on the closed toilet lid. I can’t stop the tears from falling as I cry for what I’m not going to have in my life. What our children aren’t going to have. The last thing I would ever do is keep Talon from his children. But, no one knows I’m pregnant with the exception of his brothers and grandpa, and my mom. My mom wouldn’t tell them, one of his brothers isn’t even here, and I doubt Death or George would tell anyone our secret. There’s only one other person who knows this information and that’s Talon. It makes her words all the more believable. It allows the doubt to creep in and take root in my mind. I might have been beaten daily, starved, and treated like shit, but those men never fucked me. When I was with Talon, I was a virgin. I can’t be here anymore. I’m not going to make Talon feel as if I trapped him and I already told him that. My mom can stay so I know she’s safe, but I will be leaving here as soon as possible.

BRONWAN HAS BEEN gone for a long time now. Hartley, Jaelyn, Iris, Trina, and Coraline are putting the finishing touches on dinner. They have no clue where she is as I begin to panic. The last I knew, she would be in the kitchen. That’s where they are and she’s not with them. Then I wonder if she made her way up to our room to get a few minutes to herself. Heading in that direction, I stop when I see Candy sitting at a table in the corner. She’s not supposed to be out here as I glare in her direction. Candy gives me a smirk and one of those little finger waves before blowing a kiss at me. I have no clue what’s going on with the bitch, but the feeling in my gut says I need to find Red. Now.

Walking down the hallway, I stop outside the women’s bathroom when I hear muffled crying. All of the Rebels are in their rooms, with the exception of Candy, or gone to see their family. We’re not holding them hostage here at the clubhouse and they can come and go as they please. Pressing on the door, I find it unlocked as I make my way inside. Bronwan is sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands, crying like I’ve never seen before. She’s not ugly crying, or upset because she lost someone. These are gut wrenching sobs that are breaking my heart with every sound I hear.

Rushing to her side, I drop down in front of her and wrap my arms around her. Bronwan tries to pull back from me, but I don’t let her go. I can’t. Not when she needs me the most. I’ll let her calm down before finding out what’s going on with her.

“Red, what’s wrong? You were fine when you handed Nash over to me. Talk to me, baby,” I plead with her as she tries to stop crying.

When she finally looks at me, her eyes are red-rimmed, filled with unshed tears as even more roll down her face, and her face has red splotches on it from crying so hard.

“Baby, you’re killin’ me here. What happened?” I ask her again, not sure if she’ll answer me.

“Talon, you need to go. I can’t do this with you anymore,” she says, causing me to fall to my ass from shock.

“What do you mean you can’t do this anymore? What the fuck happened Bronwan?”

“I know you want nothing to do with me. That once these babies are born, you’re going to leave me because you don’t even believe they’re your kids. I’m just a fat ass who took up space in your room and nothing more than that. So, I’m going to make things easier on all of us and get out of your space now. You won’t have to worry about coming down here to fuck someone because I won’t be in the house with you anymore,” she says, further shocking me.

“Again, what the hell happened, Bronwan? I haven’t come down here to fuck anyone. I’m not goin’ to leave you when you haveourchildren either. I told you I was all in and I fuckin’ mean it. If I didn’t, you and your ma wouldn’t be in my fuckin’ house. No woman ever goes to my house. With the exception of Iris and Trina when they decorated my space for me. I promised you if I wanted to fuck anyone else, I would come to you and let you know. Who said all this shit to you?”

“It doesn’t matter, Talon. I won’t keep the babies from you. You can have a paternity test when they’re born. I’ll let you know when I have any appointments in advance, so you know if you want to come or not. I can’t afford for you to break my heart more than it already is. I’m falling in love with you and it’s too much,” she says, not shocking me with the admission of her love.

I’ve known Bronwan was falling in love with me. It’s in the way she looks at me, the little things she notices that no one else does. She goes out of her way to make things easier for me while still giving me shy glances. Not to mention, if she weren’t in love with me, I wouldn’t be spending hours exploring every inch of her body. At first I thought it was some kind of hero worship for saving her. Now, I know she’s in love with me and not just falling.

“Bronwan, why won’t you tell me what was said? I can easily find out. All I have to do is get Zeus in here.”

“It’s not my place to tell. Please, just let me go. I’ll wash up my face and help the women with the meal and sneak out while you’re all eating. I’ll be careful. I promise,” she says, pulling her hands from mine and standing up.

Without another word, I pull out my phone and message Zeus to come to the bathroom. We’re gonna do this shit right here because this woman has no clue I’ve fallen in love with her. I haven’t told her because I’ve never said the words before. Despite knowing she loves me, I am scared to death. Still, she would have heard them when we got back home. Her mom is planning on staying in the clubhouse tonight so I could make everything perfect for her.

“Talon, why are we in the women’s bathroom?” Zeus asks, looking from Bronwan to me.

“I want you to pull up the camera feed from the kitchen. Play it from when Bronwan went in there until she left. I need to know what the fuck happened to her. To make her think the way she is right now,” I order him as he pulls his phone out and pulls an app up.

I watch over his shoulder as he rewinds until my girl shows up. We watch her move around the kitchen before Candy makes her way in the room. From there things go to hell. Zeus and I both stand rigid as we watch and listen to the vile words coming out of her mouth. I’m so pissed my body is vibrating with the rage flowing through me. Bronwan starts crying once again with hearing the words cutting her so damn deep.

“Motherfucker!” I roar out, the words echoing off the bathroom tiles as I punch a hole in the wall by the door. “Bronwan, you have to believe me. I never came down here last night. Or any other fuckin’ night. I’ve been waitin’ until you go to sleep each night before goin’ to work on the room you saw today. Zeus, I swear if you tell anyone she’ pregnant, I’ll beat your ass. Bronwan, let’s go.”

Every single vile fucking word Candy spewed in her direction is nothing new for my girl to hear. It’s everything the bullies in her schools used to say to her and I know they cut her deep. Deeper than anything else could have ever hurt her. That’s why I’m so pissed off because this amazing woman has no right to ever feel the way she does right now. That she’s less than she truly is. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where her head is after Candy talking to her. Holding Bronwan’s hand, I make my way out to the common room. Candy is still sitting at the table in the corner as the men and women already eating look up at me. It’s not long before there’s not a single sound in the room. Everyone has stopped eating and paying very close attention to me. To us. Zeus stands just behind Bronwan as I turn to face her. She has no clue what I’m about to do and I’m honestly thankful for it.

“Everyone fuckin’ listen up. Now,” I bark out, making Red flinch at my harsh tone. “There was just an incident in the kitchen and I’m about to address it. Zeus, get the rest of the Rebels out here now.”

As I wait for the women and Zeus to come out, not a single person says a word. Bronwan is trying to make herself as small as possible with all eyes on us. I’m not going to let her hide from this. From the men and women who truly fucking care about her. Zeus and I are already pissed as fuck and everyone else is about to join us in that feeling. It takes longer than I want to wait for the girls to make their way out to the common room with Zeus following them. He stands there with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring daggers at Candy who’s smiling like she has a big as fuck secret.

“I’m gonna say this shit once and only once,” I bark out, grabbing Bronwan’s hand to hold it in mine. “This woman right here is mine. I’m claimin’ her as my ol’ lady. I haven’t fucked a single one of you bitches since she came to this clubhouse months ago. For a single one of you to confront her, lie to her, or call her any names makes me want to beat your fuckin’ asses. And I don’t touch women. Thankfully, we have a secret weapon who has no qualms about beatin’ all your asses and takin’ out the trash. They should be here in a few days. You will be answerin’ to them.

“Now, I know only one of you here today said shit to my ol’ lady. Only one who came out of her room to purposely start shit. Candy, you’re done. You’re on probation as of now and I don’t give a fuck about the bylaws or any fuckin’ thing else. We learned our lesson with Mona and you don’t get the satisfaction of us havin’ church to discuss this matter. As of this second, you will not fuck anyone, you’ll be doin’ all the cleanin’, and there isn’t a fuckin’ thing you can do about it. One word I don’t like comes out your mouth and I’ll boot your ass out now. This woman is to be respected the same way Hartley, Iris, and Trina are. She’s mine!”

“I knew that fat bitch wouldn’t keep her mouth shut,” Candy says, pointing her accusing glare at Bronwan.

“What the fuck is goin’ on here, Talon?” Lash asks, not glancing at the bitch I’m ready to throttle.

“Well, it seems when Bronwan went in the kitchen, alone I might add, this bitch Candy thought it would be a good idea to confront her and tell her all sorts of fuckin’ lies to drive a wedge between us. To the point she was in the bathroom cryin’ her eyes out and ready to leave here. And for your fuckin’ information, Candy, Red didn’t rat your ass out. She didn’t tell me who said a fuckin’ word to her. Or what you truly said. So, I suggest you stop glarin’ at her and sit the fuck down before I kick your ass out of here now. We’ll be findin’ out how you know the information you do and deal with you as soon as our guests arrive. I hope you have a high tolerance for pain,” I answer him, not exactly giving away our cameras hidden throughout the clubhouse.

“I see. I could’ve told you she didn’t say a fuckin’ thing about whatever it is you spewed at her,” Lash says. “For a woman as shy, innocent, and unknowin’ of our lifestyle as Bronwan is, she’s among the first to step up and defend us against people who doubt our loyalty to her. Our ability to keep her safe instead of causin’ her harm. Candy, I’m fully on board with puttin’ you on probation. Every member of the club in favor say ‘Aye’.”

Every fucking man says ‘Aye’ without hesitation. Candy glares at everyone in the room with a smirk on her face. She’s got a contingency plan and I have a feeling we just found our second rat. Evan has been staying at the clubhouse. No one has had to follow him anywhere. We’ll have to look through the footage to see what we can find.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance