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“Nope. One of the employees said they took the back elevator down and doesn’t know where they went once the doors closed them in. Found a ton of cigarette butts out back and busted beer bottles. Not sure if it’s from them or someone else,” Death answers, knowing I’m not going to be happy at all with this news.

“Zeus, you got me the number I asked for?” Lash asks, turning his attention to him instead of me.

“Got it,” he responds, sliding a piece of paper over to Lash at the head of the table.

“You claimin’ Bronwan?” Lash questions me, not looking at the paper in his hand.

“She’s mine. Done fuckin’ around. Need everyone to know that shit,” I respond without hesitation.

Lash nods his head before picking up his phone. Normally his would be out with the rest of ours, but apparently he’s got something planned I don’t know about. My friend and club president usually runs shit by me before we bring it up at meetings. This time, he didn’t. I can understand because I’ve been busy and preoccupied with Bronwan. After dialing the number he has in his hand, Lash puts the phone on speaker as we listen to it ring and ring.

“Lash, did I finally get your attention?” a man’s voice questions as a way of answering the phone.

“You’ve had my attention since I saw you puttin’ your fuckin’ hands on my wife and my club, asshole. Now, it seems you’re just diggin’ yourself a deeper and deeper hole. You’re goin’ after an ol’ lady of one of my guys. What’s in it for you?”

“I’m not goin’ after anyone’s ol’ lady,” Eric states as if he knows what the hell he’s talking about when he doesn’t. “I’m tryin’ to get back my property. Someone who doesn’t know her place and is about to cost me a ton of money I already spent.”

“Yeah fuckface? I’m sure you did with the habits you have,” I hiss out, not caring about anyone else but my girl. “The girl you want to terrorize is my ol’ lady. She’s mine to protect and keep away from you. Back the fuck off and come out of hidin’ so we can handle this shit between men. Or do you really have a pussy instead of a cock?”

“Oh, I’ve got a cock alright. Just ask Hartley. She couldn’t get enough of it,” he taunts Lash whose face is turning red as fuck right now. “The bitch is mine. So, why don’t you bring her to me, and we’ll get this shit handled real quick. I’ll send you the details in a minute. Not to mention, I’ll know if you plan anythin’ before our meet. You try to send her away or pull a fast one, I’ll know and take all your bitch asses out. Is that understood?”

“You sayin’ we got a rat?” Sabotage barks out, getting pissed.

“You’ve got more than one. Happy huntin’ pussies,” Eric drops his bombshell before hanging up.

“I know one of them. Not gonna bring them in just yet. I want enough rope to hang his bitch ass. I want all eyes on Evan. If he leaves here, someone tail his ass. I want his phone taken away. Zeus get him a new one. Make sure it’s somethin’ you can trace. I want to know each and every single move he makes, his calls, messages, every fuckin’ thing. No talkin’ outside this room. Zeus, do a sweep for bugs. I also want Evan’s and the Rebels rooms gone through. Death and Sabotage, you’re in charge of that shit. Talon, spend time with your ol’ lady. Does she know you’re claimin’ her ass?”

“No, she doesn’t. We have a lot of shit to work out. I need to take this shit at her pace and not scare her the fuck away.”

“Take your time. She’s a good girl and don’t think we all didn’t hear her stand up and defend us to that bitch nurse. Bronwan has all our respect, and this situation will be handled. She will not get close to Eric. We’ll figure out a way to make it look like we have her with us while keepin’ her safe. I’ll lock all the ol’ ladies asses in the panic room if we have to. The clubhouse can get blown the fuck up and they won’t be harmed. For now, watch what you say, pay attention to everybody around you. Someone is givin’ out our information and I want to know who the fuck it is so we can deal with their asses. Gonna call in Sweets and Leather in case it’s one of the Rebels,” Lash hands out orders and fills him in on what he wants done.

“You’re bringin’ in Devil’s Handmaidens on this shit?” Shank asks him, looking astounded.

“Yep. They’ll smell out the bitch informin’ on us. If it’ ain’t a Rebel then we’ll know. I’ll let you all know when I get the details of our meet from Evan. Then, we’ll have church again to hammer out the details of what we’re gonna do. Anythin’ else?”

When none of us say anything, Lash slams the gavel back down on the table in front of him and we all head out. Grabbing my phone and gun, I head for the common room. Austin is sitting with the ol’ ladies as they surround Bronwan and her mom. They let us know dinner is done and we can eat. Letting Red know to stay where she is, I head to the kitchen to make us each a plate. The next few hours for us are spent eating, talking, and spending some time with the guys in the club. It’s the first time Bronwan has talked to any of them even if she’s still quiet and reserved around them.

I’VE BEEN OUT of the hospital for two weeks now. A lot has happened in that time. I was offered a job by the club. I’ll be dealing with the accounts for their businesses. Their legal business. I’m not going to sit here and say they don’t do anything illegal; I know they do. I’ve been taken around to the various places and met the men and women in charge. We have discussed the best way for me to get their invoices and other details I need on a weekly basis. It’s going to be easier for me to get everything weekly instead of once a month. Things get lost, it takes longer to work a full month at a time, and I don’t want to take any chances. Lash and Talon presented me with the generous offer, and I couldn’t help but take it. I’ll be earning my own money and have a way to buy what’s needed.

Zeus set up a brand-new laptop for me with the programs I want to use for work. He made sure the computer is protected and no one can hack into it without getting an alert on his phone about things. Still, I won’t be using it for anything other than work purposes. I don’t spend a lot of time online unless I’m watching a movie or show. So, he helped me set everything up, hooked up the printer I’ll be using to print things out to show Lash and Shank anytime they want an update. Mainly I’ll be sitting down with Shank though since he’s the treasurer for the club and handles everything moneywise. He’s just gotten busy and didn’t want to deal with all the business and paperwork shit anymore. I can’t say I blame him because it’s boring as hell, but I also have a feeling there is more to this job offer than what was shared with me.

I’ve been spending more time in the clubhouse with everyone. The guys usually stop and talk to me when they pass by making me feel included in things like never before. Death is usually around me along with Austin when Talon’s at work. Hartley, Jaelyn, Iris, and Trina have been spending a lot of time with me too. They even talked me into going shopping with them for Christmas because it’s coming up fast. It was the best day I’ve had in a long time filled with laughter, talking, and just getting away from the shit I can’t stop thinking about. Mainly the men after me.

I found something to get all the members of the club, Austin, Cal, my mom, Talon, and the ol’ ladies. It’s not much since I don’t really know them, but I wanted to get them something to have under the tree like Hartley and Jae did. Most of them are just getting gift cards to the local bike shop for anything they may need or want for their bikes. It was the easiest thing I could think of. I got the girls gift cards to some of the boutiques and stores at the mall in the next town over from Braedon. The holidays for me aren’t about what I get from others, it’s more about making sure I can make someone happy by having even a small gift. This year there just happens to be more to buy for than ever before.

Talon told me about the call with Eric, the man after me, and told me everything that was said by the vile man. I have a feeling the only reason I know is because it’s about me and Talon wants me to know he’s going to do his best to share everything possible. I’m scared to death about this man getting his hands on me and doing even worse than what’s already been done. No matter what he says, Talon can’t be everywhere at once. There are going to be times I’m left alone, or someone isn’t exactly who they say they are and helps this man get his hands on me again. Hartley has been a source of information since this man is apparently her ex. My heart broke when she shared her past with me. I can’t believe this Eric guy is so sadistic and horrible. Especially to a woman as sweet and amazing as she is.

Every single night Talon is at the apartment with my mom and me. We have dinner together, watch a movie or TV show, and then head to bed. On more than one occasion since learning of the baby, Talon and I have had sex. It’s kind of weird with my mom in the next bedroom, but she assured me there is nothing to be ashamed of. So, Talon lets me explore his body and shows me what he likes and doesn’t like when it comes to sex. Then, he worships my body. I had no idea there were so many spots to make me get goosebumps or shivers running from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. Talon knows his way around a woman’s body and has shown me so damn much in the last few weeks.

That’s not my favorite part of spending time with Talon though. Every single night he lays in bed with me, holding me in his arms as I trace his tattoos. Sometimes we don’t say anything at all while other times we share stories of our lives and get to know one another. The more time I spend with him, the deeper in love I fall. Yes, I can fully admit I’m in love with Brice ‘Talon’ Whittaker. I have not told him this piece of information and I’m not going to. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that he has the power to shatter me. And if I tell him I’m in love with him, Talon will run as fast as he can to get away from me.

The biggest change of all is where my mom and I now live. Talon shocked me yesterday by taking us to his home. He has a two-story home on the compound. It’s built further back and surrounded by trees so not a lot of people know there are homes there. I certainly didn’t know. Even when Hartley and Jae talk about going home, I had no clue it was actually on the compound and not somewhere in town. Anyway, his house is painted a slate gray with black shudders on either side of the window. The master bedroom has a full wall of windows leading out onto a balcony.

Every room inside is large, clean, modern, and painted in neutral colors. Talon has let me know I can change anything in the house I want to, but there’s no way I’m going to change a thing about his house. My favorite place to be, besides the balcony where I can read in comfort in the hammock he has, is the living room. There’s a large fireplace I want to light and read in front of. I want to lay in front of it with Talon instead of his larger than normal bed. Okay, I’ve had fantasies of him fucking me in front of it with soft music in the background and the only light coming from the fire as it snaps and crackles. His kitchen is also a dream. It’s got brand-new appliances and I’ve been taking advantage of cooking and baking in it over the last two weeks.

There is one room I’m not allowed to go in. It’s the bedroom next to Talon’s and he’s made me promise not to enter it. I have no clue what’s in there and I’m honestly not sure I want to know. I won’t be here for long and it’s none of my business. Talon can have all the secrets he wants from me. At least as long as he’s not lying. He promised me if there was ever a time he wanted to be with another woman, he’d tell me before anything happened. I know it’s not exactly something he can predict, but I’m trusting him enough to tell me when he’s done. Even if it’s after something happens with another woman. I’m going into this with my eyes wide open and know there are only two men in the entire club who have an ol’ lady. Most of the men are single and I’m not going to stop Talon from going out with them or anything else he wants to do. I know how precious his freedom is to him.

Today is Christmas day. There are no decorations in Talon’s home and when I asked him about it, he let me know he doesn’t decorate because there’s never been a reason to. The clubhouse is decorated and has a large tree in one corner of the common room. He usually spends his time there and barely comes to his house unless he wants to get away from everyone for a while. I can understand where he’s coming from though. If my mom and I were home, I’m not sure I would have been in the mood to decorate for the first Christmas after losing my dad. I’m not sure my mom would want to either.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance