Page 13 of Areyna's End

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“I’m serious, girl, do as I ask. Now!”The voice in my head is like a whip cracking. My body responds without thought, taking me into the kitchen where Jason’s words pull me to an abrupt halt.

“It’s my soul. I can handle it.”

“Exactly, yoursoul. As in the one that is currently tethered by a bond to Areyna!” Richard growls. It’s such a relief to see him that for a second all I want to do is race over and hug him, but then the memory of draining him dry takes over my mind and I freeze in place. His voice echoes around the sudden silence in the kitchen, “Are you fucking serious right now? Not one of you thought of the ramifications of having a bond with her?”

“I didn’t know the bond worked that way.” I say, making all four guys jump.

“Rose, I am so sorry.” Jason begins but I cut him off. “Fuck you.” If this is a nightmare then I might as well say the things I’ve been wanting to say for the last few days. I turn to Richard who looks like he’s about to say something else, “Fuck you too.” I hiss, pissed that he died and left me to deal with the fallout. I turn to face Derrin, Remmie and Torren, determined to have my say with them as well. “As for you three-.”

“You need to leave now, Areyna. Have your little spat with the hybrids later. The world needs you more than they do right now.”The voice in my head says interrupting my tirade.

“Derrin, there’s a voice in my head telling me to do all this. Forgive me but it’s the only way to keep you all safe.”I direct the thought inside my mind instead of saying it out loud, hoping the other voice in there doesn’t hear as well. Derrin’s eyes go wide just as I walk right out the door with my arms raised above my head. I sure hope this really is just a nightmare, if not I might be making a huge mistake, but my guys’ lives are on the line if what the voice says is true. “Whatever you want, just do it. I’m over this bullshit.” I shout as I stop in the middle of the yard only a few paces away from the biggest looking vampire. He’s an interesting one, that’s for sure, all hard planes and huge muscles. Even his odd blue and green eyes look hard as he gives me a once over. He must like what he sees, as those full lips pull up into a smile.

“On your knees, hands behind your head.” The leader of the vampire troop says in an even tone. At any other time, I’d say he’s a handsome man, with a panty melting smile, but considering the situation, I’m fairly sure enjoying the view isn’t something I should be doing. I drop to my knees, put my hands together on the back of my head, but keep my chin held high.They might be taking me captive, but I’m not going to just roll over and play meek because they think I should.

“Good girl.” The voice whispers into my mind as the vampire cuffs my hands and lifts me over his shoulder. I could fight, scream, get away, but after everything that has happened, I just can’t be bothered anymore.

Areyna, no!Derrin screams in my mind. I give him a look, one that says everything he needs to know - I’m doing this, whether he likes it or not.

I call out to him with my mind,Everyone betrays me eventually, so why not just cut to the chase and see what this mysterious voice in my head really wants. Maybe I can get some answers while I’m at it.

Not without me and the others. We have no idea where you’re being taken!His shout in my mind gives me a headache but I ignore him. Besides, if this isn’t a nightmare and the guys really do want to play knights in shining armour, all they have to do to find me is look up the location of my ankle monitor.

I wonder how long it’ll take for them to remember that I’m wearing one.

Just call me the Undercover Hybrid, cause this girl’s done waiting around for people to give her answers. I’m going to take charge of my own life and I’ll take the fight to anyone who wants to step into the ring with me.



I should have knownAreyna wasn’t capable of murder.

I should have known.

She’s never going to forgive me for how I’ve treated her and right now, I know I deserve far worse than a simple “Fuck you.” Even my nightmares were trying to tell me that I was wrong in accusing her of being a murderer.

I betrayed her.

I called her a monster.

I don’t deserve her, but I’ll find a way to make it up to her. Even if that means I have to expose myself and everything I’ve worked so hard towards to do it. I will earn her forgiveness. Somehow.

“We have to get her back. Jason, take the fucking spell down!” Richard shouts at me the moment my thoughts begin spiralling. I want to tell the asshole who tricked us all to fuck off, but he’s right. I need to get the barrier down and get after Areyna, this was not how the plan was supposed to play out, we were supposed to have a day to convince Areyna and the others to make her leave. She was supposed to be taken and dealt with by the man who hired me, not like this though.

“Why aren’t you all crumpled to the ground right now?” I ask, focusing back on the matter at hand, after all, I do need to appear as confused as the rest of them. The spell may have required a chant to get it started, but to take it down all I have to do is will it to dissipate.

“She mustn’t be far enough away yet.” Remington answers.

“Or the bond has changed.” Richard states cryptically.

I’d like to say a lot of things to my asshole of a best friend, but I need to concentrate on bringing the barrier spell down, so I take a page out of Areyna’s book and simply say, “Fuck you.”

“Why did she just walk out?” Torren asks, pressing his hand to the invisible barrier. I can see from the look in his dark blue eyes that he’s barely containing his anger right now. He’s going to need to get a handle on that if he plans on being useful to us right now.

“The better question ishowdid she walk out?” Remmie says, looking to both Richard and I for an answer. All three of the hybrids now have their attention solely on Richard.

I answer absently as I concentrate on bringing the barrier down, “I don’t know.” The barrier was designed to keep everyone contained inside the house, but what they don’t know is that I made a loophole in the spell. Areyna and I can get out if the people waiting on the other side of it are friend, not foe but those weren’t my people nor were they the man who hired me so technically I’m being truthful when I say I don’t know.

Tags: Bianca Riley Paranormal