Page 12 of Areyna's End

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“None of the boys did this.” Jason straightens his back, squaring up to me as he takes a few more steps into the room so he’s standing level with the hybrids. “I did the spell and I’m not taking it down.”

To say I’m shocked is an understatement, but again I keep my true emotions to myself. “So what was your plan man-witch? Have everyone in the house starve to death and hope the troops outside just get bored and leave?”

“No. My plan is none of your business. You gave up the right to know my plans when you left me believing that the girl I’m in love with killed my best friend.” Jason shakes his head then adds, “Ex-best friend.” It takes me a few seconds to get over the fact that he just admitted out loud that he’s in love with her. Although him being a witch makes things more complicated, but it does explain why he reacted so volatilely to the bond with Areyna. Fae Witches aren’t able to bond with vampires, their blood rejects the bond like it’s a virus.

My phone goes off again and I turn my back on them, sneaking a peak while they’re all arguing. Ten missed calls from my father. I groan trying to come up with an excuse to walk away and call him back. While I’m lost in thought, the man-witch says, “You have no right to question me or butt in on our lives, you gave up that right when you left us all thinking the worst of Areyna.”

“Oh ouch, the man-witch’s feelings were hurt.” I roll my eyes, “Cry me a river.” I turn my back on the four of them and peer out the window again. The troops outside are now gathered in a huddle near the middle of the backyard. “Whatever spell you did had better be extra strong, cause those troops look like they’re about to do something really stupid.” I watch as my prediction comes true. The troops outside break off and all come running at the back of the house. I hear a boom coming from the front letting me know the ones I suspected were out there have done the same.

The house rattles as Jason’s spell repels the troops, but with each attempt to break through, Jason’s face grows paler. “Are you powering the spell with your own essence?” I hiss, genuinely worried, not about him; I’m worried whoever those assholes are outside might be able to break through the barrier and if they do that will weaken my little lamb if I’m right about Jason’s stupidity.

“I didn’t have the strength to tether it.” He admits, hanging his head.

“You fucking stupid, immature, man-witch. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” I growl storming across the kitchen and grabbing him by the front of his shirt. “You’re draining your soul by not having it tethered to an outside power source!”

His weak reply emphasises my point for me, “It’s my soul. I can handle it.”

“Exactly, yoursoul. As in the one that is currently tethered by a bond to Areyna!” Gasps ring out with my revelation, all four guys staring at me like I’ve just told them something they hadn’t known. “Are you fucking serious right now? Not one of you thought of the ramifications of having a bond with her?”

“I didn’t know the bond worked that way.” Areyna says from the doorway, startling us all.

“Rose, I am so sorry.” Jason begins but my little lamb cuts him off with a wave of her hand. “Fuck you.” She whispers the words but they hit Jason like physical punches. He doubles over and gulps down several breaths.

Ignoring the man-witch who is hyperventilating from two little words, she turns those dazzling eyes of hers to me, her hands perched on her luscious hips, “Fuck you too.” To our utter shock, she turns on her heel, walks over to the door and opens it as though the spell holding us all in here is nothing. As for you three-.” She begins then shakes her head before stepping through the doorway. The five of us rush after her, bouncing back in a jumbled heap of limbs. I extract myself from the group just in time to see Areyna with her arms raised above her head, speaking to the troops surrounding her. “Whatever you want, just do it. I’m over this bullshit.”

“On your knees, hands behind your head.” The leader of the vampire troop shouts, before cuffing Areyna and dragging her away into the darkness while we all watch on, helpless.




“Can you hear me?”I wake to the sound of a strange man’s voice. “Areyna Rose, can you hear me?” Frantically I begin searching the room for the source of the voice.“I’m not inside your home, Areyna; I’m speaking to you telepathically. I need your help and I’m sorry but I really don’t intend to ask. One way or another you will help me.”

“Who are you?” I ask out loud.

“A friend. I hope.”The words send a shiver down my spine.

“Well friends don’t threaten each other.” I snap, getting up off the bed and grabbing the first outfit I can find. I end up wearing all black, from my underwear to my jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with lace roses along the sleeves.

The silence continues for several moments.“Some friends do.”Comes the snarky reply.

“What do you want?” I ask, curious.

“There are men surrounding your house, I want you to go outside and let them take you. I swear that no harm will come to you or your friends if you do as I ask.”

“And if I don’t?” I ask cocking my head to the side as I lace my boots up carefully over my ankle monitor. I tuck my coin into my pocket and then add my favourite lip gloss and a stick of bubble gum.Never know when you might need gum.“Well, what’s your threat? If I don’t do as you say, then….” I prompt the voice in my head.

“Then they will come in and take you by force.”He says, his voice taking on a more sinister tone.“I really don’t have time to argue with you. Your presence is necessary for me to save the Supernatural races.”

I leave my room and begin walking down the hallway as I ask, “Why?”

Again there’s a long pause before he finally responds,“Your powers are the key we’ve been searching for.”

“Key to what?” I ask as I make my way down the stairs with the intention of telling the guys what’s happening. I can hear the guys in the kitchen arguing, but what surprises me the most is the fact that I can also hear Richard’s voice. I round the corner and stop dead still at the sight before me.

He’s alive? Was everything just a nightmare? Well the only other explanation is that I’m losing my mind and hallucinating. I am hearing a voice inside my mind after all. Then again if Derrin and Remmie can do it then why not someone else as well. Although being a nightmare makes more sense, how else could Richard be right there acting as though he never died.

Tags: Bianca Riley Paranormal