Page 16 of Broken Biker

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He leans down and kisses me softly. "I'm not going to get hurt. This is what I'm trained to do."

When I first walked into this club, I thought it was a regular motorcycle club. Not that I have a lot of information about those, but I had some inkling. What I didn't expect was to run across so many good men, good men that would put their necks on the line for people they think deserve or need it.

Last night, Kane told me some of the missions that he's been on. I can't believe some of the things he's seen, but I'm thankful that he was able to do what he's done. He told me more about the compound across the street and the men there, and even though he didn't say a lot, I know they help people, a lot of people.

"I don't care," I tell him and stop. "I mean, I do care. I know you're trained to do this, but I don't want you to do it. Not because of me."

He laughs softly and tickles his nose against my neck. "You're probably the best reason for me to do this. Allison, it's going to be fine. Diesel, Reaper, Grayson, and a few of the others are going to go, too. We'll be gone most of the day, but just think, you'll get back your life. You don't want to keep doing this, keep hiding out."

I don't think he understands because a part of me would be fine with just this. This past week, I've been able to be myself without any reservations, and what surprised me most is that it seems Kane enjoyed being with me. He laughed and talked with me. It was a good week. I want to ask him if he's ready for me to go or if he wants me to stay. His face doesn't give anything away. Sometimes when we've made love, I've felt that he wants to keep me. But he hasn't said anything.

Kane looks me in the eye. "I have to leave soon. I need you to promise me that you'll stay here. I can't concentrate on what I need to do if I think you may be in danger."

The last thing that I want to do is cause more problems for him, that's for sure. But I wonder if he realizes what he's saying. He has to know this thing between us is more than just sex. He worries about me. He cares about me. I lean up and kiss him. "I promise."

Our kiss is heartfelt and says so much about what we feel for each other than what we’ve ever said with words. When he finally pulls away, we're both breathless. He's leaning his forehead against mine. "I need you, Allison."

I don't even hesitate. "I'm yours."

He may not realize it, but I mean it in more ways than one, because I'm his this morning, and I'll be his tonight. I'd be his forever, if only he would have me.



Idrive the blacked-out Suburban through the high-dollar neighborhood. I was right about the congressman's car. It's a black Suburban with tinted windows. You can't even see into it because the windows are so dark. I pull my hat low on my head and sink down farther into my seat. In case someone is able to see a shadow, it will look like someone smaller is driving.

I hit the garage opener when I pull into the driveway. I stare at the big white house in front of me, and my stomach drops. I have nothing that could compare to this right here. It’s two stories with big columns and a wrap-around porch. It screams money.

I shove that thought far from my mind and drive through the open doors. As soon as I'm parked, I hit the button to close the garage doors behind me. "Ready?" I say. Diesel, Reaper, and Grayson raise up from the back seat. Without talking, we all get out. We're all on mission mode. All of our minds are on the prize right now.

One of Walker and Nash's guys has already hacked into the video feed for the security camera here. If Bruno happens to be watching, he's going to see an old video of Allison coming into the house. He'll see her go into the kitchen, do a few things, put a few things away, and then sit on the couch to read. His guys made hours of tape because we weren't sure how long we would be here, but I honestly don't think we'll need it.

I'm getting the same prickle on my neck as when shit is about to go down. I've learned to trust my gut, and my gut tells me that it's time to get ready. We get everything set up and are all stationed throughout the house, keeping an eye on all angles of the perimeter. It doesn’t take long before silence is broken. Grayson is the first one to talk. "So what's going on with you and Allison?"

I peek out the blinds, watching for any movement. I'm listening to the guys breathing into the earpiece of my radio. "Nothing. And what, do we gossip now when we're on a mission?" Grayson is quiet for all of one minute. "I'm just saying it doesn't seem like nothing." "Mind your own business, Gray," I tell him, but I should have known that's not going to shut him up.

"All I'm saying is I've seen a change in you this week. If you like her, just don't let her walk out of your life."

I grunt. "Oh yeah, if we’re talking about our love lives, why don’t you talk about why you’re wearing some damn wedding ring on your dog tags, brother? Let’s talk about that.”

I know I’m frustrated and shouldn’t be taking it out on Gray. He hasn’t been with us that long, and for the most part, he’s a good dude. He keeps to himself, but he never flakes on any mission, he’s a perfect shot, and he handles his shit.

His silence is almost deafening. It takes him a good minute to respond. “I wear this ring around my neck because I’m married, asshole, and I fucked up. I’m trying to save your sorry ass from doing the same thing.”

Fuck. I groan into the air. Of course I’m going to stick my foot in it. I don’t even have the heart to get on to him for calling me an asshole at this point. I deserved it. “Thanks for the tip, Gray. Now can we get to work? We got company. Side street, two o’clock."

There's a car that just drove up and parked on the side of the road. A man gets out and looks up and down before cutting across the lawn, heading toward the house we're in. I let the blind go and walk quietly down the steps. "He’s heading for the front door. I got this," I tell the guys as I make my way to the front foyer. Just as I'm taking the last step, I can see the knob turning in front of me. I step behind the door, and the man walks quietly in. From pictures, I already know that it's Bruno, and he has a gun in his hand. I won't lie. I had hoped this would be harder, that maybe I would get to take some of my frustrations out on him, fuck, at least get a few punches in.

I walk up behind him, knock the gun from his hand, and restrain him. He grunts and tries to fight, but he's no match for me. I have him handcuffed and face planted onto the hardwood floor in no time. He's yelling as the other guys all come running down the stairs. We all stare at each other in amazement because missions never go this easily. We're obviously dealing with someone that is a complete amateur. I should feel good. I mean, our mission is accomplished. Allison is no longer in danger. She can get her life back together. So why do I feel so fucked up right now?



Kane left hours ago, and I thought I'd be crazy waiting to hear something. I am actually wearing the floor out by pacing back and forth at the clubhouse. All of the guys have been asking me if I am okay, and I told them that I was. It was a lie, though, because I feel like my stomach is churning. But it seems Kane figured I’d be crazy today because he asked Brandy, Diesel's wife, to come and hang out with me. She also brought her baby. They are doing a good job at keeping my mind off things. The baby is the cutest one that I've seen. While she's feeding him, I have to ask her, "How do you do it?"

She knows exactly what I'm talking about. When she shrugs her shoulders, she says, "What? Sit here and act like nothing is going on? That my husband's not out doing something dangerous or God knows what, and I'm somehow keeping it together?"

Tags: Hope Ford Romance