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She’s fine china, and I’m the bull that shouldn’t be anywhere near her or her shop.

When Eric nods and our crowd claps, when he steps away from the podium, kisses Jess on the cheek, and hugs Kane, Reverend Hannah steps forward and agilely snatches the microphone before Jay gets the chance. The old coot is fast for his age, or maybe he’s been warned that Jay is hunting for his place on that marriage certificate.

When Eric resumes his place beside me, and Kane and Jess face each other once more, shit gets serious, because Hannah opens his bible and begins reading.

“Dearly beloved and honored guests. We are gathered here today to join Kane Bishop and Jessica Lenaghan in holy matrimony.” He knows his job, because he continues speaking even while he studies his enraptured crowd. “Marriage is not a contract that should be entered into lightly, but with deep thought, and with all of your heart and soul. It comes with obligations and responsibilities, and once begun, should not be left up to chance, but nurtured every day with all of the love and care you’ve practiced leading into now.”

Abigail’s eyes flicker away from mine for a beat as Jess passes her bouquet back to her sister. This entire church is draped with flowers, on the chairs and in vases. Long-stemmed flowers hang from the walls, and a huge part of me wonders how the tiny florist lugged all of that heavy shit in here. Did someone help her? Did anyone offer to carry the load, or to hang them up, so she wouldn’t have to climb?

Should I have offered?

“Kane Bishop, do you take Jessica Lenaghan to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, to honor her, to cherish and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?”

For the first time in my life, I hear my brother’s breath audibly catch when Jess slides a gold band onto his ring finger.

He nods. “I do.”

Hannah grins. “And Jessica Lenaghan, do you take Kane Bishop to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, honor him, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?”

Jess’ chest heaves with silent tears when Kane slides a gold band onto her finger. He stares into her eyes and nods as though to encourage her along.

He’s the strongest guy I know, at least seventy percent machine parts, and what isn’t metal is protected by bulletproof armor and a whole lot of bad attitude. But he’s vulnerable in the seconds it takes her to find her voice. For her to swallow her tears, and to breathe through what I’m certain is a contraction that screws her face up in pain.

But then she says it, and his world is back on kilter.

“I do.”

“Jessica and Kane, you exchange these rings as a symbol of your love and commitment to each other. They’re nothing more than a strap of metal, but they’re made precious by what they represent. Your wedding rings mark the beginning of your long journey together. They’re a circle, a symbol of your never-ending love, and a seal for the vows you have just taken here today. Please, could you both repeat after me?”

It’s almost a literal pain as I drag my attention from Abigail’s beguiling eyes and bring them to Kane and Jess.

“As a sign of my love.”

As a pair, Kane and Jess repeat, “As a sign of my love.”

“I have chosen you.”

Jess’ voice cracks almost as much as Kane’s. “I have chosen you.”

“Above all else.”

Jess nods, and hurriedly swipes a tear from her cheek with her shoulder. “Above all else.”

“With this ring, I thee wed.”

Kane leans forward, stealing Jessie’s line, and presses a kiss to her lips. “With this ring, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.” His eyes flicker between each of Jess’. “And even when I’m gone, my love will remain. It’ll just be invisible.”

“Marriages take work,” Hannah continues with pursed lips; he’s not impressed by Kane’s unscripted addition. “They take effort, they take time and devotion, and they take trust to know that deep in your hearts, youtrulywant what is best for each other. Marriages take dedication and openness; they require a commitment to learn and grow together, and loyalty, despite not knowing what the future brings. You have both pledged a lifetime journey today, but you begin it with the deepest of love. Remember how you feel right now, and revisit these feelings when things get tough.”

The couple nod, and when a fat tear slides over Jess’ cheek, Kane swipes it away with the pad of his thumb. “Are we married yet?”

“I don’t think so,” Jess bursts out on a tearful laugh. She turns to Hannah. “Are we done?”

He gives a solemn nod. “By the power vested in me by this great state, it is my greatest honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may–”

“By-the-power-vested-in-me-by-the-internet-and-Sophia’s-amazing-skills-I-now-pronounce-you-husband-and-wife-you-may-kiss-your-bride.” Jay draws in a loud, gulping breath, then shoves Kane forward until the couple’s mouths clash, and the crowd stands for applause.

When Kane’s left hand goes into Jess’ hair, his right, down to her hip, and he pulls her as close as their babies allow and kisses the fuck out of her, Jay turns to us with a wicked grin and presents us with two thumbs up.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark