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Kane and Jess’ officiant has three seconds to take care of business before Jay jumps out of his skin and takes over. He looks cool, unaffected, like he’s behaving, but that has a lot to do with Angelo holding him down and threatening a de-balling if he doesn’t pull his shit together.

Jay and Angelo have had somewhat of a rocky start to brotherhood, in that Jay thinks Angelo should fuck right off, and Angelo doesn’t care enough to step up and fight about it. So Jay wages a one-sided war, and Angelo coolly holds him down and gives the celebrant a look that speaks of hurrying the fuck up or moving aside so Jay can have his time in the limelight.

“I welcome you.” The celebrant lifts his arms and calls everyone’s attention. “Please. Please,” he repeats. “Pease be seated.”

Abigail is like a beacon in a stormy sea, a lighthouse for a weary traveler, but when everyone stands, she becomes invisible. Even in heels. Even with that hair, she’s just too short to compete, so I bide my time and wait for Reverend Hannah to take charge, and the very moment everyone sits, Abigail’s eyes come back to mine, and she becomes my prisoner once again.

She breathes heavily, so her chest lifts the bust of her dress, then drops down again. She looks different today. She wears something that actually molds to her shape.

I was wrong when I accused her of being shapeless. She has a shape alright, and wearing that gown, it’s impossible for her to hide it. I don’t know if she’s had a boob job in the last week, or maybe bought a really skilled push-up bra, but she has enough going on that it holds her dress up and makes a man take a second and third look. Her delicate shoulders peek from the sleeveless garment, and though they’re rail thin and the bones jut out too sharply, they’re also kinda beautiful, delicate, and tempt me to run my finger over her protruding collarbone.

No, Spencer!

Abigail’s biceps are almost non-existent, but a long scar that pinkens the area gives me pause.

I know scars. I know how they feel, and the pain you endure while they’re healing.

“First, I’d like to begin by welcoming you all today, and thanking each of you for being here on this most wonderful day.”

Reverend Hannah works his way into a long diatribe about how all of the guests are special, how everyone has a special place in Kane and Jess’ hearts, how we’re their support system, and it’s our responsibility as their friends and family to hold them up when they need it.

We don’t need to be lectured in a church to know that, and neither Kane nor Jessie nod along and act like they care what he’s saying.

Icouldlook to my right, and see the couple holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes. Icouldpay attention to the words they say in silence, the sentences spoken slowly enough that they can read each other’s lips. Icouldeven help Angelo hold Jay still, because Jay is tempted to knock Hannah the fuck out and take over.

But my eyes don’t leave Abigail’s, because hers are bicolored and lined with extra-long lashes, and I can’t seem to look away.

“The most wonderful moment in life is when you meet the person that completes you. The person who makes your world a better place. The person with whom you share a bond like none other.” Hannah coughs to clear his throat. “Even if you’re a twin.”

His cheeks warm when he succeeds in dragging a couple low snickers from those who watch on.

“When you find that one person in life, you’ve found your other half. If he is dark, then she must be light. If he is scared, then she must be brave. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Jess and Kane over the last month. We’ve discussed their goals as a couple, as parents, and as a loving unit. We’ve talked about weaknesses, fears, strengths, and limitations. And do you know what I’ve found?”

It’s like Hannah waits for an eager student to lift their hand, though of course no one does.

“I’ve found that they’re the perfect match. The yin and the yang. The day to the night, and the sun to the moon. They’re the perfect pieces to one puzzle, because where one struggles, the other exceeds. Where one needs a little help, the other reaches back and lends a hand so they both succeed. They have the same mountain to climb, and neither will go on without the other.”

The longer I stare at Abigail, the redder she burns. Her eyes are large, too large for her face, but in the most beautiful way.

It pisses me off that I study her rather than my brother, as he marries the woman of his dreams.

Kane has finally reached the top of his mountain. He’s there with Jess by his side, and he’s just days away from becoming a father, but instead of being present for him in his victory, I can’t release Abigail from my stare.

I’m scared that if I do, she might turn and run away. And I’m not ready for her to go.

The ceremony blurs in the side of my consciousness while I stare at Abigail. Time stands still, so I could be standing here for a minute, or hours. I could be here for days, and I wouldn’t know, because the electricity blazes between us as she meets my stare with her own. It’s not like with other women, where I’m looking to hook up and slap their ass on their way out. I just… I can’t stop looking, and I don’t understand why.

As requested by Kane, Eric says a little something on the sanctity of marriage. Jay wouldn’t know, because he’s never been married, and I wasn’t asked for the same reasons. But Eric knows, so he takes a few minutes to talk about communication, about love, about loyalty and trust. He talks of how time can slip through their fingers, so they should hold on tight and not take a single minute for granted.

And all the while… I. Can’t. Stop. Staring. At. Abigail.

She doesn’t stare at me like most women do. I’ve never bedded a woman that wasn’t looking for the same as me. They knew the score, and not one of them came to me with the innocence.

But Abigail’s eyes shout of virtue, of inexperience, and again, I circle back around to delicacy.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark