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“She’s giggling. Right now, she’s giggling and I hate it.”

Oz is having fun with his new bride, and her teenage son has to learn how to deal with it. “You’ll be fine, I promise. Take your sister out back for an hour.”

“No! You’re disgusting.” The doorbell rings on his end, then I hear the rustle of the couch and Ben’s grunts as he climbs to his feet. “Who the hell rings the doorbell this early in the morning? Have they no respect?”

“Probably not, baby. People rarely do. Listen, I’ll let you go so you can see your guests, but I’ll–”

“Riley.” Ben’s single growled word stops me in my tracks. “What do you want?”

I stop with my coffee cup suspended in mid-air. My ass warms, my vagina throbs, my stomach tingles, and my lips turn up into a goofy grin. Riley Cruz rocked my world last night, and this morning when he passed out cold, I snuck out like a total thief.

“Hey, Ben. Can I see Oz? It’s work stuff.”

Mmmm. His voice reminds me of his tongue.

His tongue is magic and makes me want to touch myself in a domestic airport lounge.

“He’s busy. What the fuck do you want?”

“Ben.” Oz’s voice carries through our call and makes me smile that much more. My new cousin-in-law is sexy as hell, and now I think I might have a thing for cops. “I got it, bud. Can you start the coffee pot?”

“Fuck you, pig.”

“I love you, too. Now move your ass.”

Entertained by their conversation, I forget that where Ben goes, I go too, which becomes apparent when Riley and Oz’s conversation tapers off until they become silent. A door slams, and then Ben comes back to me with an aggressive grunt. “I can’t believe you danced with him last night, Aunt Andi. Riley’s an asshole.”

I did more than dance with him. “He’s not an asshole, baby. He literally did nothing to you except ring the doorbell and ask to speak to his colleague. Now make the coffee and stop being a jerk.”

“He danced with you. I saw him. I’ve seen this show before; the cocky cop meets a pretty girl, he pushes me aside and tells me to mind my own business, next thing you know, everyone’s moving in together like it’s cool and normal.”

“You think I’m pretty?” There’s no way in hell I’m touching on the moving in together stuff. “You’re so sweet to me, Benny.”

“Come back,” he whines. “You can stay with us forever.”

“I can’t, honey. Not yet, anyway. I’ve gotta pay my bills, and I’ve got clients who really need me. I enjoy my work, and I don’t want to let any of them down.”

“But you’re coming back soon, right? So we can slumber party and eat pizza?”

“Yes. Soon, I promise. As soon as I see my boss tomorrow, I promise to put in for time off. As soon as I know, you’ll know. I’ll text you.” I finish the last of my coffee and sit up until my feet touch the floor. “I’m gonna go, okay? I need to pee, then we’ll be boarding. I’ll text you when I land, then I’ll text tomorrow morning with my plans.”


“Spit shake promise. I’m spitting in my hand right now. Spit in yours and we’ll shake on it.”

“You’re disgusting.” He snickers when I make noisy hocking sounds. Those that sit around me and wait for their boarding call glance up from newspapers and phones at my gross noises. “Stop it, Andi.”

“Come on, Benny.” I drag snot to the back of my nose. “Hock, baby. Put it in your hand so we can seal the deal.”

“You’re so gross. I love you, Aunt Andi. Safe flight, okay?”

“Okay. I’ll catch you on the other side, baby. Be nice to Oz.”

“He’s an asshole.”

* * *

“Hi, Mia.”I’ve swapped out my heels and dress for yoga pants, pink Nikes, and a tank top. It’s Monday all over again, time for work, and walking through the front reception of my office building, I snag my appointment file and follow my boss into the hall. “Mia? Hey.” I grab her sleeve. “Did you hear me?”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark