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My Hero, Timmy


“Aunt Andi! Where are you?”

Smiling, I drop my sunglasses over my eyes and slump back in the hard-plastic chair. The sun is in my eyes and my head hurts something fierce. “Good morning, Benny. How are you this morning?”

“Where are you?”

I take a sip of my to-go coffee and lift my feet to the seats across from mine. “I’m at the airport, baby. Can you hear them? They’re calling some dude now.” I lift my phone so my distrustful nephew can hear the loudspeakers call for a Mr. Stan. He’s late for his flight and is about to lose his seat. I bring the phone back. “Did you hear?”

“Yeah.” It’s almost like I canhearhis narrowed eyes. “Where’d you sleep last night?”

“Benjamin… I’m a grown woman and not inclined to discuss that with you. But I love you. I love your sweet face and protective streak.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he whines. “Men are dicks.”

I drop my head back and snicker. I chose a line of chairs by the window so the morning sun would warm my feet, but it’s only seven, and I’m already starting to sweat. “You’re a man, baby. Or you will be soon. Are you a dick?”

“Probably,” he grumbles. “I’m not a very nice person.”

“But you’re so perfect in my eyes.” In my eyes, he’s still five with an infectious giggle and a bubble butt disproportionately too big for his long body. “You’re the start of a new generation of men, baby. Make us proud.”

“I’ll try,” he huffs. “I promise I will. So… you’re going home, huh? I didn’t finish hanging out with you yet.”

“I have to go home. I have to work tomorrow, but I’ll be back soon, I promise. Your mom and Oz are taking time away, so Aunt Andi will be your local DJ and pizza orderer. You, me, and Livi will have a slumber party and eat till we puke. That sounds like a bunch of fun, right?”

“No. That sounds like you and Livi are gonna whine about tummy aches and I’m gonna have to control your portions.” I love how he takes on the daddy role so naturally. He’s the caretaker. The man of the house. Even now that he’s in Oz’s house, and Oz is the man, Benny doesn’t give his title up easily. “Sounds like you’re gonna puke, then you’ll wanna cuddle till the pain goes away.”

“Don’t let me eat an entire bag of potato chips again. I swear, it was like I was giving birth to fire.”

“Ew! You’re so disgusting.”

Snickering, I bring my coffee up and consider pushing toothpicks into my eyes. I haven’t slept in… I don’t even know how long. My brain won’t compute. But I definitely didn’t sleep last night while the baby-faced Riley proved me wrong.

Seventeen hundred different times in the most orgasmic ways.

Riley – themanI underestimated – knows how to spank. And fuck. And eat a girl’s mango until it drips off his chin. He knows how to talk dirty and make a girl tingle with only words, and he knows how to hold out and draw multiple orgasms from her until she’s a whimpering mess and he finally,finallyallows himself to blow and fill her up.

His condoms and my pill were put to hard work last night, and just like he promised, each time I move on my chair now, my ass cheek warms and reminds me he was there not so long ago.

Definitely better than anything the scrawny Blake could do.

“Aunt Andi?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Do you think it’s too late for me to stand up and say I object to the wedding?”

My chest bounces with silent laughter. “Yes, Benny, it’s too late. You can probably call him daddy now.”

“Like fuck I will.”

“Don’t swear, Ben!”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark