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“Cocaine?” I screech so loud, a bird nestled in the tree out my kitchen window takes flight. My heart pounds as I turn and run toward my bedroom. “You had cocaine? Cocaine that you don’t even know what it was cut with?”

“Yeah. Abel said I had to. If we don’t do what he says, he shoots. That motherfucker is trigger happy. But I got a little party bag, so maybe I could let you have some.” I work one handed to push my pyjama shorts off and pull jeans on. “But I won’t, beautiful. You’re not allowed any. It’s my job to protect you, and Abel’s a dangerous man. No way am I letting you snort anything. Oh… Jess.” His breath comes faster. “You feel good around my cock. I wanna be in your cunt so bad it makes me sick. Just one time, beautiful. One time, one fuck, and I promise I’ll be sorta gentle. A little bit gentle. Like, I’d monster fuck you, but I’d make sure you like it. I’d eat you out first.”


“Yeah.” I canhearthe smile in his voice. “You keep saying my name while I stroke, that worksgoooood. Come here and sit on my cock. Can you imagine? Imagine your hot pussy around my cock? You’d eat me up and spit me out, and I wouldn’t even be sad.”

“Are you leaving, Kane? Are you going home? I’ll meet you there.”

“Not yet.” His panting ridiculously sends tingles rolling through my panties. I’m scared out of my brains for him, angry that he’s even at the club. Angrier yet that he’s in a room with at least two other women and a couple that are naked and fucking. But listening to him pant for me, imagining him stroking his powerful dick while he speaks to me, makes my heart thrum.

“Please come home, Kane. I’ll wait for you.”

“Are you touching yourself, Jess? Are you already inside? I wanna be your fingers right now. I’ll lick every drop off them.”

“No, I’m not touching myself. I’m getting dressed.”

“Dressed?Wrong direction, Blondie. ‘Sposed to be gettingundressed.”

“I’m going to your place. I’ll meet you there.”

“No. Wait. Don’t go to my place unless I’m there. That parking lot is as dangerous as the club.”

“Well, I’m already moving to my car. So you better hurry and get home to protect me.”

“Fuck, Jess. Stop. Just wait a sec.”

I stop on command and straighten up. “What?”

“I’m gonna come. Talk to me. Tell me you wanna fuck me.”


“Yes!” His breath slams into my ear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I imagine Kane’s powerful arm moving fast. His strong hand. Liquid seeping from the tip of his cock. “Ughhhhh, Jessie. Fuck, Jess. I’m gonna come in your mouth.”

Wait, what?

“Whose mouth? Kane? Who’re you with right now? Whose mouth?”

“Yours, beautiful.” Letting go on a groan, he makes my panties slick and my heart bleed. Two completely opposite reactions, two conflicting feelings slamming through my chest at the same time.

Did he just come in someone’s mouth?

Did he just sort of cheat on me?

I understand we’re not together, and yet, I can’t help the tears that slide along my cheek.

“Did you just come in someone’s mouth, Kane?”

“Only yours, Blondie. I promise. Only yours.”

“I’m not there, you stupid asshole!” I knuckle a tear aside and press the heel of my palm against my chest to stave the pain. “I’m not there, I’m here. Whose mouth was around your cock?”

“Nobodies.” He lets out a long sigh. “I got come on my jeans, Blondie. Never in my fuckin’ life have I had come on my jeans until I met you.”

“Nobody touched you?”


Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark