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“Done what?”

“Your voice, Jessica, turns me the fuck on. Just another minute,” he grunts. “Nearly there.”

“Nearly where? What are you doing, Kane?”

“Touching my cock, beautiful. I’m touching my cock and I’m imagining it’s you. Fuck…” Now that I know what he’s doing, it’s like I can hear the strokes from the way his breath pants out. “I’ve never hurt for a chick as much as I hurt for you. I’ve never met someone as beautiful as you.”

“Kane… I can’t… I’ve gotta go.”

“Put your fingers in your pussy, Jess. Do it with me. Or better yet, just come here and sit on my cock. That would be soooo much better.”

“You’re touching yourself with other people in the room?”

“Uh-huh. But Jay’s busy fucking. And Nora’s sitting in the corner like a naughty little girl. A guy undoes his belt, and she bolts.”

“Who is Nora?”

“Nora’s the virgin Abel gave to me.”

“The virgin…” I fan my face to stop the stupid tears from falling. I can’t do this. I’m not cut out for these types of calls.

He’s calling me and doing dirty things. He’s in a room with other people, and he’s calling me beautiful. But he wasgivena woman.

“She wasgivento you?”

“Ugh. Yes. But she’s not who I want. I picked her, ‘cause if I left her with Abel, he’d tear her apart.”


“I never saved anyone before in my life. I didn’t give a fuck. But then you walked into a fuckin’ alleyway you shouldn’t have been in and now I’ve grown a damn conscience. It’s pisses me the fuck off that you made me soft, Jess. I need to stay hard in my work. I have no room for mistakes.”

“Kane. Leave that place right now. Come home to me, I’ll take care of you for the night.”

“You would?” His voice turns softer. “Nobody ever took care of me before. Not like how you mean it.”

“Yeah. I would. I promise. Leave right now and I’ll meet you at your apartment. I’ll help you.”

“You’ll suck my cock?”

No.“Sure. I’ll help you rest.”

“Are you at my apartment?”

“No. I’m at mine, but I can go to yours. I can be there in five minutes, then we can climb into bed together, I promise. Leave that place. Don’t touch that girl, please.”

“I didn’t touch her. I picked her, but I didn’t touch her. She needs to go home to her daddy.”

“Okay. Let her go home, then you come home to me. I’ll stroke your belly while you sleep.”


“Are you still touching yourself?”

“Yup. Your voice is the sexiest thing I ever heard. Blow makes me so fuckin’ horny, Jessie. So fuckin’ horny I can’t control it.”


“Yuh. But I think Abel cut it with something bad. He said it was pure, but that cocaine ain’t like nothin’ I ever had before.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark