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“He told the whole damn world that day.”

“He was just playing. He was teasing me.”

“No.” Patting my arm, she steps away when my milkshake magically appears in the window between kitchen and dining. Plopping a bendy straw in the top, she slides it down the counter and snickers when I catch it. “He wasn’t playing, girl. He meant it. He meant it with his whole heart. That boy was already gaga for you. And you were playing so hard to get. You felt so dirty ‘cause you liked the bad boy, didn’t you?” Laughing, she stops in front of me. “Right? So naughty. Dolly knows all about naughty bad boys.”

My face flames as I bring the straw between my lips. “Little bit.”

“He knew it, too. He knew he had you all tied up in knots. That boy had your number, and he knew how to press each and every button.”

“He really did.” Enjoying the icy cold slide of milkshake down my aching throat, I close my eyes and imagine he’s right here beside me.

I pretend his shoulders touch mine.

I pretend we’re here on a sort-of date, and that he’ll take me home soon.

“Hey, Cap.” Dolly’s friendly greeting shatters my fantasies, but nowhere near as violently as how the glass breaks in my mind when someone with broad shoulders sits on Kane’s stool and brings a whoosh of masculine aftershave.

I open my eyes and stop on a red and black flannel shirt.

He grins. “Hey, girlie. Long time, no see.”

“Hey.” Memories slam down over me. Tears itch my eyeballs, but I don’t give in to it. I simply bring my bag closer and hug it in my lap. “We don’t know each other.” His smile grows as I play along. “Don’t talk to me, because I’m superwoman and I know how to shoot guns.”

Laughing, he leans into me and bumps my shoulder. “You sure are superwoman. You look good.”

I’m so absolutely not ready to be hit on.


Extending a hand, he ducks low so his dancing eyes meet mine under the brim of my hat. “We can know each other… if you want. My name’s Eric. It’s a pleasure to officially meet you.”

I take a deep breath and study his broad hand. Not as broad as Kane’s, but strong nonetheless. “Jess. Jess Lenaghan.”

“You been a good girl since I last saw you, Jess Lenaghan? Keeping outta trouble? Visiting Spence’s every week?”

I nod. “Spence and Dolly are my only friends now. Everyone else has been kinda pushed to the wayside.”

Sandy blonde hair slides over his forehead when he releases my hand. He turns and leans on his elbows on the counter, giving me a chance to study him. His broad shoulders – broader than I remember. His strong arms – bigger than I remember.

I guessEric’sbeen working out since I last saw him.

Handsome and strong, maybe, but he’s sitting in Kane’s chair, and that annoys me. “Listen, can you–”

“Do you wanna know a secret, Jess?”

I stop and lean away. I was ready to eject him from Kane’s stool, but something powerful and painful swirls in my stomach.


Secrets hurt.


“So, I was Bishop’s neighbor, right? That’s how you and I met.”


“So maybe I knew him better than I let on. Maybe we did know each other. And maybe he trusted me. As a friend. As a colleague.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark