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“So we have an hour?”

“Yeah.” He pushes a gun into the holster on his right leg. “I’m gonna run you through the course once. Then we’ll go home. We’ll be back tomorrow night, so don’t make plans.”


“You must be exhausted.”

“Not really.”

His eyes come back to mine. “No?”

Shaking my head, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and embrace the pulsing in my jeans. I’ve been shooting guns for hours, and Kane’s chest has been pressed to my back almost the whole time. Maybe guns turn him on, too, because his dick hasn’t turned soft since I mentioned a blow job.

The adrenaline of shooting a gun makes my blood thrum through my veins, but the sight of him standing in front of me this way – guns, muscles, tight shirt, and those sparkling eyes – it all combines to leave me breathless.

“How long will the course take?”

He shrugs and takes my gun – which ishisgun – and reloads it. “Ten minutes. Depends how fast you move.”

“If I sprint, can I get it done in two?”

“If you sprint, you’ll miss. If you miss, I’ll be mad.”

“If I sprint and don’t miss, will you monster fuck me before you leave tonight?”

With a grin, he steps forward and crowds me into our booth. “You feeling a little antsy, Blondie? You can feel it in the air, too?”

I nod.

“I’ll monster fuck you thirty minutes from now.” He lifts my arm and presses a kiss to my wrist. “Set your watch. Then if you sleep in my bed, I’ll fuck you again when I get home.”

“What time will you get home?”

His tongue slides along my forearm. “Dunno. Three or four. I won’t even wake you. Ever fucked while asleep before?”

I shake my head.

“It makes for thebestdreams. The best orgasms. I’ll eat your pussy while you sleep.”

I press my thighs together to relieve the pressure. “I think I’d like that.”

“Yeah?” Smiling, he works his way up to the ball of my shoulder. “Me too. Your pussy tastes like heaven, Jess. Heaven.”


“Slide my tongue in. Lap you up. Bring you right to the edge.”


“You’ll still be asleep.”


“Then just before you come, I’ll slam inside you till you feel my cock in your stomach.” He pushes his hips forward.“Thenyou can come.”

I drop my forehead to his chest. “Okay.”

“But only if you concentrate on the course. Every hit you make is another time I’ll let you come tonight.”

“More than one orgasm?”

“A hundred of them. But only if you hit the targets. This is so important to me, Jessie. I need you to concentrate.”

“I hit the paper targets. I even hit the same holes sometimes.”

“I’m so fucking proud of you. Now show me what you can do while running. You have a sore ankle and your stitches haven’t even dissolved yet, but you’ll still do it. You’ll still make the hits. And you’ll forever be cemented as the most badass woman on this planet.”

“You think I’m badass?”

Moving to my neck, he pulls the sensitive flesh between his teeth. “I already know you are. Nothing will knock you down, Jessie. This worldcannotbeat you. I’m honored to know you.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark