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Still No Jay

The next afternoon, I park in the same spot just up from Jess’ office and stare down at my cell screen.

I’ve called Jay every hour, every day since Sunday.


No answer.

No texts.

He’s not at the club.

And no one I ask seems to know where he is.

He doesn’t have a Jess. He doesn’t have anyone to pull his tongue out of his throat. No one to apply ice packs to bring the fever down. No one to keep the vultures away while he’s out.

I’m supposed to be that person for him, but Abel cut my coke as bad as he cut Jay’s. Jess saved my life, but the girl Jay was fucking wouldn’t give a shit.

Where the fuck is he?

Checking the time on my screen, I look into the street and watch her office door. It’s five to five, and though Jess is the workaholic type, she knows there’s no overtime for her this week.

This ismyweek.

All mine.

And I willnotcompromise.

It’s too important.

I watch Jess and Jules step out of the office and lock up. They sling purses over their shoulders and dig their hands into their pockets to combat the chilly wind. As they walk toward me – Jess in jeans instead of her usual fancy work clothes – I watch her laugh and chat with her boss, but catch her peeking up from beneath her lashes to watch me.

My cell chirps, and though I don’t see Jess’ hands, I still answer and listen to the inside of her pocket.

“Are you still sick?”

“Nah.” Jess’ voice is muffled, but I still know it’s her. I’d know her anywhere. “I’ve been busy studying for my exams. It’s a lot to take in.”

“You’re handling it though, right? Is it too much?”

“It’s alright. I’m getting there, taking it day by day.”

“What about the Hayes file? Want me to pull it? I can work on it some more.”

“No, you have other things going on. And the baby… you don’t need more work.”

“It’s not a big deal. I can call Arthur back. He’ll take over my stuff, I’ll take yours, and you can study. The year I sat the bar was literally the most stressful of my life. I know what you’re feeling right now, so I’m happy to yank it and give you breathing room.”

“No, I’m invested in this one. I don’t want to be booted.”

“I wouldn’t boot you.” Stopping at the corner with a smile, Juliette studies her prize student. “It’s not booting, just relieving. You can stay on as much asyouwant. But I can see how you’re stressed. You’re making yourself sick over it, so I’ll pull some of the extra stuff. Like Bishop. You said he might be a dead end, so I can deal with that.” I don’t know if I’m offended that she said I’m a dead end, or flattered that she’s trying to take the heat off me. “We think Flynn’s next on the food chain. And there’s another guy we haven’t even identified yet.”

I know who that is.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark