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I have three nights left with her, then it’s all done.

I had no clue the end was so near.

* * *

I parkmy truck up the street from Jess’ office building at five on the dot that afternoon. She walks through the front doors with Juliette Turner only a couple steps behind. Shoulder to shoulder, fancy heels and bags, they lock the doors and peek through the window while they wait for the alarm system to set.

There’s no reason for Jess to turn. I make no sound, I do nothing to draw her attention, yet her blue eyes meet my stare.

I grin.

Her face drains white.

We’re together in private. But in public, I’m a criminal, and her boss is looking to lock me up.

I won’t out her in front of Juliette.

Which is why I parked fifty yards away.

Lifting my cell with exaggerated moves, I dial her number and bring it to my ear. She and Juliette stride along the sidewalk side by side, but when Juliette turns toward the parking lot, Jess stops and shakes her head.

Digging into her bag, she takes out her cell and accepts the call even before she brings it to her ear. “I’ve gotta take this, Jules.”

Juliette stops ten feet away and turns back with a frown. “Want me to wait? Sun’s going down already. It’s cold as shit out here.”

“No, I’m good.” She waves the phone like that’s explanation enough. “I’m walking to my car anyway. Gonna talk to my friend first.”

“Alright.” Taking a step back, then another, I can tell Juliette’s body rebels at the idea of leaving her girl behind. “Be careful, okay? Everything’s tense this week. You’ve been working hard, and you were sick. You gotta be sharp. I can’t afford to train up a new lawyer.”

Jess laughs and brings the cell to her ear. “I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll text you later.” Turning, Jess’ eyes lock with mine. “What are you doing?” she hisses.

“I wanna take you out.” I smile when her eyes narrow. She walks in my direction, but not too fast – can’t tip her boss off. “A date.”


“A surprise? A picnic.”

“Did you already get food?”

“Not yet. I was more interested in getting you.”

She stops on a dime and swings back around. My heart trips from rejection, but it restarts again when she turns into Jonah’s convenience store. Instantly, the sound of fridges and beeping cash registers fill our call. “What do you wanna eat?”

“Your pussy?”

“Ha. Coleslaw, chicken, and rolls. Good?”

“Whatever makes you happy, baby. But I’d rather pussy.”

“And you’re still a pig. I assumed you’d stop being so obnoxious once you got laid.”

“Nah, I’m gonna be a billion times wo–”

“Ah, fuck,” she huffs. “What’s he doing here?”

I whip my seatbelt off so fast, the buckle smacks against the window. “Who? Jess? Who’s there?”

“Just hold on a sec, Al.” Her use of my codename sets my blood on fire.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark