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She shakes her head, but I don’t miss the grin. “A Special Agent Fuckface something something that wants to put you behind bars, but that’s not even my point. My point is, Alex has these very strict, very straight rules about the law. Black or white, right or wrong. There’s no room for gray in there, but he had his hand on his hip when that jerk with the stupid job title was being a dick. Alex is black and white,untilhis family becomes involved. Then all bets are off and his gun is in his hand.”

“Blondie, I’m not–”his family.

“He was going to shoot my brother once.Literally. My brother kinda hooked up with his sister; Alex’s sister, that is. Alex found out about it and my brother went missing for ages. Luc knew the black and white didn’t count, because he messed with Alex’s sister.”

“Your brother, the guy dating Kari, which is a different friend’s little sister, hooked up with Alex’s little sister?”

Pink tinges her cheeks. “Yeah. Long story that ended up with my brother running for his life, then he ended up with a concussion and serious trouble eating for a few days when Kari’s brother found out. But there’s that gray again; Alex should’ve arrested Marc – Kari’s brother. He beat the shit outta Luc. Like, seriously nearly killed him. Alex should’ve charged him for that, but family is family and he wasn’t going to lock Marc up for long.”

“That’s all a fun story, Blondie, but I’m not family, and what I do for Abel isnotthe same as fucking someone’s sister. Well…” I lift a brow. “I mean, I fucked Luc’s little sister. But I’m not sorry for it.”

She leans forward with a playful smile and presses her plump lips against mine. Her bright eyes make promises her mouth won’t, but that’s okay, I don’t actually want words. That’ll make it worse when I’m cold and alone in a couple months.

“I’m not sorry either. But I still need to get you out.”

“You’re still trying to save me, Blondie. I appreciate it more than you know; no one has ever cared enough to save me before. No one has ever kissed my cuts better. But youcan’tfix this. I have a path I have to walk. The only problem is, you stepped in my way. You got tangled up. I need to get you out, I need you to be somewhere on an island in a safe house, then I need to finish my job.”

“No.” Her brows pinch with worry. “Don’t go on Saturday, I’m begging you. I’ll give you anything you want if you choose me one more time. Choose me. I’ll run if you run.”

I push hair back off her beautiful face. “I wish life wasn’t this way, Jessie. I wish I met you at a different time, as a different man. But that’s not what we got. Instead, we got Abel standing between us, and wecannotbe together for as long as he breathes. There’s nowhere we can run that he won’t find, and he will hurt you to hurt me.Thatwill break me.”

“So that’s it, then? You’re just gonna give up? You’ll be his stooge and not even try to fight for us?”

“I fight for you every second that I breathe. I’ll fight for you even when you’re already gone. But right now, I’m still Abel’s stooge, and you’re in danger. I can’t focus while you’re in danger.”

“We have four more nights till the drop.”

“Three.” I pull her impossibly closer and twine my fingers in her hair when her bottom lip wobbles.Harden up, Blondie. I need you to be strong.“I won’t be here Friday night. I’ll already be moving.”

“Three.” Tears form in her eyes. “Three is so few. It’s not enough time.”

“I know, baby.” I pull her closer and slide my tongue along the seam of her lips. “It’s not nearly enough time. I have a lot of work to do between now and then.”

“I’m not leaving town. I refuse to leave you.”

“And I refuse to let you get hurt.”

“So I guess we’re at a stalemate.” She lifts a stubborn chin. “I’m not moving my naked ass from your bed, so really, you have three days to fuck me. Maybe you’ll decide you like me more than you like Abel.”

With a laugh, I scoot half a foot down the bed and take her nipple between my teeth. The breath explodes from her lungs as I pull her deliciously naked body over mine. Seating my always hard cock deep inside her, she mewls and begins gliding over me.

Perfect fit.

Perfect woman.

Releasing her nipple with a soft pop, I pull her face closer and stare into tear filled eyes. “You matter to me, Jess.” I lift her, lower her, control her smooth glide, and when a single tear slides over her cheek, I lean forward and collect it with my tongue. “You’re the only person in my world who actually matters. I’ll doanythingto make you safe.”

She braces her hands on my chest and squeezes her eyes closed. “I don’t want to be apart from you. I’m getting attached.”

Releasing one hand from her hip, I press it over her heart and wait for her to still. “Be careful with this, baby. You only get onerealfall. Once it’s done, every other time is just a fake, a survival instinct where you try to find something you already lost. Save it for someone special.”

I pick her up and gently spin us around. Careful of her ribs, since she still technically has stitches, I push her into the mattress and collect more tears with my lips.

For the first time in my life, I make love to a woman.

My heart already went and fell. It took the tumble last week in an alleyway when ocean blue eyes locked onto mine and begged for help.

When I walk away on Saturday, I’ll never be able to find what I feel right now. I’ll never be able to replicate it.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark