Page 16 of Seductive

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"Who the hell do you think you are?" Bullet was furious, he approached Carson like a lion ready to kill to protect his territory.

I hurried towards Carson and shielded him. "Don't you dare."

Overwhelming feelings of defense surged in me. Wendy was right, I couldn't hide away forever. I needed to face Bullet head on if I was ever going to be free of him.

"He is with me. He is the man I was talking about, Bullet," I spat.

Bullet's face grew pale, and a confused chuckle escaped his mouth. "You're kidding, right?"

Gently, Carson pushed me to the side and faced Bullet. "You heard her correctly, so back off." He ran his fingers through his curly hair and gazed around the club with rage in his eyes.

"This is not over, Raven.” Bullet stepped in once again, putting a finger in my face. “I'll see what you do when your little boyfriend is not here to protect you tomorrow."

Carson stepped in again and pushed his hand away from my face. "You won't find her here because she will be with me," he gritted.

I'd never seen him look so scary and pissed. He towered before Bullet, folding his hands into fists. I became afraid that he might smash Bullet into the wall.

"And next time I find you anywhere around her, you are a goner." He threatened in a low voice. "You are gone! You hear me?" Carson's voice bellowed through the club. I had never felt safer in my life. I knew he wouldn't hurt Bullet, as much as he deserved it, but his threats held so much power, it was easy to believe he’d make good on what he was saying. Bullet must have felt the same effect because he cursed and backed off, glaring at me one last time.

Instantly, I curled my arms around Carson. "Thank you for showing up."

"You're welcome. Can we go home now?"

I drew back and nodded. "Sure."

* * *


I sat on a fancy mat on a sunny beach, holding a wine glass and stroking Anna's hair as she rested her head on my legs. Merely looking at her turned me on. After weeks of dining out in exotic restaurants, going on a boat cruise, and having lots of sex, I still hadn't got nearly enough of her. I guessed I never would. Anna had successfully wiggled her way into my heart.

Around us, there were dozens of beachgoers enjoying the summer day. A surfer paddled out on the water, waiting for the perfect moment to rise, gliding with the grace of a ballerina over the wave. I thought of the golf game I had canceled with Terry just to be here with Anna. My friend understood that I had a new priority in my life.

Off to the side, I saw some guys and girls playing catch in the water. People were having fun all around us. I tapped Anna on the shoulder and told her I wanted to play.

“Okay,” she muttered. Her mood had been a little foul ever since that damned night Bullet tried to bully her into taking him back, but I was slowly getting her to return to her former self.

“Come play too.”

“Nah, I’m fine here.”

My phone buzzed, and since Anna was closer, she handed it to me.


“Where are you, Carson?”

I groaned inwardly and stared at Anna and then back to the shore.

"Somewhere?" I said.

"I really don't understand why you just disappear and refuse to give me any information." He sighed over the phone, exhausted. "Are you done with the new project?" he asked.

Once I had begun seeing Anna, my work had suffered a little. Spending time with her had become addictive, and finding a balance had proved difficult for me.

She looked up at me, searching my eyes when she noticed my prolonged silence, even as I held the phone to my ears. "Not yet," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

Tags: Amber Moore Billionaire Romance