Page 15 of Seductive

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"You're right. He's an ex, so he's irrelevant. I'll try not to think about it anymore."

The clubhouse was bubbling with a blaring rock song emanating from the speakers. As usual, light flooded the entire room in a mixture of red and white.

"Hey, right on time, Raven," the manager bellowed when he spotted us in the crowd. “Come on. It's showtime," he added after saying a quick hello to Wendy.

I tossed my bag to Wendy and shuffled off to the stage. The people on the dance floor paused their dance when the MC announced my presence. Cheers of "Raven" could be heard from the crowd before the DJ played my signature disco song. I started with some slower, sensual dance moves, moving along with the song's counter-rhythm. The crowd cheered and clapped, allowing my body to flow with the music as I moved into freestyle, twisting my waist and arms along with some fancy footwork. After dancing for a few minutes, I jammed my hands together, cheering the crowd in return, while jumping in preparation for another dance step. But, all the excitement I felt faded when I saw Bullet and his friends stroll into the club.

The air suddenly became too tight for me to breathe. The voices around me became inaudible, and I struggled to push past the faces and voices that merged into a roiling sea that threatened to overwhelm me.

"Hey, watch it," someone said to my left. I quickly apologized, trying to find a place to hide.

Wendy had been right to ask. Now Bullet had showed up, and I could not find the courage to face him.

Fingers tapped my shoulder, and I whipped my head around. Bullet's face held mischief. He flung his long blonde hair back and grinned, probably thinking I had been searching for him. I glared and tried to push past him, but he pulled me back roughly by the hand and said my name. "Raven." The grin on his face switched to surprise, then to anger when he realized I was struggling to pull away.

I got loose from his grip on me, and Wendy dashed to my side, like she had been watching me keenly in the crowd. "Stay away from her, Bullet. Don't you get it?" Wendy stood in his way, preventing him from getting to me as I strode to the bar.

"I'm not here for you, so stay out of this." He spoke with a confidence that irritated me.

He walked past Wendy, barreling into her shoulder and almost knocking her down.

I rested my hand on the counter and requested a drink. Bullet pulled up a stool and sat beside me after the bartender served my drink. "I understand you're mad at me. But can we put that behind us and pick up where we left off? I’m sorry, baby. I have to have you back."

I raised the glass to my lips, sipping my drink, trying to ignore his very existence.

"Don't ignore me, baby." He grabbed the crook of my elbow firmly. "Are you trying to make me look stupid? Look at me."

"Let go of my hand," I warned.

He scoffed, "Or what?"

"Let go of me right now, Bullet!" My voice drew attention to us. Everyone close to the bar began to glance in our direction.

He let go and raised his hands in the air, feigning surrender, but I knew Bullet. He wouldn't give up so easily. "All right, I see you're still mad at me. I'm sorry, okay? The girl is gone. I was hot at that point. I wasn’t thinking straight and needed a woman, but you know no one can ever replace you, right?"

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that someone has replaced you."

His forehead puckered in amazement, then he laughed hysterically. "Is this your way of retaliating? I know you want to make me jealous, but that can't move me."

"Can you give her a break, and let her be? Can't you see she doesn't want to speak with you?" Wendy cautioned him with disgust.

"You shut the fuck up. I'm having a conversation with my girlfriend, and your opinion isn't needed."

"Don't speak to my friend like that, Bullet. And I'm not your girlfriend. Get that into your drug- charged brain."

He grabbed me by the arm and forcefully turned me so that I faced him. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he only held on tighter. I knew I would have bruises tomorrow from the force of his grip. Bullet had created a scene, and everyone was watching now. But they only stared and dared not react because Bullet was well known in the club. He was one of the VIPs: the big shots that got away with whatever they wanted.

"Look me in the eyes. I'm not done with you, okay? I'm taking you home, and you're gonna be mine again. Got that?"

"You're hurting me."

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me."

I'd never felt more humiliated in my entire twenty-six years on earth, and I cursed the day I crossed paths with Bullet.

"Hey, let go of her." I heard a familiar masculine voice call from across the club. The crowd gave way, letting a gentleman through to the center of the chaos where Bullet was now gripping my chin, forcing my eyes to stay on his.

The figure walked close and yanked Bullet’s arms away. My heart leaped with joy when I saw Carson.

Tags: Amber Moore Billionaire Romance