Page 6 of Sevyn

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Money was changing hands lightning quick, and I knew Bronco had to be behind the betting. He liked to pit the women, or men, against each other to see who could make the other get off first. The one that lasted the longest got him all to themselves for the night, so he made a few bucks from the ring of spectators while he got laid too. I’d heard more than one conversation about his prowess in the sack—he had a huge dick and apparently knew how to use it.

Feeling much older than my thirty-one years, I stuck my fingers in my mouth and let out a shrill whistle that reached well above the noise from the hollering group. Heads swiveled in my direction, including the pair on the table. It was comical enough that I had to try not to laugh, but the headache was still sitting behind my eyes, making me irritable. With only Bronco and Dodo left of the officers, the others having already gone home, and the way they were all winding up, it wouldn’t do to leave them unattended. Especially seeing as how one of my officers was the instigator and the other was his wingman, I didn’t count them as able, or more like willing, to keep it from getting out of hand. A full-blown orgy in the bar would require extensive clean-up, and they all had their own rooms. They could take it elsewhere.

“Come on, guys, pack it up and move it somewhere private. And not the back rooms.” My order was met with a few grumbles, but Bronco just winked at me with a grin while Dodo gave me a two-fingered salute then stuck them in the chick on top to hurry her along.

“Sorry, boss, give me two minutes,” Bronco said as he assisted the other woman. Either she was already at the tipping point, or he really was that good because she came with a pissed off shout and slapped the other woman’s ass. “Done! Tanya wins!”

Not-Tanya threw a glare at Bronco, but soon enough, she was changing her tune as the man that had been skirting around an outright proposition ten minutes ago picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

“Night, Sevey,” he offered as they went past, heading for the stairs as the rest of the crowd broke up to head off or find a room. Apparently, a piece of ass was a piece of ass, so I wasn’t quite as irritated with him as I had been. I was still annoyed, and I planned to talk to him later about the attitude, but maybe I had been a bit testy over his invitation.

“Night, guys, I’ll see you in the morning. We have a job, so don’t stay up too late.” From the knowing look in Bronco’s gaze, he knew exactly what I was referring to and gave me a quick dip of his head before taking off with Tanya. I made a mental note to ask if the women were going to be hanging around much, and if so, to have them vetted.

I flipped a switch under the bar top, shutting off the neon signs, before crossing the bar to lock the main doors. As I set the deadbolt, the unmistakable rumble of bike engines sounded in the distance, gaining volume as they approached.

As far as I was aware, everyone had dispersed for the night, and unless there was an emergency, I planned to send whoever it was on their way. Pulling one side of the double doors open, I peered out into the night, waiting for the riders to pull up.

A trio of black and chrome choppers stopped at the edge of the covered patio while a truck towing a trailer with a fourth bike parked a ways off to the side. As they killed the engines and shut the headlights off, the first pulled his helmet off.

Shock rocked my body as a ghost appeared in front of me. Except the dark features were on a full flesh-and-blood man who didn’t appear to have changed a bit. I could only stare, my words lost in the million emotions flying through me.

The slamming of a door barely registered, but the crunch of boots on the gravel, followed by a voice I never thought I’d hear again nearly had my legs buckling. Only the death grip I had on the door kept me upright.

“Well, Gus, I think she remembers us just fine,” Lochlan said with a hint of mischief in his voice, but his gaze was inexplicably hard when it connected with mine.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic