Page 5 of Sevyn

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Two Years Later

“What about our suppliers? How is that going to affect our relationship with them if we go legit?” My gangly, bearded secretary was about on my last nerve with this damn argument. He was like a broken record, repeating the same shit because he didn’t like change. Brandon, or Bronco as he preferred to go by, had been against building our own above-board operation after pot was legalized in the state. He didn’t think it was worth having it overseen by the state government when we had a smooth and lucrative operation set up already. But I felt we were missing a huge opportunity to make more money without all of the risk.

“They’re fine with it. I already handled that end of things and set them up with another interested party.” The uproar was immediate, even from the more level-headed club members.

“What the fuck, Prez? I thought we were waiting on a vote. I’m with Bronc on this one. I don’t want our business outed should the law change again, but you also should have waited for everyone’s input instead of making an executive decision.” Most of my crew agreed with my VP, but they were missing one thing Tee hadn’t bothered to bring up.

“Why are there still fucking squatters spreading their camp and trash out on the strip of land between us and our drop point then, Charlie? As my vice president, you were supposed to handle relocating them without drawing attention or blowing up our operation. When I told our suppliers we’d have to make a new drop point, and why, they were less than amused.” I spread my hands, inviting him to answer, but of course he couldn’t, which turned most of the irritation from me to Tee. Normally, I wouldn’t have thrown his ass under the bus, but we’d gone round and round this shit for the last two meetings, and if we were going to go legit, I needed to file the paperwork with the state, asap. Besides…

“Charlie, we go way back, and you’ve been there when I needed you, but don’t forget the land, my house that sits on it, and the bar are mine. We all chose to build onto the bar instead of buying or renting something else for the clubhouse, but I won’t have my home or business seized because of some pissant squatters narcing us out or fucking around and causing us to get caught.”

Tee backed down, still pissed, but he was unable to argue with my logic or my edict. Ultimately, the final say was mine, and I was using that option now.

“What are we going to do in the meantime so our supply chain isn’t interrupted?” Bronco asked, cautiously this time.

“What do you want me to do, Sevey? I can’t just force them out. They’re on public land. When I tried to get them to relocate, they complained that a lot of their old spots have been bought up by developers, so they’d been run off. Unless you want to buy the land they’re sitting on, there isn’t much recourse.” Tee’s frustration was palpable, but so was mine, and I was irritated on top of it.

“I expected that you could get creative, but I guess that’s not happening. Let’s move on before this derails the meeting and ends up in a fight, yeah?” It was about the only compromise I was willing to offer since letting my VP dictate to me wasn’t exactly a good look for the club president. Tee shut up, but from his glare, he was just as happy as I was with the disagreement.

“What are we going to do in the meantime so our supply chain isn’t interrupted?” Bronco asked, cautiously this time, helpfully moving the meeting along.

“Actually, I want you to head that up with Aunt Flo. You two get together, grab the prospects if you need to, and figure out the best setup for hydroponics and one of those prefab buildings. We’ll get started in there for the year-round shit, and Tank and Jet can begin preparing the clear cut and the meadow. We won’t be able to hit the growing season this year, even if we had the approval today, but we can be prepared for spring. And, Jet,” I continued, turning my attention to the svelte road captain, “start planning our last club ride of the season. Once the temps start dropping, it’ll be too dangerous to chance running into ice or snow.”

Jet, aka Althea, nodded as she held up two fingers while the burly sergeant-at-arms, Tank, barked out, “Got it.”

Wanting to wrap the meeting up, but also give my crew a chance to come to terms with the decision after blindsiding them, I left the floor open to discussion. While they talked amongst themselves, I checked in on Opal, sleeping in the room I kept for myself above the clubhouse and bar. Her dark curls were strewn across the pillow, and she clutched at her favorite blanket that was starting to look on the ratty side. With her rose and porcelain complexion and pouty lips just begging for me to sneak in and take pictures, I had a hard time pulling my attention back to the meeting.

“Alright, guys, let’s wrap it up if there isn’t anything pertinent to discuss. We all know what’s on the agenda for the foreseeable future, and if you have issues, you know where to find Sevyn.” Aunt Flo, forever having my back, got the room under control in an instant.

Tee, looking contrite, relented on the squatter issue. “I’ll go up to their camp again. I warned them about the property line, poaching, and tried to scare them off a bit, but I can’t exactly threaten them.”

With a sigh, I had to admit he was right; violence would only bring on an investigation, and as we still had a few runs to make across the border, we couldn’t afford the scrutiny. “Fine, we’ll touch base on the subject at our next meeting. I’m hoping they’ll pack up when the weather turns anyway.” He nodded with no further comment.

After I gave a cursory glance around to make sure no one else wanted to speak up, I slapped the gavel on the table with a “Church dismissed,” then waited for everyone to file out. I felt a headache brewing behind my eyes, likely from juggling the stress of the summer and the abrupt change in plans that had to be made since the group of vagabonds had started setting up camp.

“Hey, Sevey? You got a minute?” My eyes popped open to find Dodo, my blond, shaggy-headed enforcer, standing in front of the table.

“Yeah, sure, what’s up?” I stood from my seat, giving the baby monitor a quick check before Aunt Flo held her hand out to me. With a grateful tip of my head, I handed the monitor over, knowing I could concentrate on club business and wouldn’t need to worry about Opal until I went upstairs to relieve my aunt.

“Sheriff called, said he wanted to stop by in the morning. He has a party of three that he thinks needs our help.”

My headache was instantly pushed to the side as I focused on what would throw us all in jail for many, many years if it were ever found out—identity forging. We specialized in helping families in need disappear from abusive or dangerous situations when the law had their hands tied. We also manufactured documentation for others on the mother chapter’s request in exchange for the supplies needed to do it.

“I’m assuming they have a safe place to stay tonight?” Dodo nodded and held out a piece of scrap paper with enough information scribbled on it to get me started. “I’ll get on these tonight and send the sheriff a message. Thanks for taking the call. I probably have my ringer off from getting Opal down.” I thought that was it, but he didn’t move, prompting me to ask, “Was there more?”

It was unlike the usual no-nonsense enforcer to be hesitant, but then I caught the look in his eyes and nearly rolled my own. Ever since I weaned the baby a couple months ago, several of the club members had hit on me, as if the lack of a kid attached to my tits was the neon ‘open’ sign they’d been waiting for. Hell, even Theo, the sheriff, had shown interest. Though, to be fair, he’d never not shown interest, but he was an ex-boyfriend from high school, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to go that route again.

As for the club members… I’d gone so long without getting laid that it seemed wrong to start sleeping around and muddy the waters. Besides, between the club whores and prospects, there was plenty of ass to choose from as long as they were all amenable, which they usually were.

“I was thinking maybe since Flo has Miss Opal, you’d like to go for a ride and get something to eat? I saw you rubbing at your temples. Some fresh air might help with that sore head. Or I could give you a massage in private…” He trailed off at the death glare I shot him.

“Albany, I’ve made it more than clear that I’m not interested in a quick fuck or dating right now, especially within the club. That’s just asking for trouble we don’t need. I don’t want to be a bitch because I respect you, but I want some of that same respect, and you ignoring what I’ve said puts me in a shitty position. You’re my enforcer. You’re the one that’s supposed to enforce the club rules. What the hell am I supposed to do if you’re skirting them?”

Hands held up in surrender, he played as if he were shocked, though I knew he was smarter than he was acting. “It was just an offer, Sevey, didn’t mean to rile you up. I’ll head on out and make sure Bronco isn’t ‘taking advantage’ of the prospects,” he nearly snapped at me before turning on his heel and stalking out. The man was hot in a grungy way, and a few years ago, I’d have been happy to climb that tree, but this was my home as much as it was my livelihood, and I couldn’t see jeopardizing that over a hook-up. Not when I had Opal to consider.

But I also didn’t care for the way he’d talked to me, so I stormed out after him with half a mind to chew his ass in public for flipping me attitude. Of course, I ran smack dab into the middle of rowdy bikers surrounding a table where two of the ladies that liked to hang around had each other’s skirts hiked up with their heads buried between the other’s legs.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic