Page 19 of Sevyn

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The four shared a look as Aunt Flo gave us a firm warning to be careful then excused herself to check that Opal had stayed asleep.

* * *

“They’re obviously using the site, but where the hell are they at?” I asked Tank after we arrived at the farthest edge of my property to find their camp set up, but missing its inhabitants.

“I don’t know, Prez. They weren’t here earlier either. I would have made them pack their shit up if they had been.”

“Sevey, do you know where their main campsite is? I think we’d have better luck at sorting this out at the source.” I knew Josh was only trying to keep the peace, and he’d ticket who he could, but I was still annoyed with his downplaying of the situation. If he’d planned on arresting any of them, he’d have brought one of the police department’s ATVs and at least a deputy for backup. Could have been his way of trying to protect me; I hadn't told him we’d changed our pickup point for the last few shipments until our transition was complete.

“They’re a nuisance, and I don’t know why the Forest Service hasn’t been up here to boot them out yet,” I grumbled, but I climbed back into my side-by-side with the guys while Tank waited in his to give the sheriff a ride.

Leaning into the open-framed driver’s side, Josh fixed me with a pointed look. “Have you notified the Forest Service that they’re out here?”

I shook my head, but it wasn’t for the reason he thought. After Tee had failed to get them out of the area, I’d figured I’d leave it be and let winter drive them out as they hadn’t set up a permanent shelter, not one that would withstand the harsh climate anyway. It would have been better for all involved if they had taken off voluntarily, but I wasn’t going to sit around and let them invade my land without repercussion.

“If you don’t get rid of them today, I will. They’re well over their allotted time if we’re going by state regulations.” He just sighed at my glare, but we both knew I wasn’t wrong. “I also don’t have anything to worry about out here, so don’t spare anything you can pin on them on my account.”

The not-so-veiled reference to the smuggling that used to happen just north of here and my lack of concern left a puzzled look on his face. Then he gave me an accusing glare as he realized I hadn’t kept him abreast of recent developments.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Josh, don’t give me that look. I’ve been busy, and you haven’t been out to the Hideaway. I’ve only seen you once since the guys got here, besides at the morgue. Chill the fuck out.”

He gave me a curt nod and stomped off to get in next to Tank while I started my ATV and groaned in irritation. Thankfully, it was covered by the loud engine, so it didn’t invite further commentary.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic