Page 18 of Sevyn

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Amidst a sea of black leather, Michael ‘Doc’ Brody was laid to rest. There still weren’t any leads, but we’d all put that to the side to celebrate and honor our chaplain and tail gunner. I knew I’d have to fill his positions soon enough, but that could wait for another day.

I made my rounds and kept the party from getting too rowdy as any and all had been invited back to the clubhouse for the cookout. After the grounds were closed to members only, all bets would be off, and as the alcohol flowed, it looked like I’d need to make that happen sooner or later. Not to mention those with kiddos would need to go home or make other arrangements. I was reluctant to ask Aunt Flo to take Opal, but the club president taking off wasn’t exactly proper.

Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, Jesse and Coot asked if they could take Opal home. A few of the club members had started doing keg stands, and I quickly began the process of herding people out. Since Aunt Flo was in the line to get tipped upside down next, I gratefully accepted their offer and finished my more pressing duties before leaving my crew to it while I took a break in my office. Which was where Gus and Lochlan found me an hour later, well into a bottle of SoCo. My eyes tracked them. They were still wearing their jackets, as they had been the first time I met them, and I had the urge to ask them if they’d trade their gray patches for red. Drunk might not be the best time to broach the subject, but I wasn’t about to table the notion.

“How would you feel if I invited you to officially join the chapter and move into the house?” I blurted out, a tad more bluntly than I’d meant to be, but I wasn’t at all sorry that I’d said it.

The guys were shocked into silence long enough that I started to worry, or at least I hoped it was shock that held their tongues, not them trying to figure out how to turn me down. Lochlan, as usual, recovered first. He stripped out of his jacket before going for the button on his pants.

“Uh, how drunk are you? I didn’t ask if you wanted to have sex.” My voice was wary, but my lady bits were all sorts of interested in the skin he was exposing.

“I’m not sober, but I’m not drunk either, and I heard you just fine, Sevey. Figured we’d seal the deal with, well, sealing the deal.” His cocky grin was mirrored by his cousin, who shrugged and shucked his own clothes.

“One of you might want to lock the door if you don’t want to be putting on a show for anyone walking in,” I warned. At Gus’ sharp glance, I explained, “They’d probably still knock, my crew isn’t disrespectful like that despite some recent bumps, but with everyone drinking, they might not wait for an invitation. I’d rather none of them get an eyeful.” And then I remembered neither of them had seen my post-baby body and was glad I was at least halfway to three sheets to the wind.

“You have about ten seconds to move anything breakable off that desk,” Gus warned, turning to give me an excellent view of his bare ass as he flicked the lock on the door.

I wasn’t sure they would even give me that long, but I had the big bottom drawer of my desk open and the few things on top of it safely ensconced in it as Loch rounded it to pluck me from my chair. The shriek I let out when he effortlessly lifted me earned a chuckle from both of them, but it didn’t stop him from laying me out longways on the desktop so he could get my boots off while Gus removed my top.

If they noted my self-consciousness, they didn’t comment on it. Instead, they worshiped each bit of skin they exposed until I was as naked as they were. It only took them a moment to situate me on top of Lochlan, who had donned a condom, and taken my chair. As he took my mouth, his dick pressed in and sank home.

“Is it crazy to say I’ve missed this?” Loch murmured in my ear while his length stretched and rubbed me in all the right ways.

“If it is, then I’m going to the loony bin with you,” I whispered back, followed by a moan when Gus unerringly found my clit.

“We’ll book a suite,” he teased, then he teased something else altogether.

I instinctively clenched and arched away from the spit-slick, probing digit, then clenched again when it invaded my ass. The effect it had on Lochlan was instantaneous. With a groan, he picked up the pace, jackhammering into me from underneath, and with Gus keeping on with both hands, I screamed my release into Lochlan’s mouth while he pulsed inside of me.

“Hold her up, Loch,” Gus demanded as he swiftly pulled me up and off of his cousin, only to plunge into my still-grasping cunt.

“Condom?” was all I managed to croak out with my face buried in the crook of Lochlan’s sweaty neck.

“Got you covered, darlin’,” Gus reassured me, working me back up by repeatedly hitting my g-spot.

Lochlan took over double duty with his hand, supporting me with spread fingers to either side of my clit, giving me friction with every rough thrust I took from behind. It held my ass up at the perfect angle for Gus to fill with multiple digits as he pounded my pussy until I moaned my release without ever lifting my head. With the boneless state my body was in, I essentially became a ragdoll while Gus finished himself off to a soundtrack of expletives. They came one after the other, each punctuated with the clap of skin-on-skin, and had I had more energy, I’d have given him shit over it.

I tensed as he pulled out, my buzz having worn off enough that I was very aware that I was sore…exacerbated by the phantom sensations of them still inside of me.

Debating sneaking upstairs for a shower before checking on my crew and making coffee, I was sidetracked by Gus who idly made a spot-on presumption—one that had me groaning and thinking of rigging up a chastity belt.

“Hope you don’t plan on walking tomorrow, darlin’. We’ll take Opal out shopping while you seal the deal with Ares and Coot. Better make it early though cuz we plan on keeping you in bed as much as possible for at least a week. We have a lot of time to make up for.”

I hadn’t considered not giving the other two the same offer, but I also hadn’t realized it was a foregone conclusion. I was just catching up on what they’d already figured out—all four of them were as much a part of my life as my daughter and aunt.

* * *

The next day’s festivities ended up getting put on hold when I got a text from Tank. Seemed my sergeant-at-arms was out showing a couple prospects how to check the fence line when he found the squatters had expanded their territory and were now squatting on my land as well as the state land they’d already been occupying; they’d taken out a portion of my field fence to do so.

Aunt Flo clued in right away when I strapped on my holster and demanded to know what was going on. Of course, I told her, but I hadn’t expected her to immediately tattle to the guys with a bellow worthy of a man twice her size. To say they were alarmed was an understatement. They hauled ass into my living room wide-eyed and packing their own firearms.

“What the fuck? Why do you have guns when you’re hanging out with my daughter?!” I winced as soon as the words were out of my mouth. “I didn’t mean it like that. It was a knee-jerk response,” I explained in the face of the anger and hurt coming from Loch and Gus. All four of them were quick to re-conceal their weapons almost before I could blink, but despite their nods, they didn’t appear completely mollified.

Finally, Lochlan grudgingly let me off the hook. “We know she’s been yours for a long time, and you just reacted, but until we know what happened with Doc and why, we aren’t taking any chances with her safety, or yours and your aunt’s. Besides, she’s napping right now. We were trying to figure out if we could get one of those Alaskan king beds in your bedroom when Flo yelled the house down.”

“Fair enough, and we’ll discuss the sleeping situation later, but for now, make sure you keep those in sight or have a concealed carry. I’m calling Josh in to come along and hopefully kick these fucking squatters out of town for good. Tank just messaged that they’ve trespassed and destroyed private property. He’s going to drop the prospects back at the clubhouse and meet us there.”

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic