Page 33 of Nightingale

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Chapter Twelve

Love Thy Lady Right and A Demon Slaying Night


I'm kicking myself all the way back to my room for not speaking up and telling her exactly what I want. Instead, I whined like a petulant child, unable to compile my thoughts and feelings into a coherent explanation— or even a conversation. She's probably right to call me an idiot. My self-flagellation continues as I put my hand on my doorknob to go back into my bedroom. And that's when Emmett opens his own door.

"Bro, don't even think about it. Get your ass back in there." Emmett is pointing back the direction I've just come from with his sharp, and admittedly attractive, features pulled into harsh lines.

I'm shocked at my reformed rake of a partner’s demand. "Get back in there and do what?" I ask.

He shakes his head as if I'm a lost cause. And I might be if I can't figure this shit out. Emmett has never had any issues with women, other than getting rid of them that is. "If I have to explain that to you, then I'm coming along and joining in, so I can show you how it's done." He arches one devilish brow, as Lark describes them, at me.

"You're not saying that I should go screw her the minute she finds out she's not pregnant?" Surely, that would count as a dick move. That's the opposite of what I'm going for here.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. She needs a distraction; you need a distraction. Some reconnecting after all that's gone down. Did you not notice that she looked pretty fragile in the car? I mean, I can step up and take your place if you'd like, but even Braeden is letting you have the chance to get in there first— and I'm not meaning it in a crude way. I'm saying that everybody else is giving you the go-ahead, and you're standing here like a pussy holding your dick in your hand. Go tell her that you love her and pin her ass to a wall."

My mouth is still gaping open as he slams his door shut. Maybe he's right, but if I lose a testicle over this, he's donating one of his to replace it.

I don't bother knocking. Emmett essentially told me to retrieve my balls from Lark's purse and put them to a better use. Except when I walk in, ready to stake my claim...the bedroom is empty. Crestfallen that she hightailed it to Braeden's room, I'm about to leave, but that's when I hear the water running in the bathroom. I debate for a moment if I want to chance her having company in there but decide that I’m going in either way.

Quietly, the door opens on well-oiled hinges, and I send a silent thanks to Marcus for the upkeep. Actually, on second thought, it might be better if she hears some small noises so I don't startle her. It would be my luck to ruin the moment by giving her a panic attack. I let the door thump shut, and it makes enough of a sound for her to look up at the connecting door. When she doesn't find anyone there, she turns, her face creased with worry until she sees me. I take it as a good sign that she doesn't try to kick me out immediately. I don't wait for her to decide to do just that, dropping items of clothing on the floor as I disrobe— leaving them where they land. Her eyes get bigger and bigger as I near the shower stall and open the door, where I proceed to climb in with her under the hot spray of water.

Now she's nervous and asks, "Rex, what are you doing in here?" I don't answer; instead, I fuse my lips with hers, delving into the softness of her mouth.

She immediately capitulates, opening her mouth for me to sweep my tongue to tangle with hers. A low groan works itself up as I clutch her to me—wet, slick skin, warm from the shower against my hard body. Following Emmet's advice, I carefully maneuver her until she's against the wall, and I'm grinding my hard dick into her belly.

I pause as she taps my shoulders, pushing back on them until I realize she wants me to release her. "Rex, wait." Eyes heavy-lidded with lust and love, I pull back further to see what she needs. "I'm on my period, remember?"

A short bark of laughter escapes me, and with a tip of my head, indicating the water coming from the spigot, I reassure her. "We're in the shower, babe."

"Oh, yeah, I suppose that works." She blushes as she responds. It's so adorable when she does that, and I hope she never stops. Even after everything, she can still get embarrassed by the smallest things.

“You're right, you know? I'm an idiot, but I'm an idiot that's in love with you, and while I don't have an intrinsic connection like you do with Braeden or Emmett's silver tongue, I'm going to try anyway. That okay with you?" She nods, wide-eyed with curiosity swimming in them and a small smile on her face.

I loosen my clutching grip, touching my forehead on hers for a moment. "If you're not ready, I understand. Just say the word and I'll stop." Please, don't make me stop.


"Candy lips." He brushes his against mine. "Chocolate eyes." A butterfly kiss on each lid as they flutter closed. A pause, a breath, then deep honeyed words shatter any resistance. "Brave and beautiful, you're all I desire." And then… "Now, give me what's mine, hidden between your thighs." What?!

He pauses as I snort. I can't help it! It was really kind of …

"Corny, I know," he says as if reading my thoughts. "But I'm trying. You have to admit the first part was good. I can try again if you want?

If he doesn't shut the fuck up and get to it already… Oh, yep. That's the right direction.

I don't have to say anything, and Rex doesn't make me wait before dropping his head down to catch a nipple between his lips as he trails a hand down my side, around my hip, and finally—

"Yes," I breathe out on a moan as his fingers find my opening and spear deep. He works my pussy expertly, hitting all the right spots while I cling to his shoulders, head thrown back against the tiled wall.

I'm thinking it's not going to take me long when his lips start to move lower. Picking my head up, I watch as he kneels on the shower floor and tense up at his intentions. Did he forget I just said I'm on my period?

"Um, Rex?" He looks up at me, deep blue ocean eyes framed with spiky lashes darkened from the water. "Mess?"

Apparently my hesitation is amusing to him. He smiles so big, he looks almost boyish with his honey-colored hair plastered to his head. "Babe, really? I think if you can eat my ass like a pro, I can handle a bit of blood in the shower." Well, when he puts it that way... "Trust me, okay?"

Closing my eyes, I nod. He doesn't need any more encouragement and buries his face between my legs, sucking my clit into his mouth. My stance is a bit awkward, but Rex seems to pick up on that fact and pulls one of my legs over his shoulder. It shifts the angle of his hand, and my fingers grip his hair, almost involuntarily, holding his head tight to my core.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic