Page 32 of Nightingale

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"That one is a little more convoluted. Rex and Emmett did go to talk to their contact, but from what they shared, and keep in mind they haven't shared all of it with me, there's a set-up that's going to be in place to take care of both the A.D. and Robert. I'm sure we'll find out as soon as the other two are done downstairs, but that's all I know. Promise," he adds when I stare at him.

Hands on hips, I try to collect my thoughts so I don't blow up at him. "I am not happy with it, but I understand why. Next time you need to make up a code word— if it ever happens again anyway, because I'm going to be highly pissed off and start hurting people in very creative ways if they think it's okay to hide things from me on a regular basis." Brade's eyes widen a bit with worry at my "creative ways", but otherwise, he nods when I finish.

"Don't worry, Lovebird. I got your back; we'll think of something." His tone turns teasing as his eyes crinkle at the corners. "You know, like blue jay or cardinal— cardinal sounds like a good one. Or we could just go with birdbutt."

He laughs as I try to find something handy to throw, but the room is pretty spartan, and anything within reach would probably get damaged or do more damage than intended. I should have brought a pillow with me to smother him with.

Instead, I walk forward and duck down to give him a kiss on the cheek. Except right as I get there, I stick out my tongue and lick him before bouncing back and hauling ass to my own room. It was totally worth feeling like I took sandpaper to my tongue from his whiskers. I laugh as the door closes and he's still cursing up a storm behind me.

I'm trying to find something to occupy myself while also trying not to imagine what's going on in the basement. A light tap at my door followed by it opening makes me equal parts nervous and glad for the distraction. Rex's head pops around the edge of it, but he hesitates there and doesn't step into the room.

"Hey," he greets, "would it be okay if I came in and talked to you?"

With a short sideways toss of my head, I give him permission, and he steps inside, closing the door behind him. He stalls, looking around the room, but it's not like there's anywhere for someone to hide. Figuring that he's wondering where Brade is, I tell him he's in his room.

Rex still stands there, uncomfortably rubbing the back of his neck, so I pat the bed next to me. "Why don't you come sit down and tell me what the issue is? You're making me nervous."

He slowly complies, and after he's seated a couple feet away from me, voices his concerns. "Now, um, that there's no baby, well, I'm not sure where we stand. I get that it may have been the only reason that you were considering giving me a second chance." His disjointed thoughts seem to spill right out, but I understand what he's getting at, at least.

But even though the poor guy looks so sad, there's an evil little niggle that wants me to drag it out. Torture him a bit. It's the same part that still isn't completely over how he handled things. Not only recently, but since that night at the cafe when Brade and I got mixed up in his assignment. As for current events— I'm still a bit annoyed with their plan to leave me in the dark to flush Brent out.

Pushing those thoughts down, I address his issue. "So you think now that there's no baby involved, I'm just going to drop you and kick you to the curb?" Would serve him right, but I'm a sucker, and he has been better

Rex nods his head while staring at his feet.

"You're an idiot, you know that, right?"

At that remark, he picks his head up to stare at me. If possible, he's even more wounded-looking than before, with a hint of pissed off male added in. "What the hell, Lark? I was trying to tell you I don't want you to leave me, and now you're going to call me an idiot?"

I rub a hand over my face. He really is being one. "No, Rex. What I mean is, I'm not going to call it quits just because of the baby— unless that's the only reason that you were asking for a second chance and trying to make amends. In that case, the door is right over there." I point to said door.

His expression full of incredulity, he quickly explains, "No, of course not! Although, I will admit that I used it as a bit of a catalyst to get you to accept my apology and to consider getting back together."

Slightly disappointed at the lack of follow-up on the subject, I still reassure him. "As far as I'm concerned, we're still where we were before my appointment today. When all this mess is over with, I'm sure we'll have more time to figure it out— without all the added stress. For now, let's just see how it goes." I'm not putting myself out there again without more to go on from him. I can't deal with the heartache a second time if he pulls some bullshit again.

Apparently, that's not satisfactory for Rex either. He has a cross look on his face but smooths it into polite lines before replying. "Well, I'm glad you aren't going to call it quits just yet." He leans over but stops to look at me for permission. When I don't protest, he pecks me on the lips and gets up, leaving the room without a backward glance. That's it?

I'm dumbfounded at his easy acceptance but also that he left without saying or doing anything further. For someone that's so interested, he sure is giving me a lot of hot and cold treatment, or maybe that's just him being cautious now. Confused on the subject and still having nothing to do, I go get some clothes from the dresser to take a shower.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic