Page 19 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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“Not your best moment,” I say with a smile. I remember the headlines clearly.ROCKER DISSES EX! SOUR GRAPES, BENJAMIN? RECORDING STUDIO RUMBLE!

“Nope. But I learned from it. And now you can benefit from my extensive wisdom,” he says, totally unabashed.

“You got some pretty harsh criticism after that. You don’t care anymore?” I ask in awe.

“Nah. It was a while back. I learned my lesson and moved on.”

“Good for you,” I say, still slightly awestruck. I guess when your life is splashed across the media every day, you get used to being criticized.

“So, you’ll help me with the songwriting, and I’ll help you with the PR prep?” Benjamin asks hopefully.

“Well, there’s one more thing…” I say slowly, letting my voice trail off.

Is this a good idea? Am I insane?

“Yeah?” He looks at me expectantly.

“What if we work on the house while we’re at it?”

Benjamin throws his head back and lets out a rolling peal of laughter that rocks through Rose Manor.

I continue to look at him, waiting for an answer.

“Wait, what? You’re serious?” He finally says when he realizes I’m not laughing.

“Yup. Up for a little DIY work? You could redeem yourself for not taking care of any of these repairs earlier,” I add with a smirk.

“Hey, from what I heard Gary say, that recording studio you referred to as ‘crap’ yesterday actually helped save the foundation.” Benjamin grins.

“Fine, fine, I’ll give you that. But, according to that realtor, it also made the whole place harder to sell.”

I roll my eyes, but I’m not annoyed like I was yesterday. It feels kind of like the way we’d tease each other as teens.

But it’s different. More grownup. Maybe, flirtatious?

“So? What do you say?” I ask again, poking Benjamin’s arm. “I could use some big muscles like yours if I’m going to get this place it shape.”

“I mean, it would save a lot of money,” Benjamin says slowly. “Those contractors always overcharge.”

“Definitely,” I say encouragingly.

“Plus, working with my hands might help me get out of my head,” he goes on, his eyes lighting up. “I bet that would help with the writer’s block.”

“Totally. We’ll fix up Rose Manor and, at the same time, you and I will be working on our own professional projects.”

Benjamin looks at me, lost in thought. Clearly, he’s still debating. “Let’s do it,” he says, finally.



“Yes!” I give him a big hug as I feel a wave of relief wash over me. In response, Benjamin squeezes me hard, wrapping his muscular arms around me. An unexpected wave of warmth washes over my body, sparking a tingle of excitement between my legs. Again, I’m struck by Benjamin’s scent, more manly and grownup than I remember. I assume it’s just some new cologne he didn’t use when we were teens.

But if this is the reaction it sparks in me, it’s dangerous. I clamp my legs together firmly, trying to stop that tingling.

When did hugs become such a minefield?

“Is this totally nuts?” Benjamin asks with a laugh as we untangle from our hug and step back to look at one another. “Or totally genius?”

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance